Thursday, January 18, 2024

NEW HAMPSHIRE:...Kinda Better For Haley...Trump May See Drop In Cult Love...Ron DeSantis All But Done...Those Independents Are Here...



McALLEN, Texas |...It's a much better brawl for Nikki Haley in the ongoing Republican Party's 2024 presidential nomination roll. New Hampshire holds its primary vote next Tuesday. She's sort of expected to do better than that 3rd-place finish in Iowa, where Donald Trump took the bouquet and third pretender Ron DeSantis eked out a 2nd-place finish.

New Hampshire is not Iowa.

This is like land of Harvard versus outs of Oklahoma - no comparison in the citizen brainpower. Expect headier, more-coherent commentary coming from New Hampshire voters. It is, after all, directly north of Massachusetts, home of 42 colleges and universities.

Those Trump piggies in Iowa are fading in the rear-view mirror, left to tend to their shitty rural dreams and schemes, to nag on the ever-fattening wife, to remember they sorta counted for a brief, shining moment.

This from [ If New Hampshire's upcoming primary is anything other than a blowout for Trump, experts say his White House aspirations will become less convincing. Discerning independent voters are crucial in New Hampshire, with the state's open primary system allowing them to cast a ballot for candidates in either party.

Theoretically, if every registered independent in New Hampshire voted for Haley and all registered Republicans voted for Trump, Haley would still win.

"Independents make up a larger share in New Hampshire, so relative to other candidates - not named Trump - Haley should do well and try and drive a narrative that's it's a two-person race," Republican strategist Alex Patton told Newsweek.

Haley is expected to perform well in New Hampshire, with polls showing her doing better than Trump among independents. Republican strategist Patton agreed that Haley's strength is with independents but stressed that "turnout will really matter," as independents often poll better ahead of an election. Two GOP debates were scheduled on Thursday and Saturday, but both have been canceled after Haley refused to participate without Trump’s participation, who hasn’t appeared in a single 2024 debate. ]

Hang on for this ride. Iowa's off-kilter hay wagon was a smoothie; New Hampshire's maple-lugging wagons will offer a wilder roll. If you want a daily read, check out the Manchester Union Leader newspaper online. It goes all out on its elections.

The arrival of the "independent" voter was expected after dumbed-down Iowa, where Trump held sway as if an envoy from The Vatican. New Hampshire's residents are more from the free-thinker parking lot, although Republicans do have an "in," as do, however, the Democrats.

This vote will also see Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis drop out. He is factored in as a 3rd-place finisher, and that would be fatal going into the South Carolina primary - Nikki Haley's home state.

Fate and fortune are not all that kind for emerging national politicians.

For stumbling DeSantis, both will be bummers.

Trump will be humbled a bit by New Hampshire. Haley will emerge as the Queen of The Potomac.

For how long...would be the question...



  1. Trump is running on retribution, intimidation, thuggery and violence as his platform and his base and the party as a whole are eating it up. No way moderate republicans and independents will vote for him.

  2. The only real contest amongst these GOP candidates is who's going to turn out to be the sorest loser. They're all tantrum-throwers and mud-flingers.

  3. Everyone seems to think Trump had a massive victory in Iowa. People, he barely got 50% of the Republican vote. That's the Republican vote. Not really a good showing with who he is running against. If he were to get 100% of the GOP vote in the general election he would lose. Democrats and Independents would bury him. But that would be par for the course because Trump is a loser.

  4. Two whitey states. ho hum.

  5. Well Nikki, your stances on Social Security have doomed your chances. I will never vote for you.

  6. Is Alina Habba really a lawyer? She’s humiliating herself every time she opens her mouth. Maybe sneaky Trump is doing this so he can appeal because his lawyer was incompetent.

    1. Trump lawyer Alina Habba knows exactly what she is doing. She is playing for a crowd of one. Her client is however using her as his voice piece and is risking her future for his own good. She just has not realized that yet. How many lawyers has Trump gone through? Many due to not being paid and others due to the toxic effects of Trump himself. Some VERY large law firms have stepped away or simply refused to get involved due to his toxic nature. He is a client that knows more than his lawyers, just ask him, he will tell you. He will be the smartest and greatest inmate in Leavenworth.

  7. Now we have Republicans picking Biden over Trump. Just how will Trump even maintain his votes of 2020? Won't a certain segment reject Trump based on his speech and his indictments and the variety of charges?

  8. The mad Russian Putin, who vowed to bring down the US after the fall of the Soviet Union, is on the sidelines, cheering Trump.

  9. Texas officials have refused to comply with an order from Biden administration to allow American border patrol agents to access a part of the US-Mexico border that is now under the state’s control.

    1. can't they get their shit together? Both are dumbasses. Solve the problem!!!

  10. Does Donald Trump have secondary syphilis? Red splotches on his hand trigger speculation, jokes

  11. Ron DeSantis didn’t refuse to engage all the media. He encouraged meetings with right wing media he thought would make him appealing. Notice I didn’t say more appealing. That’s because he never came across as being appealing to most Republicans never mind Independents. He ignored CNN and now CNN has been doing town halls and debates. What changed was him and Haley thought they could become popular enough to draw MAGA minions from Trump. Never a realistic campaign but very costly. So long, Ron.

  12. I saw where one media outlet was calling him "Ron DeSadness" him...He's the next one to drop out, but not before he promises to be back for, he'll endorse Trump, of course...

  13. Officers had many opportunities as the 2022 school massacre in Uvalde, Texas, was still unfolding to reassess their flawed response to the shooting that left 19 children and two teachers dead, the US Justice Department concludes in a damning new report.

    Bursts of gunfire, reports a teacher had been shot, then a desperate call from a student trapped with the gunman could – and should – all have prompted a drive to stop the bloodshed far sooner, the Critical Incident Review released Thursday says. (OUCH!)

    1. And not one was fired.

    2. They say the horror for those kids was Hell.

    3. Not one coward cop was fired. Not one coward cop resigned.

  14. When I read one of the polls only asked 325 voters I gave up on polls. Unless the pollsters are actually asking thousands, all over the country, the polls mean nothing. They may even mean nothing if they survey the whole country because people lie, people change their minds, etc.

    1. I've mentioned this here a time or two. Polls are samplings - often thin samplings. I remember reading something about the average number of people sampled is in the 1,000 range. That is hardly representative of our voting population. But the news media is a hungry beast that must be fed. Political seasons, I remember an editor telling me, means "everything's a story" - meaningless polls included. Some are even paid for by candidates, like Trump's polls in the Wall Street Journal, a newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also owns FOX...Take polls with a grain of salt...

  15. Something weird is happening in Florida. Democrats are winning. For the first time in years.

    When Navy veteran Tom Keen surprised the political establishment Tuesday, flipping a legislative district from red to blue, it was huge.

    How huge? Well, the last time voters cast ballots in this district, Republicans won by 11 points. On Tuesday, they lost by 3. That’s a big swing — especially in a race where Republicans massively outspent their opponents.


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