Monday, June 10, 2024

PRO BALL:...The Nice Rise Of The Women's National Basketball Association...Hell-o And Welcome, Caitlin Clark... Roundball Sensation...White Baller In League of 70% Black Stars...But No 2024 Olympic Team For Clark... This Time...



McALLEN, Texas |...The girl's a toughie, reminding us of one bygone John Havlicek, he of the tireless play for the champion Boston Celtics of the 1960s. We speak of 22-year-old Caitlin Clark, new star of the Indiana Fever.

Clark has brought fans to the young WNBA this season, even as her team struggles in the early going.

Like most rookies, Clark has had her ups and downs, scoring three points in her next to last game and then hitting for 30 in the latest.  

There has been some strife, however. A hard foul on her in a recent game led to critics and sports pundits saying Clark was being targeted and perhaps was too soft for the rough play of professional basketball.

From [ However, even with all this stardom, Clark still wasn't able to make the Team USA roster for the 2024 Paris Olympics this summer. According to Christine Brennan of USA Today, Clark was left off the roster because the program was worried about the lack of playing time for her on such a loaded team. Her fan base can be a little wild and it could have been a distraction. Even with this move, Clark could still make the roster due to injury. ]

Sparkplug Caitlin Clark should be on the team...



  1. Good Morning, Valleyites!!! Hey, keep an eye on our comments feature, as we continue to have problems. Some readers still reporting that they are getting "Failed to publish" messages after trying to submit. Keep trying...

    1. We hope you're over your Mayra Flores thing, Mr. Editor. She's not for us, she's for Trump.

    2. Mayra is no intellectual. You may not need it in today's Congress, but the time is coming when all that shit will be shitcanned by voters.

  2. Disastrous speech by Trump at Las Vegas rally. Every rally it's the same regurgitated puke. That's why they left in droves.

    1. America cannot go so low as to vote for this man who is running only to stay out of prison.

    2. My vote will go to the candidate without a weekly court-appointed parole meeting.

    3. @7:46 AM You said it.

  3. New one on me. WNBA? Eh.

    1. Clark was a good college player.

  4. Love how the Dallas Mavericks are going down in NBA Finals. prima donna Luka Doncic is a ballhog gunner.

    1. No-defense Doncic couldn't get the team to the Finals. it's Kyrie Irving doing it.

    2. It's Dallas. Always has to have the WHITE team star in its sports teams. Doncic takes more shots than all the other Mavericks players!!!!

  5. I Love President Biden for working to keep our Democracy and working for the people.

  6. An economist at the right-leaning American Enterprise Institute think tank spelled out the negative consequences that Donald Trump’s policies may have on Americans’ wallets should the former president and now-presumptive GOP presidential nominee return to the White House. OUCH!!

    1. Trump just says things about the economy he doesn't really understand but that he knows he can make sound good to his MAGA cult, which doesn't understand either or even care.

  7. MAGA already working on plan to spring Trump from prison and fly him to secluded island.

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha. LMAO!!!

    2. Congratulations to the 12 NY city jurors for being braver than the entire Rethuglican Party

  8. What about this story: The United States does need a more orderly border. It also needs more immigrants, who are critical to the country’s economic strength.

  9. Both men are old, both men have had gaffes. Biden is far more competent to be a world leader.
    VOTE BLUE 2024

  10. Trump rallies should be called Trump's Pity parties.

  11. Comedian Bill Maher believes basketball star Caitlin Clark is being picked on by WNBA rivals because she is heterosexual in a "very lesbian" league. The late-night TV host also claimed that both and sex race play their part after Clark was knocked to the ground by Chicago's Chennedy Carter. "It's (because) women are catty, the league is very lesbian and she's not, and there's race. There's a lot going on," Maher said following the incident, which sent shockwaves around the sporting world. (Clark, to me, looks like a guy)

  12. Nice writing here. I’m drawn always to a certain richness or boldness; I know I’m going to like something if there’s laughs, sex, and truth all in the first fifty pages.

  13. FYI: Dr. Phil sucked in the past, he sucks now, and he will suck in the future.

  14. Hoping they make that Donald Trump's Pre-Sentence Report public. Americans deserve to see that!!! He's nothing special, just another citizen who's broken the law.

  15. Please Vote Blue everyone. City, State and National...Vote Blue.

  16. Probation for convicted felon Donald Trump is not enough. He has no remorse, whatsoever. If anything, he's shown an unbelievable amount of contempt towards the whole process. He needs a maximum sentence that includes imprisonment.

    1. He's got three more trial to go!!! of course no probation.

  17. Trump had "virtual" interview with his probation officer today. He is treated differently if he is allowed to have an attorney present and most people can't. Totally unfair, double standard.


Have your say, but refrain from personal attacks and profanity...