Friday, April 19, 2024

SUN SHORTS:...Quotes From The Dusty Campaign Trail...In District 34, Republican Mayra Flores Sticks To Handy Border Issue...Wonders Why Democrats Would Back A Democrat Like Mayorkas...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...Positions in partisan politics are easily adopted, their public utterances always predictable. Mostly, it is that familiar knee-jerk reflex. Rarely does it move the needle on who's winning and who's losing. It is simply just a few more words.

Take Republican District 34 candidate Mayra Flores. She's tanned, rested and ready for whatever moves across the news wires. This past week, the U.S. Senate passed on impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas - as was always expected, seeing that Mayorkas is a Democrat and the senate currently controlled by the Democrats.

Still, Flores chirped-out her sidelines analysis with this: "The Biden Administration and Texas Congressman Vicente Gonzalez are not serious about protecting our borders or the American people. They are all against the impeachment of Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas."

Yeah. Pinch me out of this slumber.

I suppose it's fine for candidates to birddog what opponents and the other party are doing, but blurting out criticism needs to be a bit headier. The Mexican border as it relates to Texas has apparently been under an "invasion" only Republicans see.

There for a few months, Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott was dropping the word into all of his sentences. Where are we with that today? Abbott has been somewhat silent and the Republican hordes he drew to tiny Eagle Pass for quick review have stopped, well, being drawn to tiny Eagle Pass.

We would say to Miss Flores that perhaps a more-intelligent response would make her assessment actually meaningful, like, yes, noting it, but also acknowledging that her 34th Congressional District opponent - incumbent Vicente Gonzalez - is just a congressman, one of many, who really can do nothing on his own.

What's the poor Democrat going to do, Mayra - go against his party? So naive.

Parroting is for parrots...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...We are not all that for Congressman Vicente Gonzalez, as our feeling is that he apparently has no fight in him, not for the Rio Grande Valley anyway. Rarely, does Gonzalez exhibit that "homeboy" attitude we need in Congress. Say something controversial, Vicente!!! Mayra Flores has the fight, but our feeling there is that she's in the wrong political party...]  


  1. Mayra is not going to win making such silly statements. break out of it, girl! Be Mayra, not MAGA Mayra!!!

  2. Who here in the valley feel unprotected? LOL!!!

  3. I will vote Democrat. I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I will. I will vote for Joe Biden.

  4. Cultish Trump supporters should ask themselves why a conservative Republican group has mobilized against a nominated GOP candidate. Then maybe realize that that has NEVER happened before for EITHER party ever in history.

    1. The one thing people (especially on the right) keep forgetting. Democrats didn't indict Trump. Joe Biden didn't indict Donald Trump. Merrick Garland didn't indict Trump. Leticia James, Jack Smith or Fani Willis didn't indict Trump. Grand juries, made up of citizens in four different jurisdictions, doing their civic duty, heard the evidence presented and decided to indict Donald Trump. Furthermore, if Trump is ever convicted it will be due to the evidence and testimony of those closest to him; his employees, his lawyers and fellow Republicans.

  5. Mr. Editor, are you familiar with the La Malinche on Mexican lore?

    1. Mayra wants to be Anglo, so we'll see her that way.

    2. Most of her handlers are Anglos. Not that it's all bad, but we're RGV. She couldn't find anyone here to help her? That tells me all I need to know.

    3. Mayra cree que simplemente porque es chicana que la vamos a apoyar. NO!!!

    4. @9:09 Echo that.

    5. But Vicente needs to go high-profile! He's too sheepish in Congress. Make a move, dude. Be Da Man. You know Fil Vela, the former congressman, told Trump to stick his Border Wall up his arse!

    6. Vicente won by 11,000 votes in 2022!

    7. From one veteran to another: Vote Blue, vote for Vicente Gonzalez in District 34!!!

    8. I agree with you - Vicente Gonzalez needs to be more of a fighter. Especially in this Congress!!!

    9. Hispanic women like me do not like Mayra's style. It's embarrassing.

  6. Hopefully Trump will stay awake long enough in court to hear his Guilty Verdict.

  7. My sister is MAGA. I asked her if I had a 1-month-old in 1 hand, and 10 kids in a Petrie dish in the other, and I slipped and fell...should I try to save the 10 kids, or the 1-month-old. She couldn't answer. This is where we are!

  8. New York should get their boats out. Because Trump keeps on crying a river.

  9. What a sad, sad, man. My favorite quote was from a woman that said, I wouldn't believe Trump if his tongue was notarized. Agreed!

  10. I love the idea that all of Trump's past crimes and misdemeanors could get brought in if he so desperately wants to take the stand.

    1. Oh, please STOP him from posturing outside the court room. I just can’t stand it anymore. PLEASE lock him up. He’s been evading responsibility all of his life; always at the expense of the common man or the assaults on women; both personally and politically. He doesn’t deserve the presidency or freedom from prison. Period!

  11. The Latest | Iran says air defense batteries fire after explosions reported near major air base. Israel has attacked, even as U.S. expressed caution.

    1. Israelis know the US will come to its defense, which is not necessarily a good thing for us. You start a fight, YOU finish it.

    2. Israel’s Strike Was Smaller Than Expected, and So Was Iran’s Reaction.

  12. General John Kelly, United States Marine Corps, who was Trump’s Secretary of Homeland Security and White House Chief of Staff said this about Trump -

    “What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France...."

  13. Just recently, at a Trump rally, the Donald said he’s gaining more of the black vote, cause now he has a mugshot!

  14. Fox News columnist: Marjorie Taylor Greene "an idiot" trying to "wreck the GOP." FOX news??? Really?

    1. Well, now, that's a change for FOX News.

    2. Marjorie belongs in wrestling, not politics.

  15. No one is above the law, including Donald Trump.

  16. if he flees the country and never comes back to avoid prison, I wouldn't be mad. So long and good riddance.

  17. Democrats covered Republican Speaker Mike Johnson's support of aid for Ukraine. Democratics should help him since he's doing the right thing for the country and not for the selfish interests of the MAGA party. Plus, by helping Mike Johnson retain his speakership, you'll be giving the middle finger to the Gaetz, Green, Roy's, and all the toxic bs associated with them, including Donald Trump.

  18. QUICK NOTE HERE:...As is customary in the Big Time news business when covering political campaigns, our stories here will also reflect the ebb & flow of these campaigns. One day we may praise a candidate and the next we may vilify him or her. It's all about the "news" in the journey. These are flawed human beings, after all. And we also know that politics is the sickest of roller coaster rides. At least in our current approach to representative government, which of late has been anything but that.

  19. Donald Trump could stand up like a courageous man instead of acting like a Baby -- he is so unattractive in his cowardice.

  20. You still say it's not a crazy cult? Setting yourself on fire right after the announcement of a full jury, and it's not a cult? Seriously?

  21. Imagine a country without Trump... it wouldn't be perfect, but it would be quieter, less chaotic, and more peaceful.

    1. Waking up and NEVER hearing the word TRUMP would be a NEW day in America.

  22. The reality of being a criminal defendant on trial finally dawns on Trump. He isn’t taking it well.

    Donald Trump will spend most of this spring in a drab county courtroom, and he’s not happy about it. Could we call that punishment in itself?

  23. Mayra Flores is reporting a fundraising haul. She says on Facebook that she has outraised Democrat Vicente Gonzalez. Does she think she has a chance to win in November? hmmmmmm

  24. I have no us for Mayra or Trump, but after today I cannot support anyone who backs Biden. He blocked admission of Palestine to the UN. He just lost Michigan and the election. I will also not vote for anyone who supports Gilbert Hinojosa as the Chair of the Texas Democratic Party. The Republicans will just do more damage to the country and in 4 years hopefully the Democrats will run younger and more in tune with the people and destroy the Republicans for good.

    1. Thank you for that, Bobby. But it's okay to put your name on your thoughts. We're not mean here. As for Palestine, the Biden Administration full-well knows that it has staffed its government with known, and admitted, members of Hamas, the so-called terrorist group we've known for all these years. It'll eventually shake out, after this war and a few moves, to your liking, I say...


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