Sunday, September 24, 2023

SUN SPOTS:...On UFOs...The Truth Is Out There...



McALLEN, Texas | Not much new info came out of the much-awaited government report on UFOs released several weeks back. They're still out (up?) there.

Who knows?

Not that our secretive government would ever tell you such things, but it was fitting for the rolling script we live. The literature on this is that, well, if, in fact, Earth was to be visited by beings from far Outer Space, well, that they would not be paying us a friendly call.

Yes, Maria, the common thought on aliens is that they will arrive to conquer and enslave.

It's something to think about on this fine, fine sunny Sunday morning ahead of the new week.

Life goes on, yes...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...For new readers, SUN SPOTS is a blurb feature in which we write about something in the news, although not in any sort of depth. Quick hit, yes...]

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