Tuesday, June 11, 2024

COURTING THE DOG VOTE:...Busy Bee District 15 Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz Is Into Dogs... The One-Term Republican Fills Her Daily Schedule With Protecting Them...And What About Her Human Constituents?...They Wonder What The Hell's Gotten Into Her...



McALLEN, Texas |...The word on the winding campaign trail has it that if local Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz is not shopping, she's spotlighting the cruel and cold world of homeless dogs. Yesterday, she introduced Bakun, a dog without a home and one she is working hard to help. Never mind constituents; they can help themselves, is her message.

The comfortable one-term Republican from Edinburg has been sort of hopscotching across the southern end of her district in an effort to aid small businesses. Of late, that has had the 50-year-old, single mom hitting mostly women's boutiques, visits she spotlights on social media as supporting small business.

But it is dogs that come a strong second, or, more correctly, dogs in shelters in need of a home.

De La Cruz posted this note on her Facebook page yesterday: [ "Meet our adorable Dog of the Week, Bakun! This furry friend will bring smiles and wagging tails to Team Monica HQ all week long. Stop by our office to meet Bakun. Let’s help find their furr-ever home." ]

Then came the criticism.

"Stop showing dogs we need numbers that are relevant how many of the valley students went to college and what percent graduated," wrote a commenter named Angel Torres. "Then what percent got good paying jobs."

Bark, bark, indeed.

A week ago, it was homeless canines Curly and Dragon that needed homes, according to a De La Cruz post on Facebook. That led to this comment from one Sean Christian, "That's gonna save America? Can't afford groceries how do you think someone's pet got there?" 

It's hard to say exactly where her campaign is these days. Her familiar opponent in the November General Election, younger Democrat Michelle Vallejo, however, is busy walking the neighborhoods of Western Hidalgo County (District 34 encompasses the eastern half) while also spearheading a phone bank drive to reach voters.

Oh, wait, De La Cruz did host a mid-day Open House at her local headquarters the other day. Photos of that gathering showed a small group of well-dressed supporters. No dogs could be seen in any of the pictures she posted online.

The 33-year-old Vallejo, owner of a popular flea market in Alton, is busy with her traditional campaign, perhaps because it's her second shot at dilly-dallying De La Cruz, who beat her in 2022 by 12,881 votes (53.3% to 44.8%).

There is a certain confidence in De La Cruz (shown shopping at right, in black dress) most anyone closely monitoring this race can easily see. Her smile is everywhere, although what woman does not look happy shopping for clothes in a ritzy boutique.

Perhaps she needs a dog's special kind of love.

They say dogs don't care about your problems, your disappointments or your position. A dog loves you regardless.

Maybe this is how Congresswoman De La Cruz balances the ups & downs, the bummers & frustrations of her job...



  1. No problems with our Comments feature yesterday. That's good news...

  2. Monica is a hollow woman. Cares more about a boutique and animals than she does about her constituents. Democrat Michelle Vallejo is the real thing for El Valle!!!

    1. She's campaigning as if she's a 10-term congresswoman. get off your butt and campaign with the people!!!

    2. Democrat Vallejo needs to step it up.

    3. Monica is too comfortable. Big surprise coming on Election Night!! Blue Wave takes her out!!!

    4. Monica did nothing in her first term. nothing for the RGV!!! except collect her paycheck.

  3. I’m more and more baffled as to how people buy this garbage from Trump!! If this country is so terrible, then LEAVE…don’t try to run it!!

  4. Monica, if you’re going to show Dogs, let’s take care of the horrendous, overpopulation of dogs and cats, help to fund free spay/neutering, vaccinations.

  5. We need to all come out and VOTE.
    Get your family and friends to VOTE.
    VOTE President Biden 2024.
    VOTE Blue

  6. Joe Biden for president. I voted for him the first time will be doing it again. Donald Trump needs an intervention.

  7. Please vote blue to ensure that Trump is held accountable for his crimes. If he doesn't pay, we all will.

  8. Trump is nothing if not predictable. Nothing but fluff, bluff, and hot air....but no substance. And can we ALL see Trump's drug test result?

  9. new jersey liquor licensing board is pulling Trump's ability to sell booze at his golf clubs after his conviction. Felons cannot get those licenses. OUCH!!!

  10. Jury deliberates in Hunter Biden's federal gun trial.

  11. Trump likely told the probation officer he was not guilty. That he was appealing the decision. However, refusing to admit guilt works against you at sentencing. And he deserves more than he's going to get.

    1. I prefer presidents who aren't convicted felons and don't need parole officers. Virtual interview with his probation officer. Privilege!!!

  12. Hunter Biden found guilty at his gun trial.

    1. NO ONE is saying trial was rigged!!! This is how the justice system should work. If you are guilty, you are guilty and stop the bullshit of rigged results

    2. Right-wing media going crazy, as if Hunter Biden did what Trump did and was convicted for. LMAO!!!

    3. Nobody is above the law.
      That includes Trump!!

  13. I personally, am pleased in the fact that the Justice System in this country works. Donald Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers, as was Hunter Biden. Both should given sentences that are in-line with the crimes they committed, and the verdicts they received.

  14. My politics are far left. Hunter Biden should not have broken the law. He did. Now he is going to pay the penalty. I do understand that law-hating Republicans need their victory lap. Go take it. Do what you gotta do. Either way this is about the law in our country. Actual law. Something Republicans forget about unless it suits their political views. BTW, Hunter is not an elected official or a former one. Corrupt Trump needs to go to prison.

  15. There's still only one Presidential candidate who's a convict. TRUMP!!! MOFOS Republicans should shut the hell up about Hunter. He will pay the price and the president said he will not be pardoned. Trump is a pu^^y who would cry on TV at his jailing.

  16. Biden not pardoning Hunter is in really strong contrast with Trump's denigration of the rule of law. Democrats not crying "rigged" or showing up in court.

  17. So, the judicial system worked for this case (and I agree with this verdict), but Trump's didn't? You can't celebrate the outcome of this case and scream that the judicial system is broken in the Trump case. Both these guys did illegal things, and both have been convicted by a jury of their peers.

  18. Talking head on FOX News says Trump may be too
    "elderly" for prison. HA HA HA HA

  19. If he doesn’t get jail time because of his age, how is running for president at the exact same age OK? If the appropriate sentence is jail time, and his continued and repeated violation of the gag order should be taken into consideration, the chance of jail time increases. And how on planet Earth is his sentence controversial? Grand jury found unanimously the case should move forward. Evidence was overwhelming, not at all circumstantial. Jury found unanimously he was guilty on every single one of 34 counts. Not a very good use of the English word “controversial”. His followers would think he was innocent even if he pled guilty, so their opinion is not relevant.

  20. Does Trump still think the justice system is RIGGED....
    Stand strong Hunter....

  21. Trump supporters say that Trump would pardon himself if he is elected, while President Biden said he wouldn't pardon his son....Says everything you need to know about the law-and-order party

  22. I expect there will be people who unalive themselves if Trump loses in November.

  23. Holding our Presidents accountable is what separates us from Russia, China, and North Korea.

  24. Anyone notice anything different about the treatment of this Hunter Biden jury by Democrats? No one threatened this jury with harm. No one tried to find out who they are or where they live. Perhaps you know that is exactly what happened with Republicans. To this day, Trump jurors are terrified of being exposed. Will Media point this out?


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