Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Greg Abbott's Silliness...DOJ Files Lawsuit...



McALLEN, Texas | All statistical data released of late by the U.S. Border Patrol and other overseeing federal agencies indicate there has been a dramatic drop in migrant apprehensions at the Rio Grande. Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is ignoring that.

He's bent on creating a political scene, one painting a whole different picture of the Mexican border. In Abbott's fertile mind, hordes of undocumented migrants charge the Texas side of the fabled river by the thousands, all of them out to change society in the Lone Star State.

Abbott is likely quite amused, but he's also wrong.

The federal Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against Texas, seeking to have that silly, pitiful "Aquatic Border Wall" laid out in the Rio Grande on Abbott's orders removed ASAP. It's a joke. Cheeto-colored buoys there in the middle of the river. To deter migrants, Abbott said, without laughing.

This from a morning posting at axios.com: [ The string of buoys and concertina wire is part of Texas' "Operation Lone Star," which has cost the state billions of dollars while having little effect on migration, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Though the river defines the Texas border, it's also the marked boundary between Mexico and the U.S and falls under the International Boundary and Water Commission's jurisdiction.

The commission has stated that it did not authorize Texas' placement of the barrier, according to the Associated Press.

Illegal border crossings also dropped to the lowest level in over two years in June. ]

The Wall Street Journal, it should be noted here, is a conservative newspaper, owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also happens to own FOX News.

Wheelchair-bound Abbott seems to have no ear for criticism.

He's never had any talks with Mexico that we know of, never even once mentioned sitting down with Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. As a governor, he is a one-note dude singling out issues he believes will play well with his Republican audience.

Perhaps he has his reasons.

Those Abbott has given publicly have been laughable, at odds with what the Border Patrol and state troopers would say are, "facts on the ground".

We're awaiting the notorious "Photo Op" on this, yes.

Something like Texas building a wooden, pier-like structure from the U.S. riverbanks to the tops of the buoys, so that Abbott can wheel himself over and get his picture taken...



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