Friday, July 28, 2023

President Biden Going After Trump...And MAGA...



McALLEN, Texas | Looks like Joe Biden has grasp of the problem. Nicely, I'd say. The president may be old at 80, but he's interested in fighting Republicans and the people they like to rile-up. Politics is brawling, and brawling is here.

The Democrat has no time for Republican legal punching bag Donald J. Trump or for his racist/bigoted followers. Same for every other Republican candidate interested in following Trump into the sewer lines.

This from a morning report at [ President Biden's team is expanding his re-election strategy beyond Donald Trump to target the MAGA movement and its impact on U.S. politics, figuring it will endure even if Trump isn't the GOP nominee.

The move aims to cast Trumpism as a far-right authoritarian force - and stems partly from Democrats' polling that suggests the term "MAGA" is viewed more negatively than "Trump Republicans."

Biden's team believes Trumpism will continue to permeate through the GOP at least through 2024, regardless of who emerges as the party's presidential choice.

Trump has a big lead in GOP polls, but it's unclear how his growing legal troubles will weigh on his campaign.

By attacking the "Make America Great Again" movement that some Americans see as particularly coarse and divisive, Biden's team will seek to paint many Republicans across the ballot as MAGA candidates. ]

We must be somewhere on the horizon of the coming presidential election. It's not here until late in 2024, but, hey, it's never too late to point the finger at loose-on-the-streets political outlaws.

President Biden does right by fashioning his reelection campaign in this truth-be-told manner...


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