Monday, September 25, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...Debate II This Wednesday...Chicken Donald Wings Out...



McALLEN, Texas | Donald "Duck" Trump will not be there. He's already anointed himself the winner of the Republican Party's 2024 presidential nomination. And perhaps he is the winner, but a handful of other GOP hopefuls will gussie-up and do the candidate debate thing, this time at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California.

This Wednesday night.

On the bill for the lying tete-tete will be the usual suspects: Niki Haley and Tim Scott of South Carolina, Chris Christie of New Jersey, Ron DeSantis of Florida, Doug Burgum of North Dakota, Mike Pence of Indiana and Vivek Ramaswamy of Ohio. Are we forgetting one? Well, if we are, he's likely forgettable.

This will be the second of three Republican Party debates (they are more look-at-me gatherings, not so much debates). The third one is scheduled for November 8th in Miami.

So-called frontrunner Trump will be elsewhere, trying to steal the spotlight from his challengers.

The event (and we write that without laughing) is being broadcast by the FOX Network...



  1. Trump is a loser but I'm glad he's with the do-nothing Republicans. Chicken is a good name for him. All he cares about is himself. Republicans are stupid to believe in him. jmho

  2. Nikki Haley looking good. Watch out, Cheeto!


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