Monday, April 22, 2024

BURNING MAN:...He Blamed Politicians For Much Of What Ails America...Conspiracies All Over The Place...Max Azzarello Decided To Flame-Out In A Park Near Courthouse Where Trump Is On Trial...



McALLEN, Texas |...Opening statements hit the floor this morning in the Hush Money Trial of one Donald J. Trump, although, well, there are a few other events that could also fall into that category. Opening statement. Now, there's a cool phrase. It portends so much.

Was news of Trump's indictments also an opening statement, of sorts? His arraignment and mugshot in the Georgia case? That beatdown by the New York Appeals Court on Trump's wild claim of absolute immunity? Or maybe the real one will come after Thursday's gathering of the U.S. Supreme Court at which that "immunity" thing will be resolved once and for all?

Or maybe it was that bizarre (maybe not so bizarre) self-immolation last Friday by that 37-year-old Florida man at a New York City park near the courthouse where Trump is on trial. See photo above.

For dramatic effect, the sight of a dude setting himself on fire has to be up there as an opening statement, to perhaps the entire grass-whorled country being on trial. 

From [ The man who set himself on fire across the street from the Manhattan courthouse where Donald Trump is on trial has died. Max Azzarello, 37, was pronounced dead at a city hospital early Saturday, according to police. The act of self-immolation was not directly related to the trial: He wrote in paranoid manifesto that he took his own life to bring attention to a set of conspiratorial beliefs.

Azzarello’s life began to unravel after the death of his mother.

According to the New York Times, people who know Azzarello say he seemed to have succumbed to paranoid thoughts in recent years, particularly after losing his mother to an illness in 2022:

A closer look at the path the man had traveled to this moment of self-destruction revealed a recent spiral into volatility, one marked by a worldview that had become increasingly confusing and disjointed - and appeared to be unattached to any political party. His social media postings and arrest records suggest the immolation stemmed instead from a place of conspiracy theories and paranoia.

At the park on Thursday, Azzarello had held up various signs and at one point shouted toward a group of reporters gathered there: "Biggest scoop of your life or your money back!" One of his signs claimed that Trump and President Biden were "about to fascist coup us."

In a rambling street interview that day, he said his critical views of the American government were shaped by his research into Peter Thiel, the technology billionaire and political provocateur who is a major campaign donor, and into cryptocurrency.

"Donald Trump’s in on it," Azzarello said on Thursday. "It’s a secret kleptocracy, and it can only lead to an apocalyptic fascist coup."

Some of the pamphlets Azzarello threw in the air before setting himself ablaze on Friday referred to New York University as a "mob front" and also mentioned former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Al Gore and the lawyer David Boies, who represented Mr. Gore in the 2000 presidential election recount. Another of his pamphlets contained anti-government conspiracy theories, though they did not point in a discernible political direction.

NYPD said Azzarello entered the small park at 100 Centre Street surrounded by police barricades at 1:30 p.m. He was then observed rustling through a backpack, grabbing several pamphlets, and scattering them throughout the park. Then he reached for a canister containing some form of alcohol-based accelerant, poured it over himself, and lit himself on fire. ]

Opening statements?

Perhaps the entire country is on trial this week. This man opted to torch himself in as painful a death as there is. So public. So dramatic. So stinky and final.

Maybe that's where we're at as a nation these days...Something tells me there is no sadness for the death of Democracy, either...



  1. How dysfunctional is our country now where a guy facing 90+ felony indictments from 4 different jurisdictions is a candidate for President.

    1. Supreme Court can take him out, but it won't.

    2. Honest, conservative Republicans should have done it years ago. They wimped out.

    3. Republicans put party over country.

  2. That dude setting himself on fire also could be a summation statement.

    1. I thought that, too.

    2. I don't know how you decide to set yourself on fire.

  3. Will Trump take the stand? will he lie? will I have a beer, and hope for justice?

  4. I will never forget his huge part on January 6th and he showed no respect for democracy that day!

  5. Every American citizen who’s existed has been taught from the time they were toddlers, that no one is above the law. I find it absurd that in 2024, the Supreme Court could now tell us that every generation since the 1700’s was sadly mistaken.

  6. I really miss our old USA, and will be voting Blue in November.

  7. Trump cannot be trusted to do the right thing if his life depended on it. The Appeals Court gave him a huge break when it reduced the Bonding requirement from $464 million to $175 million and one would think that Trump will immediately take advantage of it and post the bond. No, Trump, instead, goes back to his cheating ways and starts to fudge on the reduced Bond requirement. Give him an inch, Trump will try to make a mockery of the system. I hope Judge Engoron will sock it to him at today's hearing.

  8. What makes America great? No one is above the law.

  9. Biden steps up Hispanic outreach as warning signs flash.

    “This to me seems like a campaign who’s saying, ‘Holy shit, we’ve got to get out, and early, and we have to be in front of people,’” one Democratic operative said.

  10. Melania won't testify, but if she did, it wouldn't be good for Trump. The idea that Melania's testimony will give the jury the impression "I support him, I'm OK, I believe, perhaps, this didn't happen," ignores the fact the prosecution can counter by having her divulge the details about her renegotiated "pre-nup":

    1.) why was it renegotiated?

    2.) what is in it regarding infidelity?

    3.) what is in it regarding any past conduct between the original and renegotiated pre-nups?

    4.) could a neutral observer conclude the renegotiated terms amount to paying for Melania's silence?

  11. As the song goes: "In the courthouse, the mighty courthouse, the Rapist farts today...".

  12. Voting here, for Democrats Joe Biden, Vicente Gonzalez and Michelle Vallejo!

  13. that lawyer went to jail for his part so he should go to jail too

  14. It is remarkable that this one act of bipartisanship on aid for Ukraine is getting such negative reaction from a small slice of politicians. As you point out, working across the aisle was what the voters expected from Congress, not an exception.

  15. Judge Juan Merchan, who is overseeing the trial, scheduled a hearing Tuesday over prosecutors' request to hold Trump in contempt for criticizing two potential witnesses in the case on social media.

  16. Ask Capitol Police Officers defending Democracy on January 6 against Trump rioters what are the consequences of Trumps inciting rhetoric.

  17. Glad to get all the details out in the open. Important for everyone to see and hear. I'm sure there are a few Trump supporters who might remain open to the truth.

  18. Trump defense attorney Todd Blanche is a surprisingly competent lawyer. And he’s on track to keep his client out of jail until the election. All he needs is one juror to side by Trump.

  19. This will be my 12th presidential election to vote in and the polls really never made much sense to me, I’ve never been polled and don’t know anyone that has been polled. Anyway, we all need to vote for our Democracy and keep Trump as far away from the White House as possible!!

    VOTE ALL BLUE 2024

  20. The Republican party is in ruin

  21. She was probably the worse First Lady ever

    1. Pretty much was, not probably.

  22. If he just gave Stormy the money straight up from himself we wouldn't be here.

    1. He wanted a tax credit, so he called it a business transaction. Bad move.

  23. Ojalá y quede preso y pague todo el mal q le ha hecho a esta gran nacion

  24. oh please, lord, let trump testify in this current trial, i'd like to see him perjure himself all over the place, and then suffer the consequences! additionally, should Trump take the stand, i would hope that he'd bring on more questions (by the prosecution team) should he open the door to prior bad acts because 1.) the guy can't keep his mouth shut and 2.) he can't quit touting himself as a persecuted victim.

  25. Trump cedes control of the cash collateral for his $175M civil-fraud bond under new agreement with NY officials. It's out of his reach now.

    1. See this is why all Americans are not impressed with our courts a 2-tier justice system! Just do your job like trump is a man of a regular citizen.

  26. If you love democracy vote blue. Remember a vote for RFKennedy Jr is a vote for Trump.

  27. Testify, no Trump will not testify. Trump’s more likely role in court over the coming weeks will be to sit still and seethe silently.

  28. I'm staying up with this. Yeah, so impressed. He is STILL GOING HOME TO HIS PALACE IN NYC EVERY NIGHT. He rages tweets every night, and this afternoon, he OPENLY VIOLATED THE GAG ORDER IN THE COURTHOUSE HALLWAY. He has NO consequences so far. This whole justice system bows to him. His bond hearing was a JOKE. The judge allowed the BS and he was able to dance past any consequences from frauding during the bond hearing in his $460 Million dollar judgment. SO far he's winning, because he is FREE and still being a jerk.

  29. The Circus Trump Wanted Outside His Trial Hasn’t Arrived.
    With support from demonstrators in Lower Manhattan spotty so far, Donald Trump issued a call to “rally behind MAGA,” and suggested the poor turnout was a result of a plot against his supporters.


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