Wednesday, September 20, 2023

BORDER:...City of Palms Mayor In Mexico For "El Grito"...



McALLEN, Texas | This city's take-charge mayor has a certain fondness for neighboring Mexico. He's been courting international business since he was elected earlier this year. Busy Mayor Javier Villalobos, shown at right in photo above, was in the Monterrey suburb of Ciudad Apodaca for that city's Mexican Independence Day celebration.

It is only his latest trip south of the border, this one coming after ventures over to coastal Tampico, Monterrey and closer Reynosa. Business is business, he seems to be saying.

Anyway, this is what he said about his visit to quaint Apodaca on his Facebook page: [ Celebrated "El Grito" with our good friend Mayor of Apodaca, Cesar Garza Villarreal. On the 15th of September of every year, politics and division are set aside, and Mexico celebrates as one.

I yearn for the days when our country was not so polarized and the interest of our country and our people came before the interest of a political party. We must unite! ]

Villalobos is a Republican, although not a ridiculous MAGA Republican. He's okay with Mexico being there, unlike some over in the crazed far right-wing sector of his party who these days talk of invading Mexico or targeting the Mexican drug cartels with drone bombings.

But, as I always say, Americans who live anywhere near the southern border know a different relationship with Mexico. Politicians from elsewhere tend to demonize it without a second thought.

Perhaps Mayor Villalobos should speak to a few of them.

There are problems, yes. But, well, what region of our troubled country does not have problems?

Even Disneyworld is at the center of a political mess...



  1. Our mayor is doing a fantastic job! Thank you, Javier!!!

    1. This really is a quiet political time for McAllen. Not an issue of note playing openly here, not the so-called border invasion, the LGBTQ stuff or Trump this & that mess. Mayor Villalobos also gets around town. To the small eateries especially...

    2. McAllen just keeps moving. No one pays much attention to City Hall. You're not going to get the local politics drama you see in other Valley cities. It's not who we are here.

  2. I commend Mayor Villalobos for continuing to reach out to Mexico. Many would be surprised as to the importance of Mexico, not only to Texas but to the US. Over 5M jobs are created in the US due to trade with Mexico & almost 400k jobs in Texas. Mexico is Texas's largest trading partner & is the US's 2nd largest trading partner. As SOS, I chose to travel Texas (162 cities in 2 years), went to Mexico City 3 times, meeting with President Pena Nieto & members of his cabinet to discuss those issues that benefited Mexico & Texas. Went to Monterrey & Cd Victoria once each to discuss trade & better security along Mexico's highways. Governor's Abbott 1st out of Texas visit was to Mexico City (Labor day weekend 2015). Unfortunately, he hasn't been back since. As SOS, worked to bring the water debt current, which was done. I don't believe our State or our Country is maximizing our relationship with Mexico. We are partners & as such, we should maintain active & consistent communications. Rather than building a wall along our southern border, we should work with Mexico & Guatemala to build a wall along Mexico's southern border. We should continue working to build international bridges & a weir (a vehicular/pedestrian dam) in South Texas to capture river water before it goes into the Gulf. We can do so much through diplomacy & respectful communications & would hope that the outreach continues at the local, state & federal level.

    1. All excellent points. The weirdness for me is that back when I was writing about Mexico for The Houston Post, things seemed a bit better-off in most respects, trade especially. That Gov. Abbott hasn't been back since his one and only visit is troubling. Mexico would likely do so much more if relations between it and Texas were better, calmer and less openly political. George W. Bush was a Republican governor and he did things differently. W fully acknowledged Mexico's importance to the state. You're absolutely right about the current downgrading of this relationship. Respect might help, as you wisely suggest...

  3. Enjoying the give and take here. I'll just add that the RGV would be smart to go it alone with Mexico, as is doing Mayor Villalobos. Good thing he's not (I believe) asking Gov. Abbott for advice or permission.

  4. Our mayor cares about our future, not just his! Go Mayor V!!!

  5. In the old days, bordertowns on both sides did great business with each other. We lost that when politics rolled in. We used to go to eat in Reynosa every weekend. To La Cucaracha and the U.S. Bar, where my father knew the owner. I haven't been to Reynosa since before Covid-19.


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