Saturday, July 29, 2023

Die-Hard Republicans Coming After The Black Guy...



McALLEN, Texas | Tim Scott has surprised many in his desire to win his party's 2024 presidential nomination, and none more than fellow Republicans. They have been surprised by how well the Black U.S. Senator from South Carolina has been received on the campaign trail.

He's outperformed fellow South Carolinian Nikki Haley, the state's former governor.

He's done much better than Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is now wallowing and being seen as a loser within his party. And, yes, he trails Donald J. Trump, but who's to say anything about what comes tomorrow?

This from [ Republican presidential candidates have started to notice that Sen. Tim Scott's non-combative style is resonating - and they’re zeroing in on him for more scrutiny.

The 57-year-old Scott has largely stayed above the fray as many of his Republican rivals spar around him, but his recent momentum in polls is bringing him into the crossfire and will test his "happy warrior" strategy.

A memo from the super PAC associated with former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley's campaign wrote that the "only four candidates who can win the nomination" are Haley, Trump, DeSantis and Scott, per Politico.

A confidential campaign memo from the DeSantis campaign said it expects "Scott to receive appropriate scrutiny in the weeks ahead," NBC News reported. ]

Yeah. The guy goes for it, rises beyond expectations...and now he will be investigated? Let's stay positive and hope that it's for good reason, like serious consideration as the party's nominee.

But, really, don't bet on it...


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