Tuesday, March 26, 2024

STORMY SEAS:...For Trump, A Salacious Court Date With A Porn Star Hush Payment... $130,000...Violated Campaign Funds Reporting Laws...In Her World, Melania Mum...



McALLEN, Texas |...The guy is in a laundromat washer's mid-cycle, his days full of legal angst, money woes and a political campaign that just won't get him there. Americans are being entertained as never before in the history of national politics. I mean, Donald Trump's the first former president up on criminal charges...and the trial unfolds in three weeks.

Welcome to Deep Doo-Doo, the sequel starring the aforementioned Trump and porn star Stormy Daniels.

A few years back, like a dozen or so, Trump laid Ms. Daniels soon after the birth of his son, Barron, and the poke cost him $130,000. He paid it so that Ms. Daniels would lay low and stay quiet about the quickie affair. His then-fixer attorney, Michael Cohen, was the vessel for funneling the cash to her.

Well, the details are somewhat well-known already, but they will now color the gossiper's trial of this century.

This from axios.com: [ The judge overseeing Trump's New York hush money case said Monday that jury selection in the case will begin on April 15. The date cements that the case will be the first of Trump's four criminal indictments to go to trial, meaning the former president will face criminal prosecution as he campaigns for another term.

Trump, who has repeatedly sought to delay his legal troubles for as long as possible, requested that his New York criminal trial be delayed at least 90 days or dismissed completely.

During a news conference on Monday, he criticized the judge's decision to keep the hearing on track for a mid-April start, saying "I don't know how you can have the trial that's going on right in the middle of an election."

"It's not fair," he said.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg last week urged Merchan to not delay the case any further, calling Trump's request a "strategic delay."

Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree in the case, which stems from a 2016 payment he allegedly made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. He has denied wrongdoing and pleaded not guilty to the charges. ]

What is it that they say about the weaker sex: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

Stormy Daniels is about to get her primo acting role of her lifetime. On the witness stand. She'll tell it all, brother. Before the fall. And much of what she says will be corroborated by ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, who has already testified about how the payment deal went down.

It should be a hoot for trial watchers, yes.

For Trump, and likely for wife Melania, it will be an undressing...



  1. Donald makes it so easy to hate him. Vote Blue!

  2. Trump's a loser. Independents and moderate right will never vote for him, so he might get 25% in the general election, which will only be the flag waving fake patriots. Trump being Trump will drag down a lot more Republicans. The Republicans will be doomed.

  3. Every time Trump gets a break, he loses votes. Americans hate whiners. fact.

    1. Melania Trump Used Donald Trump-Opposed Immigration Law to Get Mother Into the USA.

    2. Interesting factoid: when Trump's mother arrived in this country and was asked about a profession on her immigration forms, she listed "maid."

  4. I don't believe that anyone who voted for Biden in 2020 has decided to switch to Trump.

  5. This isn't a popularity contest in high school. This election is about life and death. The preservation of life and the constitution and this country. We need to preserve our democracy, not in support of a tyrannical oligarchy.

  6. I am confident 2/3 of Americans are tired of hearing this man's name every day of the week & will want to remove the nuisance.

    1. More like 4/5, I'd say. Trump will be routed in November.

    2. Trump has gone from "I didn't do it", to "I didn't do anything wrong" to "I am immune."

    3. America's reputation abroad has tanked thanks to Trump. he needs to be accountable.

    4. @8:27 - You said it.

  7. A nice orange jumpsuit is being washed and freshly pressed for when the orange one finally turns up at the clink.

  8. IF TRUMP HAS THAT $175 million available "NOW"...why does he need to wait the FULL 10 days to pay it??? Just more LIES!!! He never gives up...loser!!!

  9. So Trump gets to pay a reduced $175 million bond.

    At Walmart, they call that the layaway plan.

  10. "Wall Street is assigning Trump Media an eye-popping valuation of around $9 billion – a price tag that experts warn is untethered to reality."

    Pretty much the recurring theme with anything financially related to con man Trump. Truth Social stock is a scam.


  11. Trump has become more extreme and more vocal lately. Showing how scared he is. The walls are closing in on him.


  12. Sadly no reasoning was attached to the decision to reduce the Bond by more than half. Strange. One would like transparency.

    1. After a 450-million-dollar bond got reduced to 175, I don't trust any of the court system until they actually do something.

    2. @11:03 AM - There it is, the crux of the matter.

    3. Little of Trump's court/legal mess is explainable. He is getting preferential treatment to the max!

    4. He's getting a long leash...the eventual pull will shock and jail him.

  13. How naive are his followers to think that Trump has been a victim of the “witch hunt” his whole life, to think that he is always innocent, and to ignore all his close associates that get arrested for actions linked to Trump’s interests, yet they believe he is never involved in those crimes. It’s just shocking how naive these people are.

  14. I don't know... if there's a single nation on Earth that's had a lengthy, consistent history of economic & military bullying, it would be the U.S. It's no accident that Tiny Trump is so popular. He's a reflection of our national character.

  15. Trump's Truth Social stock is a loser. I agree that it is money laundering. My husband thinks it is bribe money if he becomes president.

  16. NBC people that actually hired former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel need to come on the air and explain themselves and let us know how they will set this straight. WTF!

  17. $130,000 for a piece? Wow. What a loser.

  18. My question: When the MAGA clown shuts down Social Security, how will those poor people afford to fund him?

  19. My financial guru says: "Not a smart move to buy into this Truth Social stock at all." Trump is gasoline on these ventures. Trump University ring a bell?

  20. Most MAGA dudes and dudesas interviewed all look like trailer park trash. Poor and ignorant. And all are old boomers whose lives have been lived. they want to set the tone for the future? LOL!!!

    1. He's melting right before our eyes and I'm loving every minute of it! Just in case, vote blue in November and help bury Trump, the Republican party and all his uneducated enablers.


  21. I can't wait for 2024 to be over so I never have to hear the name Trump again. So absolutely sick of him.

    1. I am utterly disgusted with our DOJ. Trump still walking around doing as he pleases, is a slap in the face to hard working Americans who live their lives under the rule of law.

  22. At lunch, but I offer - Trump calls Joe "sleepy Joe", but I think Joe should call Trump "convict" Trump? Lol

  23. "Just yesterday, a defeated looking man came up to me and said 'I'm being crushed by debt. I'm completely wiped out.' And I had to say to him, "Sorry, Donald. I can't help you."

    - President Joe Biden.

  24. Hey Trump, everything is not in your favor. Can you shut your mouth??? we tire of you.

  25. What's Don Poorleone up to today? LOL!!!!


  26. Can’t let this Trump crook back in the WH. Hopefully after November we’re done hearing about him. And what a day that will be!!!

  27. For his supporters, you’d better watch carefully for who he chooses as a running mate because if by some miracle he wins the election, he will most certainly be removed from office by the 25th Amendment. This isn’t a slam on him, it’s just a simple fact. Consider for a moment, President Marjory Taylor Greene? You really want to go there?

  28. Associated Press reporting: "Trump is selling 'God Bless the USA' Bibles for $59.99 as he faces mounting legal bills"

    1. What's next, Stormy condoms?

    2. Selling Bibles that he doesn't even believe in, he's totally disgusting.

  29. On April 15th, the weather forecast for Manhattan is Stormy.

    1. Good one. You win the Internet!

  30. Trump attacks hush money trial Judge Juan Merchan's daughter. Trump is above the law. Until he's held accountable for crimes the rest of us would be locked up for, he is on fact above the law. Judge Merchan should haul him into court and jail him.

    1. the judge's family has nothing to do with this case. Trump should be held accountable for his threats and put in jail for trying to intimidate a US Judge.

    2. They're all afraid of convicting a former president because it's never been done before. It will be a political earthquake. But... it absolutely has to be done. To let him go on like this, completely out of control, is so damaging to the country and our system of laws. Arrest him and drag him into court. Jail him posthaste.

  31. Lawyer and philanthropist Nicole Shanahan will be Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate in his long-shot bid for the U.S. presidency. Well, okay, but they have no shot of winning anything.

  32. Scoop for you, Mr. Editor: Prosecutors to Stormy “How do we know you are telling the truth?!” Stormy “I have seen it. It leans to the right. It’s small. It hangs low. Ask Melania to confirm!”

  33. The gag order on defendant Trump is only as good as the court's willingness to enforce it with consequences sufficiently meaningful enough as to deter the offender.


  34. Oh my. I'm so tired of Donald Trump. Just one gander at the rat's nest on his head, and you know something is askew. LOL

    1. To me, Trump looked listless in Judge Merchan's court, sitting silently. He's looking old. An overweight, 77-year-old man defending payment to a porn star. Funny.

  35. Last word of the day from the office: Trump says he "doesn't need to borrow money", but he is making videos begging for five dollars. LMAO

  36. The news media should get real. They don't treat him 'normal'; they treat him like he's something really special!!


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