Sunday, March 24, 2024

DAY OF RECKONING:...Big Cash Due In Donald Trump's Massive Fraud Case......$464 million...He's Appealing, But Must Post Full Amount...NY Will Take His Buildings...



McALLEN, Texas |...Tomorrow is the day, boys. New York wants its cash and one Donald J. Trump either pays the $464 million court judgment or the state will confiscate and sell his property. That's the headline today.

Fraud rarely pays.

And New Yorkers have a certain way of telling you things and status costs money. White House candidate DJT has said the has the money to pay the pay...and then he has said that he has it, but doesn't want to use it to pay The Big Apple. Bar tabs tend to balloon before you stop guzzling down that alcohol.

Will he walk up to the courthouse clerk's office on Monday and hand over a certified check for the full amount? Or, will he again balk and see the consequences (confiscation of his prized buildings and other real estate possessions) flash before his eyes?

Headstrong New York Attorney General Letitia James will go either way, although one gets the impression that she'd like nothing better than to grab Trump's well-known Manhattan buildings, like Trump Tower. It's been coming for weeks.

In the civil and criminal cases against Trump, this one will see resolution, Baby.

Climax time in the city. Like running full-speed down a subway entry way and actually catching the train headed for Lower Manhattan on the first day of the workweek. Getouttamyway! Dammit, dude, you got pizza on my coat! Ah, but lookit the pretty dame seated there across me. Pepperoni will wash, won't it? Cheese on my cotton, Banana Republic tie? Bastard.

But I'm on the train!

Trump will make a big show out of paying the fine, if he does that.

Word all last week was that he didn't have it. Appealing the ruling meant he still had to post the entire amount, so that NY would not get stiffed. Then came news that his lawyer, the Iraqi Alina Habba, would not say he wasn't getting the cash from a foreign government, like Russia or the 9/11 Saudi Arabians. Trump actually went in another direction, saying he was taking Truth Social, his media flea, public and that he stood to make as much as $3 billion off it.

Then came word that whatever shared he had, well, there was the itchy stipulation that he wait six months before being able to sell them.

I know, it's a terminally boring tale of Trump and disgust. We tire of it, yes.

At least, one Day Of Reckoning is here for The Great Appealer.

Appeal all you want, dude. Just know that time always runs out on most things involving humas. In the massive fraud case we saw unfold last month, where the law said you lied to get loans and then you lied again to not pay taxes, well, time has run out.

Bang the drum slowly, Maria...



  1. he'll pay cause he got the cash from Elon Musk.

    1. Musk said he didn't loan him any money. Is Elon lying....again?

    2. Trump got it from Russia or Saudi Arabia and is now compromised. VOTE BLUE!

  2. Investing in a Trump organization in which a main holding is Truth Social, that is losing money, and the new company would likely not be worth much more than the Trump name, whatever that is worth. Yet, Trump stands to make $3 billion on the deal. Are people gullible or what.

    1. I think you miss the point in a Trump investment. Buying a large chunk of his stock will not make you rich. It will get you favorable legislation if he is elected. Buying $10M worth of the stock offered by the president may get you a tax shelter for your billions. It also allows you to legally bribe a sitting president. However, if he loses, you have a tax deduction as the stock goes to zero.

  3. Yo Donald ... Isn't it past your jail time?

  4. If he has all that cash then, why did he wait until Monday to post it? Every day that passed cost him $110,000.00 in interest.

  5. Unfortunately, all his rants on social media cannot stop or slow down the clock. Monday will soon be here.

    1. Should be a good day for justice, but..........


  6. Be nice to see dumb Habba pay the price for her shoddy representation of Trump, and eventually get barred from being a lawyer.

  7. I wouldn't believe a word Trump said, just wait till Monday and take it from there.

  8. I'm like everybody else - why isn't he in jail?

    1. I am hoping the deadline passes.....and, let's get the game on.

  9. Vote all Democrats in 2024!

  10. I wonder how many of these overvalued, highly encumbered properties it's going to take to get this amount of money?

    1. He's boasted over the years he's worth 10 billion dollars which is obviously a massive lie because he can't afford a half a billion-dollar bond, and the fact that over 30 bond companies won't touch him says it all that even they know he's going broke and can't afford the bond.

  11. Any other person would’ve been in jail and all their assets would’ve been seized by now. Don, Jr. makes me puke. Is Eric retarded? Lock them up!!!

  12. Donnie Trump is stuck in a permanent anxiety attack over losing properties. It is a joy to watch.

  13. Bond companies who said they would help Trump - and didn't - have been threatened.

    1. Eric Trump says he was laughed at while attempting to secure his dad's $454 million bond.

    2. The business world obviously knows Trump's reputation. Half a Billion-dollar loss would be hard to explain to the shareholders.

    3. I'm voting for Joe Biden. - Former Republican voter

  14. "If we have democracy, I'm going to lose.
    If we have Law & Order, I'm going to prison."
    - Donald Trump

  15. Yeah, gangster Al Capone got off many attempts to convict him by witness tampering and intimidation, along with paying off police officials and local judges, etc.! Then the IRS stepped in and got him for tax evasion and put Al away in a federal prison. I think the IRS is yet to be heard from, but Trump will hear from them one day. One can only kick the can down the road just so far, till there are no more kicks left. Trump is nearing that end day by day! Couldn't happen to a better grifter.

  16. When we say billionaires should actually pay taxes so starving kids can eat, these idiots scoff. Then they turn around and say these same billionaires should pay Trump's legal fees. HILARIOUS.

    1. Well, let's all remember that Donny isn't very good with numbers. His property valuations, his weight, his bank account.

  17. Please, if you're a MAGA Republican, donate as much as you can every month to help save Donald Trump. Take out a second mortgage if you need to raise money. Don't worry about making the house payment, DJT will take care of you after he's elected. Stop tithing to your church. Cut back on groceries. Just send as much money as you can every month so DJT doesn't have to spend any of his money.


  18. As a white, rural Hidalgo County rancher, landowner, biker and a PATRIOT, I'm voting ALL BLUE in 2024!

    1. The Republican Party will never be the same after '24.

      It is splitting apart in real time before our eyes.

  19. I've gotten to where I no longer listen to politicians. Instead, I watch their actions. If this bond is so egregious and unfair, then why is the B team of Eric and Don Jr handling it? If the mango is so concerned, then why isn't he handling this personally? After all, didn't he invent the "art of the deal"?

  20. It's really upsetting to see a person take advantage of the innocence and blindness of certain people not being able to grasp the lack of compassion or love for his fellow man which Trump doesn't have. The primordial trait of a true Christian!

  21. "Reports Say Trump Is Considering Picking Little Marco Rubio As His Running Mate" - And he'll accept it as an honor, too. These people have no self-respect whatsoever.

    1. LOL!!! A Cuban in the White House? Never happen under racist Trump. Plus, he has Florida in the bag.

  22. The World is tired of Trump!

  23. Stormy Daniels trial upcoming! Trump will lose. I've always believed her and support her. She doesn't deserve the hate thrown at her by MAGA clowns

  24. As Gaza is destroyed, Israel is killing dozens of children in the West Bank. USA is complicit.

  25. My daughter is Gen Z, also in college. Believe me, she and all her friends ARE TOTALLY SICK OF THAT TOXIC, STEAMING, PILE OF ORANGE LARD.

  26. Trump will go to prison It's just a matter of time. He will lose the election and he will go to prison for sure. There is not an out for him. Watch and see.

    1. I hope they jail trump. That way we can get on with democracy. Vote Blue.


  27. I love it that women, Black women, are bringing Donald Trump down! Convict and jail Trump!

    1. That's what has MAGA stir crazy. They're racists.

  28. Blue wave coming. Goodbye, useless Ted Cruz!

    1. Trump is bleeding voter and donor support at an accelerating rate. Trump may lose by 15 million votes this time.


  29. Pay up Broke Don!

    1. He's now being called "Don Poorleone." Priceless.

  30. I'm so sick and tired of Trump's son's stupid ad for begging for money!

  31. Question is this: who will own Trump? Who pays for Trump's fine? Whoever pays his fines owns him.

    1. Guesses: (1) Russia (2) Saudi Arabia (3) Elon Musk

  32. Trump has got to face the consequences of his actions now. He lost, he complained, he lost again and now he pays. Sell his assets, sell his properties, take his land and start with Scotland and Ireland golf courses. Hahaha

  33. The process of taking his buildings is a good 6 months. The NY DA filed the judgment in a county in NY where he has a large home and Golf Course. The slightest mistake in the judgment and the other judge can send it back. It is a very, very long process. People are tired of this. The Republican Party was shocked to learn Alaska Republican Senator Lisa Murkovski was completely fed up with the Republican Party.

    1. The process may be that lengthy, yes. But the symbolism is as attractive to Americans. Trump described as no longer owning Trump Tower (he really doesn't; mortgage company owns it) is what would stay in the minds of most people who have followed this story. As for Lisa Murkowski, well, she's never been "all in" on Trump...

  34. Only hours left for someone, some foreign country, to own a potential next U.S. President.


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