Monday, March 25, 2024

SPECIAL TREATMENT:.... Trump's $464 Million Fraud Judgment Reduced To $175 Million...Now Has 10 Extra Days To Post Bond...While He Appeals...Still Stands To Lose And Pay The Half-Billion...



McALLEN, Texas |...He's shrinking. Don't let the self-promoting polls fool you. There are more than big money and legal problems in the Donald J. Trump campaign. He's hemorrhaging - votes and needed campaign cash.

Today's action in New York related to that $464 million fraud conviction is only the first step down the so-called short pier for the 77-year-old faux Republican.

Did the State of New York act on the threat to take his properties for non-payment? Check your favorite online news website. (Update: A New York appeals court on Monday gave former President Trump 10 more days to post a $175 million bond and satisfy the judgment in his New York civil fraud case, a much smaller total than the $454 million initially required.). There was the outside chance that Trump would find the money, either from American billionaires or a few dictators abroad. It's the DeadBeat Hour in the Big Apple.

As for the weird campaign, Trump still faces trials that would melt the average American. That hush money case is on hold, but cutie porn star Stormy Daniels (shown in photo below) likely knows she will win it, as does the New York district attorney.

Florida is on hold, what with Trump-appointed federal judge Aileen Cannon holding up things on the classified documents charges. That one seems to be about Cannon kissing her benefactor's wide ass, her rulings seemingly always favoring the presidential candidate now known as Don Poorleone. Pundits say that trial may not happen until early 2025, after the election in November, yes.

Trump's January 6 insurrection trial is also on hold, as he works that silly "immunity" claim all the way to the Supreme Court. It's a strong case, and Trump knows he. As commenters forever throw out on this and other websites, an innocent man would not claim immunity and would insist on a speedy trial. Not Trump. Court is the last place he wants to be.

In Georgia, the wheels of justice also have slowed. RICO charges are tough to defend. Trump wants nothing to do with it. His side of things sicced off-the-field amorous charges against District Attorney Fani Willis, but she beat them back. An affair with a staff attorney had who knows what to do with the cases against the Republican, a case said to be strong.

That case (election meddling) may see action before the year's out, although Trump is.....fighting it.

He's got a cage full of problems to overcome before facing incumbent Democrat Joe Biden in the election later this year. Trump, however, has nothing else to do but live the falling experience. Little outside his bubble is going his way, no matter what he says about sales to do with his golden sneakers.

This telling bit from [ Trump’s poll numbers are a mirage. In 2016, conservative voters did not want to admit they had a thing for the corpulent crybaby. In 2024, the MAGAs do not dare say that the affair is over. In 2016, the base picked the forbidden fruit. In 2024, they are spitting out the seeds.

I am not blind. I see the rallies. The cultists show up in their Trump regalia, full of righteous piss and vinegar, prostrate on the altar. But that is the lunatic fringe. They are the people who would still vote for Trump if they saw a video of Putin giving him a golden shower. But to win, a presidential candidate has to do two things. Get the base to polls. And win the majority of the middle.

Polls that favor Trump cannot say how likely the respondents are to vote. The hardcore will always show up. But for many, that decision is made far closer to the election. And I sense (which is proof of nothing) that Trump’s polling is buoyed by support from people who say they will vote — but won’t. ] leans left, so much of this is partisan. But that's okay, 'cause right-wing media throws out the exact opposite. It's on, the fight is on.

May the American candidate win...



  1. Everybody’s first clue that Trump was full of hot air about his finances when he accepted his first dollar donation for his legal expenses. And so far that was under $50 million. So, if he couldn’t afford to pay his lawyers $50 million that was truly American citizens first clue that trump was broke as a joke.

  2. The justice system needs to stop all of Trump's bullshit delay tactics.

  3. Trump being crushed under the weight of his own lies . Poetic justice.

    1. When Trump speaks, it's about him. When Biden speaks, it's about us.

  4. This case started when Trump's long-time fixer, lawyer, and go-to guy, Michael Cohen, turned whistleblower against Trump.

    This was NOT a witch hunt. None of the pending cases against Trump is.

  5. They like Trump because he did what he said he was gonna do, but he actually didn't!!

    Leticia James did exactly what she said she was gonna do, but it's somehow a problem.

  6. Marjorie Toilet Greene is helping kill the Republican Party.


  7. Lordy this Trump man is the definition of compromised and should be disqualified as a candidate for just this reason. This is ridiculous.

  8. As all support paying dads know, unless trump’s $500 million is in cash or gold in a room, then trump’s $500 million is in a financial account which the govt will instantly 0 out at the push of a button.

  9. Trump won't make it to November, not as a viable candidate. He is so tainted already. I agree with this article.

    1. Trump brand also tainted.

    2. Fun Fact, In the city of New York, just taking Trump's name off of a building increases its value by 17%!

  10. Trump buried his ex-wife Ivanka at Bedminster Golf Course to avoid tax. The guy has no limits to his depravity.

  11. Don Poorleone. Love it!

    1. Every time he gets away with another one, he loses votes. America is tired of this clown show. No one is above the law!!!

  12. Explain to me why an innocent, HONEST, upstanding man wouldn’t relish the opportunity to take the witness stand in every courtroom and exonerate himself.

    Since it’s his followers paying his legal bills, speeding up trials instead of delaying them, would cost the trumpets millions upon millions less money.

    It’s almost like he doesn’t care about saving them their hard-earned money or proving his innocence. What possible explanation could there be for that?

  13. I hope that I'm still alive when finally the judge gets to hear these cases. There is no way any of these trials should have been over a year old now.

  14. STOP letting these crooks delay their punishment!

  15. I can’t BELIEVE he slid by again! He got 10 more days and much less req’d $ to get bond. I can’t even!

    1. Special treatment for certain people. I sure that are a ton of people facing financial ruin for a similar percentage of their net worth that they owed that they were not given treatment like this.

  16. According to the NY Appeals Court ruling, Trump can fend off the $464 million judgment from his fraud conviction if he pays $175 million within the next 10 days. It's a sweetheart deal the con man does not deserve and yet another stain on our legal system...

    1. this is BS. we all should ask for the "trump defense" if we get in trouble! I really hate this guy! this is no justice if we look at it from an ordinary person's viewpoint. we would be in jail.

  17. Why are all these judges so scared of him? I think it is time for them to get a backbone and start treating him like they would anyone else. No more special treatment for him. And that folks is my opinion whether you like it or not.

  18. Put this sorry human being DJT in prison.

  19. The Orange Jesus continues to make a mockery of our justice system. Evidently, all one needs is an endless supply of money, and lawyers with no moral compass to represent you, and you can get your cases continued until who knows when.

  20. Trump got a massive break. Appeals Court should explain this ruling. We're not Cuba, MOFOS!!!

  21. There's your two-tiered justice system. Special treatment for the privileged, while the rest of us would have the full force of the law come down on us without delay.

  22. Trump married into the KGB during the cold war. First wife Ivana's father was Director of Czech KGB.

  23. This is getting ridiculous. This special treatment that he’s getting is unbelievable. If this was anybody else, they would’ve sees his assets by now.

  24. I have lost count of how many times I've said I'll believe it when I see it, and now the Appeals Court has told Trump he only has to post $175 million dollars. I doubt he is ever going to face any kind of accountability. Ever. Not until he disappears. Calling me furious would be an understatement.

    1. This reduction, and 10-day delay, has crushed the last modicum of trust I had in our justice system.


  25. Cutting Trump's BOND amount to $175 Million and a 10-day delay is a GROSS MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE!

    1. Trump is not off the hook entirely. If he does not win the appeal, he will still have to pay the full amount of the fine. However, justice is delayed as always with Trump.

  26. He tried to overthrow the government and the justice system throws him a bone? Wtf

    1. the day trump is locked up, with camera's filming his entrance into the prison system, will be on my Top 20 list of things that happened in my lifetime.

    2. Trump in prison 2024

  27. So if I commit blatant crimes in the future and refuse to pay I can get a 60% discount? Or does this discount only apply to politically powerful domestic terrorist?

    1. only apply to politically powerful domestic terrorists

  28. No more delaying this one bud. 4/15 - The beginning of the end. Stormy hush money trial is here.

    1. Don’t hold your breath. It will never happen as long as the justice system and the media keep doing him favors.

  29. April 15 is three weeks away. It will be here soon enough and then Trump will see his own end. Go Stormy!!!

    1. The whole world knows he paid off Stormy Daniels during the campaign, he's already caught, it's just a matter of going through the formality of a trial and sentencing.

    2. When Stormy takes the witness stand the whole world will tune in. All other news will be totally irrelevant. TRUMP may put his hands over his ears. I wonder if Melania will be in the courtroom. Can't wait!

    3. Melania should be there!

  30. Have you noticed an obvious lack of enthusiasm for Trump in our valley communities? I see no Trump hats, no yard cards, bumper stickers, flags, and few are talking. There is a local guy who had the bumper stickers, flags, hats, and even had Trump flags on his truck, several, I saw him yesterday, and his truck was absent any Trump ads, no Trump hat, no Trump shirt. He just had very tasteful small signs on the doors that said Love Jesus. I truly believe that the supporters are either changing their minds, or just too embarrassed to advertise. What have you seen?

    1. None in my neighborhood.

    2. Hardly any in Pharr/McAllen. Saw a few in Edinburg, tho.

    3. You see many more in Harlingen and Brownsville.

    4. Few and far between on the island.

  31. Take note people before you panic and get upset it says keyword " if" remember the keyword is "if" he puts up that amount of money which you know he can't even do that.

  32. If Trump didn't want to have trials during an election season, he should have allowed them to occur when they were first scheduled instead of delaying them numerous times with frivolous appeals. Now, if he is given special treatment because he is a political candidate, that would be election interference in his favor. He should be treated the same as any other criminal defendant without regard to his campaign schedule.

  33. "Trump suggests conviction in hush money case could make him more popular." Trump is right, like the past and current Mob godfathers also known as Mob Bosses, the more crime they commit or committed, the more popular they are with their followers.

  34. People who support a RAPIST, FRAUD, INSURRECTIONIST, TRAITOR, TAX EVADER, pathological liar, conman, grifter, thief, 2x impeached, 4x indicted (more indictments coming), 85 felony counts, 8 bankruptcies, racked up $8 Trillion in debt giving his wealthy buddies tax breaks, Adulterer, misogynist, bigot, racist, wannabe dictator….need to take a good hard look at themselves in the mirror.


  35. It's incredible how a single topic can elicit so many different viewpoints. Diversity of thought is truly a beautiful thing.

  36. So, Trump loses and goes to the Supreme Court and gets accommodated. Power and money are grinding the little people down.


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