Sunday, April 21, 2024

MONICA'S VERBIAGE:...District 15 Congresswoman Ditzes-Out Explanation...She Voted Against Aiding Ukraine, But Says She Strongly Supports Its Right To Defend Itself...Fix My Border, She Crows...



McALLEN, Texas |...Politicians have their own English language. Definition of terminology, we mean. You can watch and listen, believe you hear familiar words...and then it's been altered, changed, watered-down, used and abused.

Take District 15 Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz, the 50-year-old incumbent Republican. We fully believe she knows the language her constituents speak, both Spanish and English. Indeed, she has the look of an elementary school teacher. That's Monica chatting with two of her backers in the photo above.

We sort of support much of what she has said about the border, but we again reel at her acrobatic act when explaining her votes. This is the same congressperson who voted for a bill decrying the "Horrors of Socialism," even in the face of - how many? - Boeing and farmer bailouts.

Oh, well. Perhaps she's not as smart as we thought she was.

This from Monica De La Cruz after the House of Representatives approved a $60 billion aid package for war-torn Ukraine, currently under assault from neighboring Russia, the MAGA Republican's latest foreign ally: [ "I strongly support Ukraine’s right to defend itself against Vladimir Putin’s aggression. However, given the pressing issues we face - from the border crisis to urgent domestic needs, all amid escalating national debt - I could not in good conscience vote for the significant increase in spending proposed by this act without guarantees of bolstering our own border security." ]

No financial aid for Ukraine?

How else would you wish to help them, Monica? Send over a planeload of Delia's Tamales?

Get real.

Even House Speaker Mike Johnson voted for the Ukraine Aid!

We're disappointed. Ukraine is an ally and, as with good friends, well, when asked for help you have to help as much as you can. Sixty million is peanuts for the USA! Yes, we have a deficit, a growing one at that. But we've had it since Republican George W. Bush took our last budget surplus left by Democrat Bill Clinton and spent it like a drunk has only grown since then.

We have not seen any proposed legislation from Miss De La Cruz, a single Mom, addressing that ballooning deficit. Well? Throw some jumbled English at me, girl!

And while we're at it, Monica, from what we have seen, has only barked like a cute Pomeranian about the Mexican border. I say she should gather her thoughts - in English - and offer a solution to what her fellow Republican Greg Abbott, the governor, insists is still an "invasion" of immigrants.

Monica De La Cruz, bless her heart, has no answers.

She's the proverbial go-along, a reliable Party Girl...



  1. That's Monica. Playing a Republican, which she hasn't always been. VOTE BLUE!

    1. Michelle Vallejo is going to surprise her in November!

    2. Such a dumbass vote by Monica. Be yourself!!!

    3. Vallejo all the way!

    4. Check out Monica's facebook page and see who she takes photos with. Yeah.

    5. 112 Republicans voted against Ukraine aid and MONICA DE LA CRUZ was one of them!

    6. What does Monica, a single Mom, know about war and people desperately fighting for freedom? She seems to know more about razor wire fences and buoys in the middle of the Rio Grande.

    7. Monica has gone to the Far Side.

    8. I say Monica says and does what party leaders tell her to say and do. She's a newbie in Congress. First termer.

    9. @12:58 You said it.

  2. Of this money, half, goes directly to Pentagon, for our own arsenals, the rest goes to military production companies, this bill is good for America not less than to Ukraine. Unfortunately, it took too long to get this bill voted. Russian troops advanced.

  3. US aid is coming to destroy more Russian gear and lives.

    Russia cannot win versus the West, which has 50x Russia's economy and 5x the population.

    How long will Putin send Russia's declining population to die in his "meat grinder," his war of choice?

    How long will Russians allow Putin to send their sons to die?

  4. Speaker Johnson did the courageous thing! Saved Democratic Sovereign Nations! Thank you!

  5. we are spending to keep from WW3.

    1. Better wars over there and not here.

  6. The REPO Act, which would authorize Biden to confiscate the frozen Russian assets in U.S. banks and transfer them to a special fund for Ukraine, is part of the foreign aid package that was stalled for months in the House. More than $6 billion of the $300 billion in frozen Russian assets are sitting in U.S. banks. Most of the $300 billion are in Germany, France and Belgium.

  7. Always wondered how Michael Cohen ended up in prison
    for a crime in which Trump was directly complicit
    but mysteriously not charged. Hopefully this long
    awaited trial gets to the bottom of this. Monday is almost here.

  8. I'm not a fan of Speaker Mike Johnson for many reasons, but I have to give him credit. He didn't bow to Trump after his recent visit to Mar a Lago. Few conservatives have ever defied Donald.

    This move will make his life difficult. I hope he finds consolation in knowing he did the right thing.

    1. Speaker Johnson 1, anarchist MTG 0.

    2. Russian news reporting that MTG has a big fan base in that country. well move, girl!!!

  9. This is why Biden MUST be strong and tell Putin that if he tried to use a nuclear weapon, there will be severe consequences. Don't tell him what those consequences will be to make things purposely ambiguous to keep Putin in the dark and guessing and VERY AFRAID to use them! Just instead tell Putin that he will suffer a very harsh and devastating response if he uses them. There HAS TO BE DETERRENCE! If there is not, Putin will think he has free rein to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants! That MUST NEVER happen!

  10. That long-awaited Supreme Court review of Donald Trump's claim of immunity begins this coming Thursday, April 25th. It should be interesting...

    1. Trump, January 6th: "You have to go down to the Capitol and FIGHT LIKE HELL!"

      Lock Trump up and everyone else who was involved. Period!


  11. MAGA Republicans are just pathetic. Make up your minds. You have Russia causing the first major war in Europe since WWII and you dither. Brave Ukrainian soldiers have died and are still dying. Either give Ukraine what it needs or tell them they're on their own. Would these politicians still drag their feet if a family member was on the front lines in Ukraine?

    1. It’s been so frustrating to see the Republicans hold up funding and help for Ukraine. It feels terrible to abandon allies just like Trump did to the Kurds.

  12. If the Republican party wants to save itself, then leave these people on the side-lines permanently. They have done nothing but cause your party harm. I am a democrat but have no problem with Republicans who can offer good debate and arguments. I have no problem agreeing to disagree. But I do have a problem with a group of people who literally have no desire to govern and put party over the country every single day.

  13. The number of Republicans voting FOR the aid is a reliable real time “poll” of the developing political reality…MAGA though they have the loudest members in the house is losing its influence because they want to do nothing and there’s a whole bunch of RePubs who have to go back to constituents in the Fall and show they stood for something beyond sound bites and self-promoting social media likes…MTG on the capitol steps going down the list of speaker Johnson’s betrayals was little more than a weak Trump hand puppet.

  14. Ukraine is going to be like Israel, inventing, designing, weapons and ways to defend themselves. After Putin, Russia may have another dictator with the same ideas, after all Russia has never been a free country.

  15. Americans don't put one man over the Constitution. Americans don't have a king who is above the law.

  16. Israeli strikes on southern Gaza city of Rafah kill 18, mostly children, as US advances $30 billion aid package.

    1. Outrageous. Israel is going all NAZI Germany now.

    2. Forget the sanctions inform Israel that ALL US AID is STOPPED. Time they paid their own way. Billions every year since 1948 with nothing in return except demands for more.

  17. You'll love this: RFK Jr. candidacy hurts Trump more than Biden, NBC News poll finds

  18. People tend to forget that it is migrant workers that pick our crops, work in slaughter houses and many other jobs that US workers will not do. There has been an ongoing shortage of workers, which means many crops may not be harvested, making shortages and rising prices for all of us. Our country may want to deport these hard working people, but next time you buy a $5 head of lettuce you will have contributed to its cost based on wanting the hands that picked it being deported.

    It is also interesting that the parts of the country that use the most migrant workers are Red.

    Easy to turn a blind eye when it affects your profit.

  19. The times we live in are ... unremarkable

    Wars have been the norm since the first civilizations.

    We live in the age of cell phones which is the peak of human civilization, however when the first radio was invented, the people were thinking the same way.

    The planet is not going to die, the climate will keep changing and the sky will still be blue.

  20. Never forget in 2016 Republicans had majorities in the Senate, the House and Trump was President and they did NOTHING to "fix" the Border!!!

    1. The border is just an issue for them, not reality. What freakin' invasion?!

  21. GOP Texas Congressman Tony Gonzalez Roasts Fellow Republicans on CNN: "I Serve With Some Real Scumbags." Ouch!!!

    1. You brought all of this on yourselves MAGA!

    2. Thank you for that truth, congressman.

  22. Why should we go down with Trump let him go down by himself not us with him.

  23. If trump didn't pay her, as he sometimes claims,

    why did she sign an NDA and

    why did Cohen pay her $130k, and

    why would trump pay Cohen for work he didn't do?

    trump has already admitted what he did, and he lies way too much for a jury to find him credible on anything he says.


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