Thursday, June 13, 2024

ABORTION:...Their Tone-Deaf Positions Will Doom Hispanic Republicans Mayra Flores And Monica De La Cruz...It Is Still The Hot Button Issue...Pro-Choice Keeps Winning At The Polls...Women Vs. Women?...


McALLEN, Texas |...They don't dare talk about it. We speak of area Republicans in the world of elections and abortion. They simply wish to see such talk go away. It won't. South Texas may still be seen as a Catholic stronghold, but it's never been that in the abortion front.

Mexico being so close always helped.

For years, Abortion clinics lined the Mexican side of the Rio Grande all the way from Matamoros to Ciudad Juarez. These days, Mexico is as liberal as liberal can get on the idea of women availing themselves to the medical procedure and, as we know, Mexico is as Catholic as The Vatican.

So, should we expect to see Hispanic Republican candidate Mayra Flores and GOP Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz (shown in photo above) addressing the topic that roils America from coast to coast these days?

Uh, don't hold your breath.

Not a peep has come from these two, not to date. Both are mothers, although 50-year-old De La Cruz is a single one.

Should they make their positions known? It's a losing proposition for Republicans these days, but the voters do deserve to know. Neither Flores, 38, nor De La Cruz has fielded questions on abortion. Republican-led Texas is whole hog against it, so perhaps we do know.

From [ Since the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade about two years ago, voters in seven states (Kansas, Kentucky, California, Michigan, Vermont, Montana, and Ohio) have been given an opportunity to weigh in on abortion policy. Pro-choice forces have won all seven. With Republican-controlled state legislatures imposing forced-birth regimes in large swaths of the country and Democrats envisioning a blue wave of voters seeking to restore abortion rights, efforts to secure November 2024 ballot measures have multiplied. And while it’s unclear at this juncture exactly how many states will hold votes on abortion policy, the odds of a continued pro-choice winning streak remain pretty good, according to the available polling. ]

Yeah, that All-Quiet-On-The-Abortion-Front you see is a strategy.

But we suspect that the Democrats in both races involving Flores (34th Congressional District) and De La Cruz (neighboring 15th) will soon bring it up. Flores badly trails incumbent Vicente Gonzalez, while De la Cruz has candidate Michelle Vallejo hot on her heels.

More and more, the Rio Grande Valley is not immune to issues roiling the rest of the country. Many here like to think they are up with the times, the current times being a smorgasbord of issues once only the purview of more-in-the-know hot shots in Austin or Washington, D.C. 

It was the Ol' Go Along to Get Along attitude.

Goodbye to that.

Today's Valleyites know the score. You can dance around issues all day long, but sundown brings the headier daily tally. Flores, shown in photo at left, and De La Cruz continue to play the old game, one that had our congressional candidates head over heels above the locals on most topics.

But those who know know that Monica De La Cruz is no Kika De La Garza. And, try as she might, Mayra Flores is no Vicente Gonzalez and, really, not even the second coming of any third-rate politician we've seen around here.

Abortion will sink many down-ballot Republicans in the November General Election. That Republican presidential candidate - Donald J. Trump - knows a woman's right-to-choose is one issue he won't touch. He'll blabber all day around it, saying the states should deal with it, but Democrats are going to hang a pair of speculums around his neck just to remind him.

Women know what speculums are and what they are used for...



  1. Comments feature complains were down yesterday, but we're not so sure we're out of the woods. The issue is with Blogger, our platform provider. Wd have sent them a note. If you get a "Failed to publish" message, just keep trying...

  2. Naive Mayra Flores will go along with whatever the GOP tells her. Monica, an incumbent, ought to be more intelligent about it. JMHO

  3. Good topic. I wonder if either of these two women have had an abortion. Would they tell us? So many hypocrites in the GOP.

    1. They'd never tell. Maybe Monica's ex-husband, tho.

    2. I wonder if either of them can speak intelligently to the issue.

    3. Democrats should harp on this issue. The valley believes in freedom!

  4. Not to pick on women, but there are more of you than there are men. You need only vote for your own interests. Or keep on letting men run everything and telling you what you can and cannot do. Frankly, this stuff is hard for me to believe in this day and age.

    1. Exactly, there are lots of women in this state that are voting for these people. There are many, many women in this state that have patriarchal beliefs, raised on that old time religion, walking a step behind the man.

  5. Trumps whining and telling us how horrible our country is getting very old. I don't like whining and love my country. Vote Blue!!!

  6. Supreme Court preserves access to abortion pill mifepristone: Here's a closer look at the case.

    It's the first major abortion ruling since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022.

    1. The problem here is that the anti-abortion-rights movement is "forum shopping" by carefully choosing where they bring their lawsuits so that activist federal court judges will hear their cases. This case was initially heard by a fringe right wing judge in Texas, Matthew Kacsmaryk, who is a favorite of the anti-abortion-rights movement. He decided to rule that mifepristone should be outlawed, and the very conservative Fifth Circuit agreed on appeal. The fact that the current Supreme Court UNANIMOUSLY overruled both Kacsmaryk and the Fifth Circuit shows that those Texas judges are operating outside of the law to further their own personal ideological goals.

    2. Vote blue in November for women’s rights and autonomy

    3. Considering that Mifepristone has been available for more than 20 years and is safer than Tylenol I still wonder why this even showed up on the SCOTUS docket.

    4. NONE of this should be decided by any politician or Court. Your body, your choice.

    5. The Unanimous Supreme Court is not preserving access to widely used abortion medication, they are preserving the Republican female vote this November. The vote was self-interest, pure and simple.

    6. @12:17 PM You read that correctly. This Supreme Court is devious and amok.

    7. The Republicans overstepped on this one. They demanded laws which protects healthcare workers from participating in abortions if it offends their conscience. This key protection now in place is the main reason the SCOTUS found none of the doctors who sued suffered any injury because they were not required by law to participate in the abortion process.

  7. Trump PANICS as Older Voters FLEE GOP Rapidly

    1. Trump photographed holding rifle. He should be jailed immediately for violating convicted felon laws.

  8. DALLAS MAVERICKS choke in NBA Finals. Lose game 3, now down 0-3 in best of 7 series. ESPN's Stephen A. Smith: "Luka Doncic was selfish and lacked accountability in Game 3"

  9. Donald Trump is only part of the problem. There is a Republican-controlled House, a Republican-controlled Supreme court, mostly Republican-controlled media and Republican think tanks whose proclamations defy logic. The Republicans in the Congress continue to support Trump's election fraud and have done nothing to restore a functional government.

  10. SUPREME IDIOT: "I’m gonna get them": Martha-Ann Alito can’t wait to spend her golden years getting even. Hubby Samuel bringing shame to Supreme Court.

  11. The High Cost Of Lying: two devastating new billion-dollar lawsuits brought against Fox and the Murdoch family in Delaware by pension fund investors could result in the Murdoch family being forced to sell the company to avoid financial ruin.

  12. How can people be so blind to not see through Donald Trump's nasty lying garbage! Republicans cannot sink any lower. They are like gum stuck under a walking shoe.

  13. Was Republican congresswoman Monica De La Cruz at Trump's party gathering in D.C. today? Uppity Mayra Flores? Someone get back to me. ja ja ja

  14. Donald Trump should be properly evaluated for dementia.

  15. Republican Party is completely finished. they need to rebuild their old Republican party that knows how to govern. Trump cartel is not the answer.

  16. I totally believe Mrs. Trump will file for divorce if he goes to prison. But I don't care. Do you?

    1. There’s no requirement for the President to be married or happily married.


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