Saturday, April 20, 2024

LIFE IN THESE UNITED STATES:...From Banking Comes A Lifeline For That DEI Concept...Chase Bank, The Largest In The Entire World, Takes The Lead On Backing It...Republicans Want It Gone...



McALLEN, Texas |...The other day, some right-wing nutcase blamed Boeing's ongoing problems with its commercial airliners on the concept of DEI, the sort of old acronym for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, that stuff that makes this grass-whorled immigrant nation go round and round.

A Republican congressman threw out his thoughts that perhaps DEI need not be used in the higher echelons of our military's leadership.

Florida's Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is all-in on eliminating DEI considerations on all state government hirings, as is, we should note, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott. It's a baffler, yes. When did that become a problem?

It isn't.

It's part & parcel a move by far-right Republicans to keep jobs and jobholders from one sector of our population. Need I say it. I should, but let's keep thinking we're intelligent people around here, citizens who can read and make the accurate deductions. Man, that Texas Legislature leadership is just too damned White. Over at the University of Texas-Austin, administrators are rushing to comply with the governor's DEI directive.

True shit, as John Wayne would say about here.

But it is the business world that may not fall-in as readily as angling politicians eager to do this and that to stay alongside the extremists in our midst.

Like Chase Bank CEO Jamie Dimon.     

This from [ In his shareholder letter last week, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon actually talked about his bank's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, though he didn't use the now-reviled DEI abbreviation.

Dimon's words stand out at a time when most CEOs have gone silent - or openly hostile - on these programs, amid widespread backlash.

In his surprising, unexpected letter, Dimon touted a range of programs - from resource groups for employees who are Black, LGBTQ+, or have disabilities to a fund aimed at helping needed entrepreneurs of color, investments in rural communities, and recruiting efforts at historically Black colleges and universities.

He also said that the $30 billion racial equity commitment the bank made in 2020 was "nearly completed" and would become a permanent part of the business.

"We're thoughtfully continuing our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts," he wrote, adding that they'll work to ensure programs conform as the laws evolve around these issues.

In his letter, Dimon says these diversity efforts are good for business. ]

Uh, there it is. Ultimately, as always, all of our crazed pussyfooting political foreplay ends up being held accountable by the all-mighty dollar. We hate that Hispanic-owned used car lot flying the Mexican flag over on the highway in town, but we'll take the sales tax, baby!

Dimon knows corporate America may not altogether be on his side.

But he's fully aware of the all-important bottom line...A greenback is a greenback no matter who presents it to the teller, whether a White, a Black, a Brown, or a dog trained to do it by its whimsical master...



  1. Mostly Hispanics at my Chase Bank on North 10th Street.

    1. What is Mayra's position on DEI?

    2. Mayra is for and against whatever Republicans tell her. Vicente Gonzalez is way above her intellectually.

    3. @9:07 You said it.

    4. Hell, Mayra is DEI within the Republican Party!!!

    5. Vicente Gonzales and democrats support DEI!!!

    6. Poor Mayra. i'd hate to be her.

  2. Off-topic but here it goes: The borders were open when Trump left since he did NOT fix it. Trump ensured the border wouldn't be fixed by telling his cult in congress not to vote for the Republican border bill. Trump's fault! Republicans HAVE started every actual war we have ever been in in recent history. Oil reserves are fine, fact. And we're producing more oil than ever before. And Trump IS the one that pulled out of the nuclear deal, that WAS working with Iran, if he had not, we wouldn't have this issue with Iran now. Once again, Trump's fault!

    1. Republicans don't want to hear it. Fact.

  3. Funny to me that Democrats are saving Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson's job. LOL!!!!

  4. Whenever I think Donald Trump cannot possibly be more disgusting - I'm proven wrong.

    1. Hey, media, stop calling him president!


  5. I have resisted saying this so far but LOCK HIM UP. He has broken the gag order & is intimidating witnesses.

  6. Trump should be thrown in jail. If he is not put in jail, his dumb followers see him as being unstoppable by anyone. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!

  7. When a juror leaves because they feel unsafe it's a slap to the face of the Judge. Locking Trump up would end all of this BS and the Judge knows it.

  8. The Criminal (Defendant) Has the best protection in the world!!! This Jury is working for us and should have No less!!! I'll be praying for their physical and mental Safety.

  9. Despite this anti-immigrant fearmongering, the actual threat of foreign-born terrorism is relatively minor and manageable. New research from the Cato Institute indicates that since 1975, the annual likelihood of an American being murdered in a foreigner-committed terrorist attack is about one in 4.5 million.

  10. No one has ever seen anything like this, Hell no American president has ever done all the shit you've done and are still doing.

  11. Imprisoned Mexican druglord El Chapo Guzman says he can't get use of a phone behind bars. Someone introduce him to Trump lawyer Alina Habba!!! ha ha ha

  12. I'm 68 and retired and I fear Republicans getting rid of both Social Security and Medicare, as that's on their agenda. They think people should never retire, but should work until they die.

  13. As Trump’s criminal trial begins on Monday, it may take more than a verdict to determine whether Trump wins or loses.

    This won’t just be a trial for Trump, it will also very likely be a daily humiliation. And the question is: Can he survive both?

  14. I've got news for Trump: Campaigning is not a privilege when you are a defendant on a criminal case.

  15. Want to die young? Immerse yourself in conservative media and vote Republican. Seriously.

    We should have known, but, still, the science is shocking: when conservatives run governments, suicides and homicides go up; when liberals run governments, suicides and homicides go down.

  16. Am voting for President Joe Biden again. And for Vicente Gonzalez, our great congressman!

  17. As i told my coworker, i do not like Donald Trump, but i Believe in our justice system more than i don't like him. if the prosecution can't prove it beyond reasonable doubt, then he's to be found Innocent. You can have an opinion of a man while still being fair in your judgement.

  18. Rep. Nancy Mace (Republican-S.C.) said Americans have “every right to be angry” about a border security bill shot down by Republicans not being a part of foreign aid legislation making its way through Congress this week.

    1. Has Greg Abbott blamed the Republicans, his party? No.

  19. Free advice for our valley fatties: DO NOT TAKE OZEMPIC!!! Study it and its side effects. Best thing to do is eat less and exercise.

    1. I saw about that concern on Bill Maher's show last night. But Oprah approves it!

    2. All Americans love to bitch about the price of groceries but it appears they can't stop eating. We're too fat!! Look around.

  20. Just waiting for the polls to open in November, so I can vote for democracy and against Vladimir Putin.

  21. Trump can kick and scream all he wants, but he’s shootings blanks. The dignity of a nation relies on holding Trump accountable. For everything.

  22. People are getting sick of these aid packages. Get rid of Speaker Mike Johnson too.


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