Tuesday, September 26, 2023

TACO TUESDAY:...Bad, Bad Welding...Sheriff is Dogged ...Bus Shelters...Florida Cash At County Court...Case Of The Cornpone Mayor...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | It's been one piss-ant fight after another here lately, here being the lower colon of the pliant Rio Grande. What is it about this God-abandoned town? Is the problem that even the lowest, uneducated resident fool believes he is something special. For most, the seriousness of all this goes beyond the pitiful ugliness, or the bitter irony that those who live with this oft-ravaged land get virtually no share in its beauty.  

They'll never know, no.

They're people largely standing in the way of change and progress in town. Everybody knows it, but, hey, it's the biggest game in under-achieving Brownsville.

Some claim a Red Wave has swept into town under cover of night, bringing feelings in some that they are now Republicans. Brown Republicans are NOT Republicans, at least not MAGA Republicans (read Trump into that one).

Why, Maria, some of these newfangled Republicans would do what in town - go after food stamps recipients, of which there are thousands and thousands and thousands here, shut down the little college (as it is mostly Mexican students), stifle that blossoming LGBTQ uprising, erect a Border Wall that would place the predominantly Mexican neighborhood of La Southmost in Mexico, cut all Mexican history from local school curriculums, arrest any woman (and her husband or movida) looking for an abortion, ban Charro Days in favor of a red, white & blue celebration of the Battle of Gettysburg?

Well, hey, yeah!

A town in action is a beauty and a danger. Brownsville, home to some 200,000 legals and illegals, has been teetering on wholehog disaster for now going on two decades. Elsewhere in the Rio Grande Valley, it is seen as a cesspool of low-rent politics and the picture of an entire city of self-aggrandizing Nobodies.

Believe it...


What, pray tell, is going on in the darkened innards of little Texas Southmost College? Why, you'd think that the figureheads over there would have some sort of answer for Blogger Jerry "El Paya" McHale's fiery, obsessive attack on the tiny institution that, for all intents and purposes, is one of the few self-generated, still around businesses in Brownsville.

The effusive (some say duodenal) McHale has been lobbing pea-sized cannonballs at TSC for over a week now. Something to do with the college's welding program and graduate certificate. And as happens with these local bloggers, nothing has come back from the college's bunkered administration.

Porque no, we ask?

The next story from McHale should come after a personal visit (or at least a phone call) with TSC Board Chairwoman Adela Garza (shown holding cellphone in photo above) or TSC President Dr. Jesus Rodriguez (shown at right in photo above).

We're kinda sure dogged newsman McHale will do it, perhaps even today.

If he doesn't, well, we'll know McHale is, again, just blowing old Bugler smoke.

The bigger question for us is why McHale proceeds daily with his senseless mutilation of the place he knows and loves better than any other...Sometimes, what he writes about Brownsville is actually beyond belief, and sickening...


Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza, law west of the Gulf of Mexico, isn't saying much these days. He has a covey of challengers who have boldly announced their candidacy for his job, but as pro-Mexicans blogger Juan Montoya would say about here, "Los esta tirando a leones!"

No joke.

Garza might think twice about his standoffishness. Playing it cool has cost man a politician his or her gig. Will Sheriff Garza wake up one of these fine mornings and let-go a broadside salvo that will sink mustachioed candidate Jesus Rosas Jr and second underwhelming challenger Ronnie Saenz?

We believe Garza is waiting for his arch-enemy to enter the contest. That would be one John Chambers, the dude he beat in the last election, but also the dude who did not take defeat well. In fact, he shocked a load of Hispanics here when he was able to get Pro-Mexicans Blogger Montoya to shill for him. Montoya has been on Garza's back like a 60-some-year-old fly on day-old guacamole.

Garza has not exactly been Mr. I Get Crap Right All The Time, but, as he would likely note, who does in Cameron County politics? Mayor John Cowen? Nope. County Judge Eddie Trevino? No. Flighty City Commissioner Roy De Los Santos? Nyet. TSC Boardmember Tony Zavaleta? No, ese.

We could go on.

Come on, Eric, throw a punch...  


Where have you gone, Caty Presas-Garcia? It wasn't all that long ago that we weren't hearing something from you or about you. Yes, you've lost more than your share of local elections, but why give up. Run for an office that requires less than 500 votes to win and win it!

You'd think Caty would know this by now. Once, she was a star as a trustee for the Brownsville Independent School District, there alongside the lovely Luci Longoria.

We cannot tell you what Caty is or isn't doing these days.

But what we would say is this: Man, we love her Debbie Harry hairstyle!

Someone sit this gal down and get her inspired for another run at some office. As writers, we need those "characters" to hang around (well, not Tad Hasse, who lost his last campaign by 29,000 votes to the irrepressible Ruben Cortez, of all people).

See ya 'round town, Caty!

Ha ha...


Still out there is sheriff candidate Ronnie Saenz.


He's said nothing remotely interesting to catapult him into a dangerous opponent for Sheriff Eric Garza. So, a pair of shades in the latest friendly-blogger photo is going to do it, Ron?

Uh, no. This guy is toast already. Someone hand him the crying towel. The Optic Vote is in, and he didn't move the needle. Maybe next time, eh, Ronnie?

Candidates these days need to be loud & proud. Cagey Erasmo Castro gets it. He's the loudest guy in the room when he runs for office, any office!

It says here that Ronnie Saenz likely - perhaps - accidentally announced his candidacy and maybe could not draw on inner strength to withdraw it. Regret is never a friend in politics.

He will now face sure defeat at the polls.

Lack of fire, will read his political obituary...Que lastima... In the end, Saenz will be of no particular historical significance...


This guy, John Rourke from Florida, is scheduled to address the Cameron County Commissioner's Court this morning. What's it about: Seems John and his Merry Pranksters want to hand $15,000 to constable Norman Esquivel.

Well, he is back before the court, we might add.

Earlier, Rourke had been angered when County Judge Eddie Trevino told him the court would have to review his donation. Trevino may have an answer for Rourke at today's meeting. Of course, we know that Rourke took his case to pretty much every Far Right-Wing cable talk show to blast Trevino, labelling him, in essence, a party-pooper.

A Republican party-pooper, we should add.

Uber Democrat Trevino likely wonders what a political dude from the Sunshine State currently led by lost missile Ron DeSantis is doing in the Rio Grande Valley, and perhaps why Rourke selected only Esquivel (A Republican?) as recipient of his cash.

Good questions, we say.

Next thing you know some tough-ass Mexican cartel honcho will bop into the court's meeting pushing a wheelbarrow full of cash for those he seeks to, well, influence.

Trevino will hold his ground, we're sure. And there is probably so much more going on here. Yeah, these days everything takes long explanations

Yeah, tell Rourke to take his cash back to Florida, where it is also very much needed...


Most cities and towns always need something or another. There is not one that has all it needs to serve its residents. Some places, it is paved streets. In others, it is commerce.

Here, in the Cradle of Brutal Poverty, it is bus shelters.

There are not enough, or, more correctly, there are not any. The photo you see above was posted initially by a local blogger who's made it his business to rag City Hall about the city's lack of bus shelters. A pro-Mexicans blogger, Juan Montoya, sees old women and children standing alongside bus stop signs in the dead of summer and he goes nuts.

Who knows how many posts he's had on bus shelters, but we'd say it's a number in the thousands, just a few more than he'd posted against Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza.

And what's he harvested? Nothing. Bus shelters here may as well be beach cabanas - you won't see them anytime soon. Montoya threatens to become library upholstery on this issue. Still, insistent Juan works this story as if he had 40 children to support.

The cute photo (we say it was staged) was then posted by a lesser blogger known for sheer, absolute donkey work and for lapping-up to Montoya at pretty much every turn, his lack of Journalism degree and credentials likely the crippling reason.

We don't really care about buses or bus drivers or bus routes or bus shelters.

That's wanton socialism, and who needs that in a capitalistic society where everyone can become more than just a bus rider...          


What is he doing?

We hear that about Brownsville Mayor John Cowen every time we get within 40 miles of the city. Our answer is always a shrug and a "Who knows?" Nobody knows. For the first time in decades, local bloggers are taking a hands-off approach to the city's figurehead political leader.

Yeah, porque?

Is it because it's also been decades since Brownsville last had an Anglo mayor? With a population dominated by Hispanics (94%!), well, it may just be the ethnic group's historical subservient mentality at play.

You think?

Cornpone Cowen, altogether humorless, has never been Ralph Cowen, his gregarious uncle. But there is so much going on & not going on in poor Brownsville that Cowen ought to be more, uh, public, like the new mayors of Harlingen and McAllen, both go-getters of the First Order.

Is Cowen's sheltered persona an act, one not at all mysterious but devious? What's he got up his sleeve? Say it, Johnny. Let it out, lad. You wish to offer the phonetic apparatus of the cricket, but the day of reckoning is coming. 

He ran a nice, hardly-excitable campaign to beat popular City Commissioner Jessica Tetreau, promising to look into serious problems such as ridiculously-high utility bills and to go after resolution of the multi-million-dollar sham that was the infamous Brownsville Public Utilities Board's doomed Tenaska project.

Has any of that happened? Is every resident cool with their monthly utilities bill now? Is Tenaska about to be resolved. Is there any freaking movement in either!!!

John Cowen is not talking...



REPUBLICANS:...El Second Debate...Ho Hum...Time For Fireworks, Kids...



McALLEN, Texas | As Peter Noone might sing, "...second verse, same as the first." The toothy Herman's Hermits frontman will likely not be anywhere near the posh Ronald Reagan Library tomorrow, but those Republicans arriving to debate will be singing the usual doomsday dirge.

China, transgenders, the Biden economy, abortion and guns.

Primarily, anyway. They could all go crazy and attack frontrunner Donald J. Trump, the dude now so unhinged as to seem to be crying - no, screaming - for psychiatric care.

Simi Valley, California is the scene of the second Republican National Committee debate, the third to come November 8th in Miami.

It's about, theoretically, getting to the candidate the grass-whorled party needs for the 2024 Presidential Race against Democrat Joe Biden, the sitting president.

Don't look for much in the way of news, however.

These candidates fit the mold of most second bananas. None, not one, has managed to cut into Trump's massive, perhaps totally insurmountable lead. Polls keep essentially anointing the 77-year-old resident of ritzy Mar-A-Lago.

Tune-in if you have nothing else to do...


Monday, September 25, 2023

SUNRISER:...Colder Winter Coming, Your Cowboys Stink, Covid Test Kids, Government Shutdown, Etc., Etc...



McALLEN, Texas | It used to be that our weekends were usually slow news days, Saturdays and Sundays left for outings, football and that so-called downtime. Not anymore, though. News comes hard and heavy every day of the week, Sundays, too. If it's not our politicians in continuing silliness, it's a killer hurricane or breathless words that the U.S. has been "invaded" by billions of immigrants.

We're on station, as we used to say in the U.S. Navy.

Here, then, is our second installment of Monday Sunriser, a regular feature offering a synopsis of the weekend's news and perhaps a bit of what's to come in the next few days.

Read'em and weep, baby. It's either good news or bad news, little in between unless you go to the fashion and Hollywood magazines.


Your Dallas Cowboys flew over to Arizona and flew back as losers. Looks like the annual, late-season fold has begun earlier this season for Da Boys.

This from the Arizona Republic: [ It’s always a fight in the NFL, but the Cardinals were supposed to be the 98-pound weakling on the beach that got sand kicked in his face by the bullying behemoth, the visiting Dallas Cowboys.

Instead, the Cardinals flipped the tables and despite being listed as 13-point underdogs, kept sticking to the Cowboys all afternoon before securing an improbably 28-16 victory at State Farm Stadium.

The Cardinals had lost 14 of their last 15 games at home dating back to 2021. ]

Super Bowl this year for the Cowboys, you're saying?

Keep dreaming...


Busted in Pharr. Yeah, far out.

Former Pharr Police Department chief Andy Harvey, shown in photo above, has been arrested for allegedly making a silent abusive call to 911 and resisting arrest.

Hidalgo County Adult Detention Center records indicate Harvey was booked on Sunday on a charge of resisting arrest, search or transport and silent abusive call/electronic communication to the 911 service.

No other information about the allegations were immediately available.

We'll monitor this for the next few days and see what this is all about. Until then, picture smalltown Pharr as just another McAllen suburb...


Starting today, Americans can order four free COVID-19 tests from the government with the reopening of the Biden administration's at-home testing program.

The program's relaunch comes as COVID hospitalizations have continued creeping up, passing 20,000 for the first time since March this month, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The CDC's COVID data tracker found 2.7% of all deaths in the U.S. were linked to COVID-19 for the week of Sept. 10-16, which is a 12.5% increase from the week before.

Since the expiration of the public health emergency in May, many insurers stopped covering the cost of COVID tests. The government's program has been unavailable since June 1.

The Biden administration said it's previously provided more than 755 million at-home tests through its partnership with USPS.


That threatening government shutdown got you worried. Well, if you're thinking Social Security check, don't worry - it'll still be mailed to you. Food stamps? Yeah, worry about those.

With less than a week before a potential government shutdown and no clear resolution in sight, lawmakers are split on whether the country should brace for the wide-ranging impacts of a shutdown.

In the House, where most of the fight over government spending has been taking place, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has struggled to unite House Republicans behind a deal as conservative hardliners block almost all of McCarthy’s attempts at avoiding a shutdown.

As a result, some GOP lawmakers have resigned themselves to the government closing its doors, given how little time is remaining for lawmakers to meet their deadline and the ongoing turmoil that has engulfed the House.

What are local congressmembers saying about this - anything?

No, nothing from District 15s Monica De La Cruz.

And nothing, no, from District 34s Vicente Gonzalez

Oh, well...


That summer of 2023 beat you down, lad? Well, hang on to your cheap, fake-leather jacket, 'cause the weatherboys are predicting a colder-than-usual winter for South Texas.

This from cnn.com: [ Fall has only just begun, but it’s not too soon to look ahead to winter, especially since this one may look drastically different than recent years because of El Niño.

This winter will be the first in a few years to feel the effects of the phenomenon, which has a sizable impact on the weather during the coldest months of the year.

El Niño is one of three phases of the El Niño Southern Oscillation, which tracks water temperature changes in the equatorial Pacific Ocean that can have rippling effects on weather patterns around the globe. The El Niño phase occurs when these ocean temperatures are warmer than normal for an extended period. ]

We can't wait. And we know you can't wait, either.

Just hang on for a few more weeks, like three...


The Daily Beatdown - Miami murdered Denver 70-20 on Sunday in a wild game that had the sluggish, give-up Broncos looking very much like the woeful Lopez High School eleven.

Maybe it was the humid Southern Florida heat that drained the Rocky Mountain boys. Or maybe the Denver club felt a bit down after not getting an invite to Mar-A-Lago.  

70 to 20 should never happen in professional football. True, the unbeaten Dolphins were on fire.

I mean, aren't these guys pros?

Not every Sunday, as the dog-ass Cowboys also proved...  

Guess what day tomorrow is?


Taco Tuesday...


REPUBLICANS:...Debate II This Wednesday...Chicken Donald Wings Out...



McALLEN, Texas | Donald "Duck" Trump will not be there. He's already anointed himself the winner of the Republican Party's 2024 presidential nomination. And perhaps he is the winner, but a handful of other GOP hopefuls will gussie-up and do the candidate debate thing, this time at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California.

This Wednesday night.

On the bill for the lying tete-tete will be the usual suspects: Niki Haley and Tim Scott of South Carolina, Chris Christie of New Jersey, Ron DeSantis of Florida, Doug Burgum of North Dakota, Mike Pence of Indiana and Vivek Ramaswamy of Ohio. Are we forgetting one? Well, if we are, he's likely forgettable.

This will be the second of three Republican Party debates (they are more look-at-me gatherings, not so much debates). The third one is scheduled for November 8th in Miami.

So-called frontrunner Trump will be elsewhere, trying to steal the spotlight from his challengers.

The event (and we write that without laughing) is being broadcast by the FOX Network...


Sunday, September 24, 2023

DEMOCRATS:...Nouveau Sen. Fetterman A Fashion Flop... This Is Certainly Not Cool...



McALLEN, Texas | Someone famous (Mark Twain) once said that "clothes make the man." Who knows why he said it, but it sort of applies for this post. Now has come U.S. Senator John Fetterman, shown in photo above, to wear over-sized shorts, flip flops and hoodies while representing Pennsylvania at the Capitol Building.

It's not played well with haughty, always goofin' Republicans.

Democrat Fetterman is a big, hulking, 6'8" dude who looks God-awful in a suit & tie, but that's what most in Congress wear these days. Well, not the females, although they get close with their conservative business look.

This from politico.com on the controversy: [ Republicans are not happy about John Fetterman’s hoodies.

Following Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s decision to drop the Senate dress code for members - widely seen as an accommodation for Fetterman, who often roams the halls of Congress in a baggy hoodie and shorts - conservative commentator Monica Crowley called Fetterman a "revolting slob."

Hyper Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene openly called him "disgraceful." (Fetterman retorted: "Thankfully, the nation’s lower chamber lives by a higher code of conduct: displaying ding-a-ling pics in public hearings" - a reference to when Greene displayed uncensored pornographic images of Hunter Biden during a hearing.)

Sen. Susan Collins took a more lighthearted approach, joking that she’d wear a bikini to the Senate floor before clarifying that, "obviously," she wouldn’t. ]

Susan Collins, from Maine, is 70 years old, so, yeah, we hope not to see her in a bikini. For chrissakes, Susan, anything but that.

We've often bashed local politicians for looking like slobs or cartoons. If it's not weird clothing, it's those danged mustaches and cowboy hats - both nothing more than cheap props. The mustache went out 100 years ago and not every woman has to shop at Walmart for the local economy to succeed, is what we say.

Fetterman should buck up and dress like a grown man and not some annoying teenager on his first day on campus. Decorum, dude.

Whatever happened to pride in oneself?...


SUN QUOTES:...Melania Trump, On Not Making "Vogue" Magazine Cover...


". . .Vogue said like, oh, we want to do a profile. Profile? Fuck you, profile. I don’t need no profile. Yeah, what I need another profile? It might be a cover. I’m like, might be a cover? I don’t give a fuck about Vogue and any magazine." - Melania Trump, quoted in Newsweek magazine


SUN VIDEOS:...Zapateado... Que Chulada De Mujeres...

DEMOCRATS:...Indicted Menendez Plays "Latino" Card... Senator Needs To Resign...



McALLEN, Texas | We looked, but we could not find a single serious reference in U.S. Senator Bob Menendez's days in Congress in which he said anything about being a "Latino," not one. The just-indicted Democrat from New Jersey is doing it now.

Does he actually believe that playing the race card now will help him?

It won't.

He's toast and he likely knows it. The 69-year-old has served three terms, being first elected in 2006 and winning reelection in 2012 and 2028. Not that he counts any sort of signature legislation, although he was chairman of the senate Foreign Relations Committee up until Friday, when he resigned that seat.

No, Menendez is no role model for anyone, and especially not for Latinos.

This excerpt from politico.com: [ Menendez said Friday he won't resign from the Senate despite mounting calls from fellow Democrats for him to do so over an indictment on bribery charges.

"It is not lost on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a Latino and push him out of his seat," Menendez said in a statement. "I am not going anywhere."

The New Jersey senator said he will "continue to fight for the people of New Jersey with the same success I've had for the past five decades."

Menendez and his wife Nadine were charged Friday by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York with conspiracy to commit bribery, conspiracy to commit honest services fraud and conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right.

Serious stuff.

The indictment further accuses Menendez of accepting "hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes" in cash, gold, lavish gifts and other expenses in exchange for using his power to benefit a trio of New Jersey businessmen.

The senator is also accused of using his official role to benefit the government of Egypt, including by providing "sensitive U.S. government information."]

I was laughing at while reading Republican reactions to the bust, with more than one saying they thought this was just the Department of Justice trying to balance the scales alongside the four indictments shifty Donald J. Trump currently is defending.

Well, angles, yes. Politicians are schooled in finding the best way to interpret whatever hits the news cycles. Democrats are imploring Menendez to resign immediately; Republicans want to know why it took so long to get him.

Menendez is not new to any of this sort of slam.

He was indicted once before, in 2015 on charges of doing "favors" for a friend. Prosecutors charged him with using his office to do favors for a Florida eye doctor, Salomon Melgen, who lavished Menendez with luxury items and free travel. Menendez, who claimed he and Melgen were simply friends who exchanged gifts, avoided conviction after a hung jury caused a mistrial in 2017. Melgen was convicted of Medicare fraud in 2017, but President Donald Trump commuted his 17-year prison sentence.

This investigation?

There was this: A search of the couple's home turned up $100,000 in gold bars and $480,000 in hidden cash at their home, said case prosecutors, who added that Menendez also had received a new Mercedes convertible.

And, yes, Democrats are coming out strong in telling Menendez he needs to resign his seat, a point they're making to contrast with what Republicans said about Donald J. Trump's four indictments - Nothing like that...


SUN SPOTS:...On UFOs...The Truth Is Out There...



McALLEN, Texas | Not much new info came out of the much-awaited government report on UFOs released several weeks back. They're still out (up?) there.

Who knows?

Not that our secretive government would ever tell you such things, but it was fitting for the rolling script we live. The literature on this is that, well, if, in fact, Earth was to be visited by beings from far Outer Space, well, that they would not be paying us a friendly call.

Yes, Maria, the common thought on aliens is that they will arrive to conquer and enslave.

It's something to think about on this fine, fine sunny Sunday morning ahead of the new week.

Life goes on, yes...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...For new readers, SUN SPOTS is a blurb feature in which we write about something in the news, although not in any sort of depth. Quick hit, yes...]

Saturday, September 23, 2023

SUN SPORTS:...Merciless Clock Strikes Midnight For Cinderella Colorado...Ducks Rout Buffaloes, 42-6...



McALLEN, Texas | I'm not so sure that Prime Time Deion Sanders ever thought he'd get to wear the glass slipper another week. Starting the 2023 college football season at 3-0 must've planted such a dream in the minds of many, including his young Colorado Buffaloes.

Too bad they ran into the high-flying, quacking Oregon Ducks.

The final score (42-6) in Saturday's game was damned emblematic of the whipping the Buffs got on national TV (ABC), as the more-experienced Ducks ran and passed up and down the field at will. Colorado, meanwhile, could generate little, if any, offense.

The eventual result was apparent very early in the Pac-12 Conference contest. Playing at home in Eugene before a packed stadium, Oregon took the ball first and went downfield to score in a rather easy fashion.

Colorado's season record dropped to 3-1. The Buffs host tougher USC next week in Boulder.

The undefeated Trojans, like Oregon, are undefeated and come with Heisman Trophy QB Caleb Williams. That game experience, as Ducks QB Bo Nix showed, is the difference-maker. Colorado's Shedeur Sanders is a legitimate junior. Oregon QB Bo Nix is in his 6th year of eligibility, after red-shirting his freshman year. He previously played for the Auburn Tigers before losing the QB starter job and transferring to Oregon.

You can look at Colorado's loss in several ways. Yes, sure, it had to be tough, but it rids the team of the super-high expectations the fans and media had lapped on them.

They'll do well the rest of the season and likely earn a bowl game...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...To date, we have covered college football more than we'd anticipated. We love the game, but we'll be more selective of the games we cover in the weeks to come. Look for added coverage when the playoffs come around. We're taking the same approach with the National Football League, btw...

SUN SPORTS:...Cinderella Colorado On the Road vs. #10 Oregon...Vegas Favors Ducks...



EUGENE, Oregon | Is today midnight for the Cinderella Colorado Buffaloes? Vegas bookies say yes, Buffs Coach Deion Sanders says no. The world will know this afternoon.

Colorado, 3-0, faces #10 Oregon, also 3-0, on its home field.

This via espn.com: The Colorado Buffaloes hype train stayed on the tracks in college football Week 3, but just barely. Now, it's on to Eugene for a top-25 showdown with the Oregon Ducks - but so far, bettors aren't backing Deion Sanders' squad.

Upstart Colorado is currently a 21.5-point underdog against the spread (+21.5) vs Oregon in Week 4.

The game is set for 2:30 PM today.

It will be broadcast by ABC...


Friday, September 22, 2023

SUN SPORTS:...Baylor Hosts Texas In Last Game...Horns Moving To SEC Next Year...



WACO, Texas | Even the best books and movies come to an end. So will the rivalry between Texas and Baylor on Saturday. They meet for the last time as Big 12 competitors, as the Longhorns ready entry into the Southeastern Conference (SEC) next year.

The Horns, at 3-0, are ranked #3 in the country.

Baylor is 1-2, having lost a shocker to Texas State and a close one to Utah before whipping a lousy Long Island U. (who?) squad last weekend.

Texas has beaten Rice, Alabama and Wyoming.

Saturday will mark the 113th and final meeting between the two rivals. The Bears have only played against TCU more times in program history.

Texas leads the all-time series 80-28-4, but the Longhorns haven’t won in Waco since 2017.

McLane Stadium (off I-35) is going to be a madhouse. The game is sold out, and Baylor Athletics announced Wednesday that it had distributed more student tickets for the Texas game than any other game in the nine-year life of the venue.

The game is set to begin at 6:30 PM.

You can watch live at the stadium or on ESPN...


SWITCHEROOS:...Democrats Lose Dallas Mayor To GOP ...He's Now A Republican...



DALLAS, Texas | Just when you were beginning to think that Dallas was hanging tight to its Democrat politics, along comes Mayor Eric Johnson to say he's going Republican. Yeah.

This from conservative washingtonexaminer.com: [ The Democratic mayor of one of the country's largest cities announced that he is switching political parties on Friday, saying that cities in the United States need more Republicans.

Mayor Johnson said he believes the future of the United States's "great urban centers depends on the willingness of the nation’s mayors to champion law and order and practice fiscal conservatism" and that he was leaving the Democratic Party because it was not committed to making the country safer.

"Our cities desperately need the genuine commitment to these principles (as opposed to the inconsistent, poll-driven commitment of many Democrats) that has long been a defining characteristic of the GOP," Johnson wrote in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal. "In other words, American cities need Republicans - and Republicans need American cities."

Johnson noted that he has long been a champion of law enforcement, even fighting back against calls to defund the police after the riots that spurred out of the death of George Floyd. He has also sought to make Dallas the safest city in the country and has succeeded in lowering the city's violent crime rate in every "major category," including murder, for the past two years.

"I have no intention of changing my approach to my job," Johnson wrote. "But today I am changing my party affiliation. Next spring, I will be voting in the Republican primary. When my career in elected office ends in 2027 on the inauguration of my successor as mayor, I will leave office as a Republican."

Johnson said the decision would not change his policy on not endorsing candidates as mayor, claiming his decision to switch parties was based on policies and ideas instead of individual people.

The mayor was just reelected this year, with 98.7% of the vote, and will not be running for a third term due to the city's term limit. Before his success as mayor, Johnson served in the state House of Representatives as a Democrat for eight years. ]

There was no immediate word from the Texas Republican Party or its figurehead leader Gov. Greg Abbott.

But there will be.

Real soon...


DEMOCRATS:...U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez Indicted...Bribery...



McALLEN, Texas | He's been around seemingly forever and has at times been in legal hot water with his moves as a U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, representing New Jersey, has been in office since 2006.

He's now been indicted.

The 69-year-old Democrat, chairman of the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee, got hit with the bad news earlier today.

This excerpt from axios.com: [ Menendez has been indicted on bribery charges, according to prosecutors and court records. It's the second time the powerful New Jersey Democrat has faced federal corruption-related charges in the last decade.

Menendez and his wife, Nadine Menendez, are charged "with bribery offenses in connection with their corrupt relationship with three New Jersey businessmen," the U.S. attorney's office for the Southern District of New York wrote on the social media platform X on Friday.

They are charged with three counts, including conspiracy to commit bribery, conspiracy to commit honest services fraud and conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right. A spokesperson for Menendez's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The indictment alleges that Menendez and his wife accepted "hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes in exchange for using" the senator's "power and influence to ... seek to protect and enrich" the businessmen."

"Those bribes included cash, gold, payments toward a home mortgage, compensation for a low-or-no-show job, a luxury vehicle, and other things of value," the indictment said.

Prosecutors allege that Menendez "promised to and did use his influence and power and breach his official duty in ways that benefited the Government of Egypt," as well as Egyptian-American businessman Wael Hanna. ]

This comes at a bad time for Democrats. Lately, they have made hay of Republicans flaunting the law, especially one Donald J. Trump and a slew of his fiercest backers, most now facing charges in Georgia for attempting to overturn the 2020 election won by Democrat Joe Biden.

Menendez, himself, has said nothing about these charges.

He should...


MEXICO:...How Many People Actually Work For The Drug Cartels?...175,000...



MEXICO CITY, Mexico | Ask pretty much anyone in the U.S. about Mexico's drug cartels and chances are you'll get exaggerated impressions and numbers. The cartels, they will tell you in overly-serious words, are the world's most ruthless and dangerous people, and their numbers are enormous.

Like daily murders and millions of Mexicans involved.

Well, no.

 Of course, organized crime continues to wreak havoc.

But how many people are on the payrolls of the Mexican cartels?

Now researchers have come up with an estimate: 175,000. That figure, which would make the cartels the country’s fifth-largest employer, has steadily risen during the last decade, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Science (science.organd relied on a variety of data to build a mathematical model of the workforce.

"It’s very important to understand the size of the problem," said lead author Rafael Prieto-Curiel, a researcher at the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna. "It helps put the issue into perspective."

And although cartels have been chronicled in television series, books and high-profile criminal cases, much about them remains unknown. Estimates of annual profits start at $6 billion and spiral upward.

Mexico's cartels long ago branched beyond drug trafficking into other lucrative rackets, including extortion, kidnapping, fuel theft and migrant smuggling. That implies a vast economy - and a huge labor force.

According to a report in the magazine, the head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Anne Milgram, told Congress in July that Mexico’s two most powerful criminal organizations - the Sinaloa cartel and the Jalisco New Generation cartel - had almost 45,000 members, associates, facilitators and brokers in more than 100 countries. As is his practice, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a frequent skeptic of Washington’s drug policies, scoffed at the numbers.

Researchers crunched statistics on incarceration and casualties during the last decade to arrive at their estimate. According to their findings, the Mexican cartels must recruit 350 to 370 people each week to replenish the ranks diminished by losses from arrests and murder.

Being a cartel worker is "like playing Russian roulette," Prieto-Curiel said.

The comprehensive study cites a greatly fragmented panorama of 150 cartels. Many are small regional bands that are not necessarily affiliated with sophisticated, transnational syndicates.

The estimate of 175,000 "active cartel members" in Mexico at the end of 2022 includes both full-time and occasional employees, Prieto-Curiel said. Their ranks include peasants cultivating opium poppies, pistoleros guarding methamphetamine and fentanyl labs, and capos running global contraband networks.

At first glance, we thought the 175,000 was too-low. The authors acknowledged that their findings are "imperfect." Researchers made an "educated guess" as to what share of murder victims and inmates were cartel members, Prieto-Curiel said.

Smith, author of the 2021 book "The Dope: The Real History of the Mexican Drug Trade," pointed out that the model fails to capture the number of police officers, military personnel, politicians and other officials on cartel payrolls.

He also questioned the value of using incarceration and homicide numbers in a country where relatively few murderers are ever jailed. And, he said, identifying cartel members among the more than 100,000 people listed as "disappeared: in Mexico seems questionable.

But even with that, he called the study a "useful exercise," as it provides "an indication of the depth and extent of organized crime in Mexico."

Using their mathematical model, the authors of the study concluded that increasing education and job opportunities for young men - who make up the majority of recruits - is the only means to thwart the cartels and reduce violence.

"We have made cartels desirable," Prieto-Curiel said, noting the financial allure and the romanticizing of drug trafficking in popular culture.

The article does not address the ever-present U.S. demand for narcotics, the engine driving drug trafficking. How to diminish that is something no one has figured out.

". . . .Cartel members are not billiard balls or atoms locked into mechanistic reactions to external shocks," said one of the authors. "Cartels are adaptive organizations often run by intelligent people who can alter behavior in response to changing conditions."

Much has been written about Mexico's drug cartels, about their growth and about how Mexico does not seem all that interested in fighting their presence and influence.

One of these days, it will have to...


STREETS OF THE VALLEY: City of Harlingen Shows-Off...



HARLINGEN, Texas | It's all about the look, isn't it? That's how you can tell a city or town is either moving forward or just dying. New buildings, new commerce, new parks, new golf courses, new streets. You're either getting it done or you are just letting it go.

Harlingen Mayor Norma Sepulveda may be new to the job, but she's a year into bringing a can-do attitude to city government.

Streets in Harlingen have never been all that bad (see Brownsville for the Worst in The Valley). This is what she posted on her active Facebook page about the latest roadwork: [ The City of Harlingen recently repaved Clifford Street from Haine Dr. to Daniel Cir. We also repaved Tucker Road from Lincoln Ave. to Dixieland Rd. 🚗💨 ]

McAllen also does a good job of maintaining its streets, as does the City of Edinburg.

What a difference these improvements make. You can drive around town and see the work being done, and then being completed. Infrastructure, they call it in cityspeak. That's taxpayer money at work.

You roll into a pothole and, well, there you and your vehicle are - angered and out-of-alignment.

This is not El Salvador (We used to say Mexico, but have you seen Mexico lately?).

This is the Rio Grande Valley of Texas - as proud a region as you'll find anywhere in the Lone Star State.

Pave the streets in town and get the state to pave the roads leading into and out of town. That's public service at its best. Your mayor knows.

He or she just needs to get out of that air-conditioned office at City Hall and see what the rest of the city's residents see.

It's not hard at all, as Harlingen keeps proving...


Thursday, September 21, 2023

BLOGOSPHERE:...Untrained News Bloggers Upbraided... They Blew The TSC Story...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | Whoa, Nelly! That minor league, self-ballyhooed Brownsville Blogosphere is in disarray this morning. Overnight news came hard and fast for amateur blogger Jimmy Barton, shown in photo above, and his close blogpal Jerry McHale.

Their old friend in local news, Blogger Juan Montoya, tore into the inexperienced pair with a biting offering on his blog after both 75-year-old Barton and 73-year-old McHale threw fake news on their free blogs about doings at Texas Southmost College.

You'd think this freewheeling duo would know that Montoya is a die-hard defender of the junior college he once attended.

The rub came in several postings posted by Barton (who blogs from Iowa, where his wife is employed) and McHale criticizing TSC's welding program. The angered Montoya threw so many facts at them that the pair likely are still up against the wall.

TSC, wrote the pair of errant, misinformed bloggers, was offering a student welding program not certified by the preeminent American Welding Society, costing, according to the bloggers, a shot at real jobs in the industry for the students who'd completed TSC class requirements.

Montoya, shown in photo at left, spelled it all out for them, metaphorically dragging both of his fellow local bloggers to the woodshed for a drop-your-slacks spanking.

Of the two, only McHale has the only however-thin taste of actual daily newsroom journalism, having worked for The Brownsville Herald's Sports Dept. way, way, way back in the late 1970s. He later went on to a long, long, long 30-plus-year career as a teacher with the Brownsville Independent School District.

It was in one of McHale's postings that he wrote some critic of the TSC program was calling TSC President Dr. Jesus Rodriguez "crooked". That came in the second offering by the blogger known more for fiction than non-fiction.

Barton has zero actual news journalism experience, He has written about working for a defunct grocery store on Boca Chica Boulevard, for an area motel and for shrimpers hiring muscle to unload their catch. Blogging seems to be wordy Barton's initial entry into writing news, although he will tell you that he's not into news, per se, but into the "human nature behind the news."

Often, both bloggers ignore basic tenets of news reporting and do it cavalierly, without regard for the craft. McHale has never had an editor to check his writing, having passed on seeking a better position with better newspapers after his short stint at The Herald, a once-daily newspaper many in the business would say is an okay "starter" job after college.

Barton is simply lost in his typing. As an activity crutch for an old man, blogging works for him. He does not have a college degree and, well, a trip to The Herald for a reporter's job would have been futile for him. But he has been seen about town wearing a homemade Press Pass when attending no-admission political functions such as "Meet & Greet" gatherings. He tries, but Barton simply does not have the knowledge or professional background to write any kind of serious news.

We often tell friends, including recently to McHale, that Barton's blog is really a "Laundromat Bulletin Board" and not much else. Today, he posted an opinion post about God, or really, why God does not exist. A good two local readers found it semi-interesting.

Barton often asks about my employment, finding trailer park humor in not knowing where I worked in the last few decades. I last wrote for D Magazine in Dallas on a free-lance basis in the year 2012. before that, I spent almost 30 years writing for major newspapers and magazines. He knows that, but he chooses to denigrate it, perhaps out of envy and jealousy. Since then, I have been nicely retired, although I do blog from time to time, but never for long stretches of time. McHale has been blogging, we would say, for at least 20 years and Barton for a dozen or so.

We never ask Barton about his recent employment, mainly because we know there isn't any there. He has said he and his wife Nenny lived for many years in Arkansas, but he never says what work he did, if any. Nenny was the military veteran in the household. When she died like five years ago, Barton donated her body to science, writing that it had been her choice. He never produced either a Will requesting such an ending or even some home-written note saying as much.

We are not big fans of Texas Southmost College, but when we have written about it, we have not gotten the sort of blowback McHale, shown in photo at right, and Barton are getting from much more experienced blogger Montoya.

This dust-up is a rare one for the Brownsville Blogosphere. Most of the time, these guys rally around each other like junior high schoolboys, praise of each other's posts flying as if meaningful.

When we began this blog back in April, we allowed McHale to use our stories. His style, however, clashed with my idea of "presentation," so I asked him to stop. He did.

Non-newsman Barton likely has nothing else to do, so he'll keep with his low-altitude blogging.

They may not be happy blogging campers today, but what blogger Juan Montoya did in calling them on the carpet is a good thing for local news and information.

Cross-checking each other's work would do wonders for their reporting on politicians and public servants. As it is, all three have their friends in high positions and, as such, the local citizenry never really gets serious, objective reporting of their doings.

We say McHale is too old to care about any of this.

Barton should, however, use it as a teaching moment courtesy of a blogger he really admires...


THE PAXTON FILES:...Fresh Off His Trial Victory, The A.G. Now Wants Cornyn's Job...



AUSTIN, Texas | Well, he won the last big one. Why shouldn't Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton go for the gold? I mean, coming off a dramatic impeachment trial orchestrated by some of his own political party brethren! Who can blame the cocky A.G. for dreaming of higher ground?

The 60-year-old Paxton, a Republican man about town here, what with that salacious sexual affair with a younger Babe that sort of also hit the trial dial, wants John Cornyn's job - U.S. Senator from the lately oft-besmirched Lone Star State.

Cornyn is Big Time, having first been elected in 2002 and is currently serving his fourth six-year term. That gray-haired cat is no slouch. Not even all-this-and-that Beto O'Rourke has dared to challenge Cornyn.

But as we wrote a few days ago, after the trial that saw cocky Paxton acquitted, to the victors go the spoils. With that in mind, Paxton likely feels quite invincible now. We do wonder what Republican Gov. Greg Abbott would say about that. He and Cornyn (shown in photo below) are said to be great pals.

In any case, this excerpt from politico.com: [ Paxton on Wednesday alleged without evidence that the Biden administration, working in cahoots with certain Texas Republicans, was behind the failed attempt to impeach him on charges of bribery and corruption.

In his first remarks since being acquitted by the Texas Senate on Saturday on 16 articles of impeachment, Paxton blasted fellow conservatives who he believes betrayed him and the party, including House Speaker Dade Phelan, former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn and the all-Republican Court of Criminal Appeals.

Paxton excoriated Cornyn as a poor representative for Texans and said a strong candidate needs to challenge him in 2026 - adding that he may be the man to do so. "Everything’s on the table for me," he said when the Fox News host suggested he should run. Paxton was particularly critical of what he said was Cornyn’s failure to protect Texas from undocumented immigrants. ]

It's easy to speak out against a political opponent at the outset of any would-be campaign. But Paxton isn't used to losing. He's been Attorney General since 2015, plus he likes to say he counts on the only Republican that matters - Donald J. Trump.

We like the idea of Paxton challenging the staid Cornyn. A little wild drama in such a sparked race would do wonders for today's itchy voters, especially in a party primary, which is where these two would settle things.

John Cornyn, a 71-year-old man of few words, has said nothing about reelection in 2026, or about the forward-looking, trash-talking Paxton.

It would be a nice intra-family knockdown/drag-out, yes...


SUN ISSUES:...Aging Reagan In Mic Drop Debate...1984...

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

BORDER:...City of Palms Mayor In Mexico For "El Grito"...



McALLEN, Texas | This city's take-charge mayor has a certain fondness for neighboring Mexico. He's been courting international business since he was elected earlier this year. Busy Mayor Javier Villalobos, shown at right in photo above, was in the Monterrey suburb of Ciudad Apodaca for that city's Mexican Independence Day celebration.

It is only his latest trip south of the border, this one coming after ventures over to coastal Tampico, Monterrey and closer Reynosa. Business is business, he seems to be saying.

Anyway, this is what he said about his visit to quaint Apodaca on his Facebook page: [ Celebrated "El Grito" with our good friend Mayor of Apodaca, Cesar Garza Villarreal. On the 15th of September of every year, politics and division are set aside, and Mexico celebrates as one.

I yearn for the days when our country was not so polarized and the interest of our country and our people came before the interest of a political party. We must unite! ]

Villalobos is a Republican, although not a ridiculous MAGA Republican. He's okay with Mexico being there, unlike some over in the crazed far right-wing sector of his party who these days talk of invading Mexico or targeting the Mexican drug cartels with drone bombings.

But, as I always say, Americans who live anywhere near the southern border know a different relationship with Mexico. Politicians from elsewhere tend to demonize it without a second thought.

Perhaps Mayor Villalobos should speak to a few of them.

There are problems, yes. But, well, what region of our troubled country does not have problems?

Even Disneyworld is at the center of a political mess...


MEXICO:...Russian Soldiers Join in "El Grito"...



MEXICO CITY, Mexico | One of those uniquely-Mexican despapayes, all bark and no bite, is still brewing days after Mexico hosted a few Russian soldiers at its annual Independence Day celebration.

Russians marching in the hallowed parade?

Well, yes.

But it did draw some protests and more than a few thousand raised eyebrows.

This from mexiconewsdaily.com: [ President Andres Manuel López Obrador on Monday defended the participation of Russian soldiers in Saturday’s Independence Day military parade after Ukraine’s ambassador to Mexico and others criticized their involvement in the annual event.

"We have relations with all the countries of the world, and everyone is invited," he told reporters at his regular news conference. The president said Russia was welcome to take part in the parade.

The practice of inviting all the world’s nations to participate in the Independence Day parade "has always been done," López Obrador added. A small contingent of Russian soldiers marched through the streets of the capital as their colleagues continued to wage war against Ukraine. Military units from a number of other countries, including China, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Sri Lanka also participated in the parade.

Ukrainian Ambassador Oksana Dramaretska said on the X social media site that the parade was "sullied by the participation of a Russian regiment."

The boots and hands of Russian soldiers are "stained with blood," she said.

Dramaretska questioned López Obrador over how the Russian army’s participation in the parade was "coherent" with his "policy of neutrality" and "condemnation of Russian aggression against my country."

For its part, the Russian Embassy in Mexico said on X that soldiers from the Russian army’s 154th Preobrazhensky regiment took part and that it was an "honor to participate in such an important event for the Mexican people."

"Long live the friendship between Mexico and Russia," the embassy added.

López Obrador, whose government chose not to place sanctions on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, said Monday that an unwarranted, media-driven "scandal" had been made out of Russia’s participation in the parade, which he and other officials attended. ]

A political prankster known to say stupidities and couch Mexico's news events in his self-serving terms, Lopez Obrador may see it that way, but few others do.

Russian soldiers had no business in that parade, not as they continue to kill and bomb innocent civilians in Ukraine.

AMLO, as Lopez Obrador is best known in Aztec Nation, gets our "Que Diablos?" award...
