Wednesday, June 12, 2024

HERE IT COMES:...November Is Looking Good For RGV Democrats...Dog Republican Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz In Heap Of Trouble...Candidate Mayra Flores Stuck In 2022...Yeah, LAND HO!!!!...



McALLEN, Texas |...About this time a year ago, Hispanic Republican candidate Mayra Flores was giddily yapping away about a coming Red Wave of her party faithful that would overwhelm voting booths from here to the Heavens.

God did not answer.

The dream-weaver Flores lost by more than 11,000 votes. There is no such colorful talk this time around as South Texas voters ready their minds ahead of the November General Election.

Also in the water is Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz, she of the homeless dog fetish. The District 15 representative is not making any waves, setting her campaign skiff's motor on automatic and apparently believing she has already beaten up & coming Democrat Michelle Vallejo.

What to think of all this?

Are Democrats now poised to sail on to victory at every level? They're not talking about any sort of Blue Wave, although their constituents are doing it online and during conversations in bars and restaurants.

It's what we're hearing, and our ears are on the ground. Daily, we take the measure of the discussion. There is NO WAY District 34 candidate Mayra Flores will make up her 11,000 vote defeat and NO WAY she will defeat incumbent Democrat Vicente Gonzalez.

Take it to the beach and to the bank.

The sentiment comes from what we're hearing about the national campaign in play for both of our major political parties. Republicans continue to cry themselves to sleep nightly over flawed, convicted felon candidate Donald J. Trump and the recent polls have shown it is in a freefall.

Down-ballot candidates such as De La Cruz, shown in photo above, at right, and Flores, shown below, will pay the price.

The 50-year-old De La Cruz, a former insurance agent and single mom, has decided hanging out at women's boutiques and splashing talk about saving area small businesses is the ticket to a nice swim all the way to the election.

The peripatetic Flores, meanwhile, has centered her campaign on a sort of similar bent, choosing to visit eateries across the Lower Valley as a way to spotlight her own support of small businesses. It is a weird strategy for both Hispanic Republicans.

Democrats Gonzalez and Vallejo are taking another route. Gonzalez has kept announcing federal dollars coming to the area, while 33-year-old Vallejo has spotlighted her local roots - a winner for hometown- proud RGV voters, we would say.

Yes, it's still a long five months before the election.

Waves are a natural at sea. Giant ones rise and crest when they want to, washing in to cleanse and cool.

This time, it is a big, Blue wave that's coming...



  1. Beat Trump. VOTE BLUE!!!

  2. Every American citizen who believes in American Democracy must get involved in this election.


  3. Trouble again with our COMMENTS feature today. It's not us; it's Blogger...

    1. It took me three tries, but my comment finally made it. sheeeeeesh.

  4. I am absolutely disgusted with Trump and have found him despicable for 50+ years.

    There are no words for this man that can be used on social media.

  5. The Republicans are attacking our entire system of justice and the rule of law because they don’t like the way that one case came out, whereas the son of the president of the United States is prosecuted and I don’t hear a single Democrat crying foul.

  6. The reaction difference shows what we all knew: Republicans are losers, crybabies. Man up, poo-tohs!!!!

  7. Off to work, but my 2-cents: Hunter took it like a MAN. The Bidens didn't Threaten anybody like the orange jeesus does all of the time lol

  8. Expert says Hunter Biden verdicts proves that President Joe Biden is the "embodiment of the rule of law"

  9. Hunter could have been pardoned already. Look up Trump's pardons and compare them to the situation here. There's 0 doubt Trump would have issued a pardon if he was in the same situation. He pardoned approximately 140 people.

    No one gets the max penalty for their first offense.

    Everyone has the right to appeal.

  10. Trump tells probation officer he has a gun at home. Oh, oh. But, you know, I can't even imagine this silver spooned doofus shooting a gun.

    His hands are too small!

    1. Arrest him. Having that gun is a felony. There was no drug test for his probation interview, his attorney was by his side, and he didn’t have to go in. He gets special treatment constantly and I am sick of it.


  11. Mayra is definitely losing. Monica is 50-50 at this point.

    1. Agree on Mayra losing. No way she can make up 11,000 votes, the total by which she lost last time. That's reality.

  12. I don't hear anything that tells me who's ahead. We need a polling outfit down here.

  13. Supreme Court is a cheap joke. It is not just Alito and Thomas, Chief Justice Robert's wife is a legal headhunter for conservative lawyers, and has made millions. It is high time that the limit on gifts, is the same for all federal office holders. If they cannot live on what they make, and, the lucrative jobs that some of their spouses have, let them resign.

  14. Republicans aren’t speaking up against Trump because they are in service to themselves. Self-protect, self-promote is their goal, not service to us. Just themselves. Not even to the Constitution. Mayra Flores and Monica De La Cruz are not for our RGV people; they are for TRUMP!!!

    1. Mayra Flores has the wrong motivation. She wants to be a celebrity politician. Too bad she's running against a force known as Democrat Vicente Gonzalez. Monica is a divorcee. She's just looking for a life.........

  15. I'm not making excuses for Hunter, but if it's illegal to purchase a gun if you're an addict, then there are probably another 20 million or so Americans who need to be indicted.

  16. Republicans will never be convinced they should stop kissing the diaper. They will happily sniff his shorts until he is gone. Political prostitution!!!!

  17. Message for Ivanka Trump: You’re still part of a family that has done nothing but grift off the American people. you’re prejudiced. you try to talk equality like you accept every race. Your dad’s made sure that. they, however, know that he was a slumlord in New York. denied jobs and housing to blacks. You're a little too late, girl.

    1. What did Ivanka say?

    2. She said her racist daddy Donald was the best candidate for Blacks and Browns. Ha ha ha

  18. Today in 1994 Nicole Brown Simpson and her lover Ron Goldman were murdered in Los Angeles.

    1. I remember. That trial was televised.

  19. ​​I think it's funny how MAGA say Dems are obsessed with Trump considering they're flocking to his "rallies" and worshipping him while wearing CLOTHES with pictures of him on it.

  20. The Sordid Supreme Court must be called to account for taking bribes and playing politics from the bench.

    1. Thomas' and Alito's corruption is blatant .. yet they have faced NO Consequences. WTF!!!

    2. Theer ought to be a way to get rid of these two self-serving Reptilians!!!

  21. FLASH! A new case made by 2 leading right wing Federalist Society law professors that Trump participated in a Rebellion and Insurrection against the US and right now is disqualified under the 14th Amendment from ever holding office again, a position that will no doubt end up being cited by courts and judges up to the Supreme Court going forward as the DOJ and others seek to have Trump ruled disqualified.

    1. So, there are some brave and smart Republicans after all. Good for them.

  22. A new disqualification lawsuit filed against Donald Trump in Florida federal court under the 14th Amendment Section 3. YIKES!!!


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