Friday, June 14, 2024

HOPELESS LAMENT:...Republican Freefall Now A Show Of Desperation...Local GOP Candidates In Full Disarray...Figurehead Reptilian Trump Still All About Trump...None Of It A Good Sign For November...



McALLEN, Texas |...Across the board, Republicans these days are more a gang of scooting field rats than any leaders the country could ever vote for or follow. It's now a crowded boat sinking in slow-motion. Desperation grips the party like never before. Local GOP candidates gasp for air. They know.

They know something's up and it's not good.

Recent national polling has angry figurehead leader Donald J. Trump slowly dropping in favorable ratings. His recent conviction in New York is now a clear mark of shame and disgust. The mess is rolling downhill and now affecting Republican down-ballot candidates.

They have no message, other than "Support Trump."

It's not enough to win The White House. At risk are a load of other congressional seats, both in the House and the Senate. We'll say it: Make no mistake, this is a political party in the latter stages of killer cancer. They know it and that's why they go nuts in speeches and media talk shows.

That meeting with Republicans in Washington, D.C. called by Trump yesterday was another sign of impending disaster. Like unsociable mice, Republicans did their best to look united, but the farce failed, as their leader let them know why he was there and what the game plan will be.

From [ Lawmakers billed the meetings with the ex-president as part of an effort to boost GOP ranks in Congress and help Trump get a jump on his policy agenda should he win back the White House in November.

But Trump made clear in his remarks Thursday that securing his own re-election was at the forefront of his mind. ]

Again, he said. Trump cares only about his race and winning it. Every other Republican is on his or her own. Yeah, go tell Henny Penny to go tell Turkey Lurkey that Trump is in town. Falling, but in town.

Local Republican candidates Mayra Flores (34th Congressional District aspirant shown in photo at right) and first term, ever-shopping incumbent Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz (neighboring 15th District) have stopped mentioning Trump in speeches and on social media.

Suddenly for both, the contests in November are all about helping the valley's "abuelitos" with their needs and social security. They have decided to bring the election home, to do for and talk about issues affecting and befuddling South Texans.

It's too little, too late...



  1. We had no complaints from readers submitting comments yesterday and getting a "Failed to publish" message, a first in several weeks. Perhaps the problems have been solved. We hope....

  2. Donald Trump never had any plan for any meaningful action or speech. I am sure the majority of American people will not vote for him. Otherwise, he will turn this country into a battleground for his egos, not for the good of our country. Revenge and fight, that's all he is offering.

  3. The GOP has really sunk far since the days of Reagan. The presumptive candidate may not even be able to attend the party's nominating convention because he'll be on probation. (too funny, but also sad)

  4. Jail Trump. People working at minimum wage are held far more accountable, even than US Senators and Supreme Court justices.

  5. Hey, anti-America Republicans.....I don’t want to ever see our flag fly upside down. It might as well be on the ground, which we will never let happen!

  6. Mayra Flores will lose and be forgotten.

    1. Eating out every day and putting on weight is a novel campaign she is waging, I must say.

    2. @9:05 AM You said it.

    3. Mayra is not what I would call a well-rounded, educated woman. What's she done, where's she been - the border and the valley? 2022 is long gone!!!

    4. She's a respiratory technician. Went to South Texas Community College in McAllen. Not a 4-year degree for that, right?

    5. I thought she claimed a four-year degree. Odd. Does STCC even award those?

    6. I'd like to see Mayra's GPA at STCC. She does not look like a smart cookie.

  7. Monica keeps popping off on her Republican talking points. Not so much Trump. but she echoes the party line. It will cost her.

  8. Donald Trump endorsing Republican Larry Hogan for Senate in Maryland and Hogan rejecting it. Ha ha ha ha ha

  9. Convicted felon Trump thinks we the people are the enemy from within. The dude is ill.

  10. I'm a veteran who voted for Trump twice and then supported Nikki Haley. I'm seriously considering President Biden over the dumb "autocrat."

  11. I'm so proud of President Biden.

  12. Hispanic Republican Monica De La Cruz today on Facebook: "A very happy birthday to #47, PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP!" She's toast. What a clown. Doesn't even know her roots. Go Democrat Michelle Vallejo!!!

    1. Well, she's a divorcee, so...

    2. And soon to be a loser again!!!!

  13. investigate Kushner.

    1. He mysteriously got $2 billion from Saudi Arabia. How and why?

  14. Don't forget, Trump said there "has to be punishment" for any women who has an abortion.

  15. Donald Trump Backs Out Of Head-To-Head "Press Conferences" With Joe Biden. (COWARD!)

  16. Donald Trump Tells GOP Lawmakers He Can’t Understand Why Taylor Swift Would Endorse President Joe Biden. (Uh, because you're a loser!!!)

  17. Republicans block bill requiring Supreme Court to adopt enforceable ethics code

  18. There’s a New “Silent Majority” Out There — and It Is Not Conservative

    Ever since Richard Nixon used the phrase, it’s been a Republican thing. But the Republicans are the extremists now, and the Silent Majority isn’t what it was in 1969.

  19. My challenge to reporters covering the election is to be more responsible in the way they portray the characteristics of aging in both Trump and President Biden. It’s wisdom that should be the focus, and there is no comparison between that of Biden and Trump.

  20. I think reasonable people have been saying enough is enough for a long time. Congressional Republicans are recently more interested in doing anything but legislating for the public good. Kissing up to Trump, primarily.

  21. Republicans are offering nothing but Trump. And they still are supporting 34 felonies.


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