Sunday, September 24, 2023

DEMOCRATS:...Nouveau Sen. Fetterman A Fashion Flop... This Is Certainly Not Cool...



McALLEN, Texas | Someone famous (Mark Twain) once said that "clothes make the man." Who knows why he said it, but it sort of applies for this post. Now has come U.S. Senator John Fetterman, shown in photo above, to wear over-sized shorts, flip flops and hoodies while representing Pennsylvania at the Capitol Building.

It's not played well with haughty, always goofin' Republicans.

Democrat Fetterman is a big, hulking, 6'8" dude who looks God-awful in a suit & tie, but that's what most in Congress wear these days. Well, not the females, although they get close with their conservative business look.

This from on the controversy: [ Republicans are not happy about John Fetterman’s hoodies.

Following Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s decision to drop the Senate dress code for members - widely seen as an accommodation for Fetterman, who often roams the halls of Congress in a baggy hoodie and shorts - conservative commentator Monica Crowley called Fetterman a "revolting slob."

Hyper Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene openly called him "disgraceful." (Fetterman retorted: "Thankfully, the nation’s lower chamber lives by a higher code of conduct: displaying ding-a-ling pics in public hearings" - a reference to when Greene displayed uncensored pornographic images of Hunter Biden during a hearing.)

Sen. Susan Collins took a more lighthearted approach, joking that she’d wear a bikini to the Senate floor before clarifying that, "obviously," she wouldn’t. ]

Susan Collins, from Maine, is 70 years old, so, yeah, we hope not to see her in a bikini. For chrissakes, Susan, anything but that.

We've often bashed local politicians for looking like slobs or cartoons. If it's not weird clothing, it's those danged mustaches and cowboy hats - both nothing more than cheap props. The mustache went out 100 years ago and not every woman has to shop at Walmart for the local economy to succeed, is what we say.

Fetterman should buck up and dress like a grown man and not some annoying teenager on his first day on campus. Decorum, dude.

Whatever happened to pride in oneself?...



  1. This guy had serious health problems. Is this why he dresses like that? may be.

  2. There is no pride in politics. Only greed.

  3. Washington, DC's a mess. This guy and Boebert being fondled in public. eewwwww


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