Thursday, April 18, 2024

WE, THE JURY:...Prosecutors/Defense Almost There With Selection...Interesting Mix So Far...MAGA Says Defendant Trump Cannot Get A Fair Trial In New York City...No-Nonsense Judge Pressing Onward...



McALLEN, Texas |...The case is underway and as happens even in B-Grade Hollywood legal thrillers, the defendant has his fans and he has his boo birds. Donald J. Trump is no exception. Trump's on trial for alleged illegal business accounting related to his $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.

So far, he's hanging in there, like a doomed nutcase but hanging in there just the same.

We're watching, tuning in to the goings-on during the daytime, blowing it off at nighttime. This, we say, is not the O.J. Simpson trial until Stormy Daniels takes the stand. No one has been murdered here, unless you count the truth. Stormy is not the new Nicole Simpson, although she's just as attractive.

There is no Kato Kaelin in this spoof, unless former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen suits you in that goofy role. And, of course, Judge Juan Merchan is likely an improved version of Judge Lance Ito in the Simpson case.

It should be noted that Simpson died last week; Donald Trump is still very much alive.

We do not willy-nilly compare these two notorious dudes as equals in their problems, but we scribes in America like to rethread our history at every opportunity. There is, for example, no "white Ford Bronco" in the Trump hush money trial. Does Trump even have a driver's license? We're pretty sure he owns black gloves. In fact, he was wearing them on the day he gave a speech to his supporters before they staged that wild, destructive riot at the National Capitol Building.

Are we saying that Trump, like O.J., will be found not guilty?

No, we're not. Not yet anyway.

This posting was supposed to be about jury selection for his trial, so...  

From [ Eleven more people - five jurors and six alternates - still need to be picked in the case. Dozens have already been dismissed because they said they couldn't be impartial, a sign of the complexity and unique nature of the case.

Here's what we know about who's been selected so far:

1.) The foreman, who works in sales, lives in Harlem but is originally from Ireland.

2.) A native New Yorker who's an oncology nurse.

3.) A corporate lawyer originally from Oregon.

4.) A self-employed IT consultant who lives on the Lower East Side but grew up in Puerto Rico.

5.) A teacher and lifelong New Yorker. She was the only juror in the box who said they didn't know Trump was charged in three other cases.

6.) A software engineer who works for Disney.

7.) A lawyer who lives on the Upper East Side.

What's next: Jury selection is set to resume today. Judge Juan Merchan is moving things right along: He said opening statements could start Monday morning. ]

We'll tune-in again later today to see what else has come down the prosecution pike. Trump will address the press as he steps into the courthouse, damn it all as a fake trial and proceed to walk into his political degüello.

That's a clue as to where we sit on the eventual jury verdict, yes...



  1. the process is moving swifter than expected as Americans is fed up with these endless shenanigans and drama.

  2. This trial is what looks bad. Not him calling the military losers. Not him being a convicted rapist. Not him making fun of someone with a disability. Not him grabbing women by their hoo ha. THIS is what makes him look bad. His voters don’t care.

    1. They convicted his lawyer Cohen for the same damned reason and sent him to prison!

  3. It certainly appears that something is keeping Trump awake, something more than normal if he really is nodding off in court. An inability to sleep and then raving on a social media platform for hours. Yep something keeps him awake.

  4. Secretary Mayorkas will return to work because on the 1st day of the trial, the US Senate wasted no time clearing the Homeland Secretary's name.

    On day one of the trial, the US Senate voted to get rid of the charges.


    1. Joe Biden out there doing his best to help the American people in their everyday life.

    2. @7:50 You said it!

  5. This trial gives me some hope actually. Pathetic as it is, it shows clearly that Trump doesn't have any real support, so much so that he has to manufacture it. This doesn't mean we should sit this out, though. We have to vote Blue in such numbers that it sends all of the GOP a strong message.

  6. #7, the lawyer from the Upper East Side - that's where the rich people live in NYC. He could be the Unknown Factor here. Rich need tax breaks and Trump has given them to them. JMHO

  7. Is there Adderall in prison?

  8. Just a question for any Trump defenders, if an accountant does my taxes and the IRS sees a mistake, who's responsible? Oh, it's me? I'm responsible? That's weird.

  9. Headline in USA TODAY: "Trump is funneling campaign money into cash-strapped businesses. Experts say it looks bad."

  10. I never considered the Democratic Party the best Party. However, now that Trump has destroyed the Republican Party, either by ignoring them, stealing their funds for the November Elections or abolishing them. I guess we really show work on making the Democratic Party better, as the only party after this fall.

  11. Juror #2, an oncologist, bails after getting threats. When are these Judges going to start protecting AMERICANS and not 1 CRIMINAL?

    1. Very dangerous man. Threatening everyone & their families. He should be in solitary confinement.

  12. It looks like no one can "get a hold" of trumps behavior. Since childhood he has never been held accountable and believes he is above everyone else. Let's see some authority, judge!!!

  13. MAGA is STUNNED As Republican House Speaker Johnson TURNS AGAINST THEM. He voted aid for Ukraine!

  14. Republican Mayra Flores already dissing Senate's decision not to impeach Secretary Mayorkas. Typical for her. She's shallow.

    1. Not that she had it, but Mayra would have lost my vote after this silliness. It's all it is, idle games for empty skulls.

    2. Mayra is not Hispanic. Not anymore. She's not Anglo, either. or Black. She just loathes her culture. Go Vicente! You are Hispanic and proud of it.

    3. Vicente is one of us. No doubt there. Mayra belongs to GOP now.

    4. We're the RGV = solid Democrat.

  15. We are so freaking sick & tired of everything MAGAT-related. Unreal nightmare. May our DEMOCRACY, JUSTICE & FACTS PREVAIL!!!

  16. Trump advisers are plotting to deliberately devalue the dollar if he’s re-elected, report says

  17. A dismissed juror said he'd satirized Trump in his paintings and wanted out before he would be disqualified. His best observation: “You can see the orange.”

  18. What a circus. Gag, the ones gagging is the public. There is no way to stop sleepy don. He will continue to violate everything possible. He has no control and should have been jailed months ago. Laws do not apply to him. Circus. This procedure is a joke, there is no justice. Lock him up.!!!!

  19. Stop worrying about Donald Duck Court Trump. He'll be long gone before the election I predict, and the GOP will be scrambling to put in a new last-minute candidate. He'll deal with heart issues followed by a bad stroke from the stresses he brought on himself. I dreamt it several times, and it's always the same ending.

  20. WHY doesn't Judge Merchan jail Trump to get through this? To keep him from creating more chaos?

  21. The hush money trial won’t start until jury selection is completed, which experts say could take as little as a few days or up to two weeks. The trial itself is expected to last about six weeks.

  22. Trump trial updates: "We have our jury," Judge Merchan declares after turbulent day in court

    Six alternate jurors still need to be chosen, but the judge indicated he hoped opening arguments in the case could begin on Monday.

    1. OK. Let's go now. start the trial.

    2. Put him on trial. If he's guilty, he's guilty. If the jury says not guilty, well, it'll be not guilty. But start the damned trial already!

  23. Vote Joe Biden 2024. Inflation is just above 3%, unemployment virtually the same. Wages have gone up, but things still cost way too much but it’s not any President’s fault. Civility has returned to the White House. Renewable energy is being worked. Our allies can count on us again.


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