Friday, January 19, 2024

BORDER BATTLE:...No Deal On Migrant Surge...D. Trump Says It Would Help Democrat Joe Biden...Republican Texas In Fight...Hell-o, Walls...



McALLEN, Texas |...No, don't look for the border invasion story to die-off anytime soon. It's too good of an issue for both the Republican and Democratic parties - like in we're not going to solve it in Congress if the other side gets the glory.

Of such unrefined shit are we made these days, boys.

Congress - and President Joe Biden - are negotiating a solution (can there ever be one, really?), but standing in the way is the same old troublemaker: Donald J. Trump.

This from [ Trump is taking on Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his leadership team by calling on Republican lawmakers to reject a compromise on border security.

The runaway front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination is also setting up a crucial battle over both his party’s future and Ukraine, as precious aid to that country is tied to the border deal along with help for Israel and the Indo-Pacific.

Trump has said Republicans should say "no" to any deal that falls short of "everything needed" to stop the flow of migrants, a message that pointedly puts pressure on new Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to walk the line. Johnson has been under pressure from the Senate GOP and the White House to agree to an emerging Senate deal. ]

At the rotten heart of Trump's bellyaching is his belief that bringing forth some solution to the Border Battle would help Biden against him in the November election.

That's the bottom line for his opposition.

Unfortunately, Trump has the ear of pretty much every Republican in Congress these days. All are siding by him as he leads in the current race for the party's presidential nomination - even as he is hilariously mired in court battles that include his ongoing defamation trial connected to his rape conviction of the magazine writer E. Jean Carroll.

Poor used and abused Mexican border.

It is the latest hot potato in our star-crossed political picnic basket - one that likely has no winning solution, this because the border has always been this border and, well, we do need people who will do hard labor jobs.

A mirage of a solution now would indeed help Biden.

Trump is right. He wants to solve the largely-manufactured crisis. He wants the credit; that's all.

Not that he gives a shit about the border itself. You know it and I know it...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...There is a skirmish of sorts in Eagle Pass that has Texas and the federal government at each other's ass. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has taken over a riverfront city park and is not allowing agents of the U.S. Border Patrol access to the fenced grounds. The Biden Administration has taken Republican Abbott to court...]


  1. Securing the border would be terrible for the Republicans. They'd lose a major talking point as we go into the election.

    They'll talk and talk, but the minute the Democrats agree to a deal, they reject it.

  2. Biden has crushed Trump in overall effectiveness and accomplishments as president.

  3. No invasion. Nothing new with the border. I live here.

  4. Republicans are doing Trump's bidding. He wants to use the border as a campaign theme. He doesn't want the problem solved. Biden's had a proposal on the table since September. 14 billion for border security but they won't negotiate. Trump wants them to block everything.

    1. This has been the GOP strategy. Hurt the American public to win back power. He has been openly rooting against America while having his followers in Congress pull strings to make it happen.

      Openly hoping for a severe recession.

      The GOP is causing the border crisis by denying funding and having the Governor of Texas and Florida create magnets to come here by fast tracking them into the country to other areas.

  5. Weird that the other 45 Presidents could do their jobs without requiring total immunity. The only one to demand it is under multiple indictments and was impeached twice.

    1. Too many people say they aren't Biden fans, but don't say why. Hopefully you realize much of what we've gone through during this admin were results of decisions by the prior administration. As we've seen with interest rates, it takes time for things to ripple through and fully impact the economy. Yes, he's a "career" politician, but one of the more decent ones. Even the GOP hasn't found actual evidence of illegal activities despite looking and yelling "fire" for the past three years.

  6. LOL! Trump defends himself to the Supreme Court, saying he called ‘for peace, patriotism, respect for law and order’ on Jan. 6 and is not an insurrectionist.

  7. Nikki Haley saying Trump feels threatened by her and is insecure. Trump was ALWAYS threatened & insecure, that's why the big facade of his ego - Now he's becoming Psychotic.

  8. Anyone who supported Trump during his attempt to overthrow the last election not only should immediately be disqualified but brought up on charges of treason. Anyone trying to put pressure on the justice department to stop them from bringing criminal charges against Trump should also be immediately disqualified for attempting to protect a criminal. On other issues such as abortion, etc, those are up to the specific individuals on what they believe in. I just don't think anyone involved in treason or the obvious protection of criminals should be able to run nevermind the lead man himself.

    1. Good points, but good luck. We don't seem to be interested in moving in that direction. Not yet. Politicians are experts at weighing their interests before considering the public they serve. Once Trump begins a discernible fall, well, then you will see the rats scurrying...

  9. Trump to be interviewed by Sean hannity today. Wow. That will be a puff ball interview. Notice how Trump doesn’t have the courage to be interviewed by anyone other than Fox proxies?

    1. Best way to beat trump is just let him keep talking. He’s in such a mental decline he’ll end his own campaign. His last pep rally in New Hampshire he rambled on about de-banking and how electric cars are going to steal your freedoms and your country. 😂

    2. It's almost iron law in politics that new generations and easier voting access will mean a skew to the left. What growth Republicans have experienced is due to substituting positive party platforms for platitudes and populism- all coming from one man, Trump. Because the party's only foundation is "whatever Trump wants", it's impossible to predict the fallout and volatility from the void that creates when he 1) fails again or 2) is gone.

  10. Woo-hoo! President Biden is cancelling $4.9 billion more in student debt, including for 44,000 public servants - teachers, nurses, and firefighters - who’ve devoted their lives to service.

  11. Red spots on Trump's hand: 2/3rds of the country hopes its serious.

  12. On another note, regarding the primaries, everyone is talking about how he had this runaway victory in Iowa. He took 50% of the vote, which means that the hardest core republicans that actually came out to vote voted against their former president. That's a huge warning sign for Trump. 50% of your own party don't want to see you back in office....

  13. Trump has been convicted of sexual abuse (May 2023) using the jury system found in the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution. I believe in the Constitution's jury system. He also was audio recorded boasting of sexually grabbing women and enjoying his stardom to assault women without any reprecussions. Consensual sex has zero in common with sexual abuse/assault. How anyone can feel good about Trump given his sexually abuse of any woman is lost on me. One cannot be "a little immoral." Maybe it only raises concerns for some persons if the abuse is perpetrated on someone they love: daughter, wife, mother.

    1. Here is a thought about the damage trump is causing to this country.

      Let's imagine that a foreign power attacks our country with the aim of destroying our freedoms, our laws, and our democratic way of life. What would the government do?. Surely, it would fully deploy its forces to stop that attack without hesitation, destroy the attacker at all cost.

      Where is the difference when an internal threat arises? Is our government not obligated to act to protect our laws, freedom, and constitution?

  14. Judge hints that Trump’s election interference trial might be delayed. MAGA has infiltrated our Government/Courts and we need to weed them out.

  15. Outrage as Oklahoma Republican’s bill labels Hispanic people ‘terrorists’

    What race was Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City Bomber?

  16. At this point, I am not saying Biden is the answer, but I am sure Trump is not. This guy only worries about himself and being validated by the people around him. The unfortunate part about it, he has other people around him that need that same validation and he is cunning enough to see it and use it to his advantage. Too bad their constituents aren’t the ones whom they are concerned about validation from by serving them.

    1. I'm sorry, but Donald Trump is NOT WORTH all the trouble he's caused. Take away all of his money, throw him in prison and cut him off from the world for the rest of his life!!! He's a rotten human being that needs to be put away!!!

    2. Trump says Nikki Haley 'has no chance' ahead of New Hampshire primary: 'MAGA is not going to be with her'

  17. Feds rule the border. Texas is just being stupid.

  18. Voters that didn't like Trump in 2020 certainly aren't switching sides, so if they all show up at the polls again, Trump loses again. Biden's approval rating could be in the single digits and Trump would still lose because he is disliked and even hated far more than Biden is. Biden is just old, and boring. That's all anyone can really say about him. Trump is only a few years behind him, but full of drama, not to mention he's an absolutely despicable human being who is only running to stay out of jail and enrich himself and his family further.

  19. Don't let the Trump cult win. Dems and Indies need to get out and vote in the GOP primaries and stop Trump early. There is the misconception that Republicans only will pick the GOP nominee. All registered voters can vote in the GOP primaries if they pay attention to the requirements. Half the states are open or semi open. Some require party "registration" but that is just a voter suppression tactic that almost all can overcome by "registering". Hurry, some windows are closing. New Hampshire closed in October. So democratic.

    1. DOJ prosecutor Jack Smith has done more for American democracy in 8 months than the Republican Party has done in decades.

      Hope he hangs Trump soon.

  20. Veterans Affairs launched a suicide help program. 50,000 veterans used it.

  21. Republican Sen. James Lankford, the leading GOP lawmaker on bipartisan immigration talks, said that some conservatives want to tank a potential deal over concern that it could hand President Joe Biden a political win.

    "There are some that are saying, 'Hey, we don't want Biden to actually get credit for doing anything on the border, because obviously, he's made a huge mess," Lankford, an Oklahoma Republican, told The Washington Post.

  22. Republicans Divided On Whether Donald Trump Can Be Prosecuted For Crimes


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