Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Strange Episode Freezes Senate Minority Leader McConnell...



McALLEN, Texas | U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell went into some weird catatonic-like freeze today in Washington, D.C. The longtime Kentucky Republican stopped talking as he stood in front of a microphone and appeared to momentarily lose sense of where he was and what he was saying.

This from [ McConnell suddenly froze while talking and had to be escorted away from the podium during his press conference on Wednesday. 

The 81-year-old sparked concerns as he appeared unable to complete his sentence while surrounded by his colleagues.

It comes months after he was released from hospital after he fell during dinner in Washington D.C. 

McConnell was addressing reporters when he abruptly took a long pause. His colleague, Republican Senator John Thune, then helped McConnell steady himself and move him away from the podium.

Thune carried on, before McConnell returned and insisted he was fine to do his job. ] 

McConnell has been in the senate since 1985...


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