Saturday, January 20, 2024

IT WAS YOU, DONALD:... ...Fiery Republican Blames Trump For Ongoing Border Strife...Cong. Chip Roy Not Mincing Words...He Won't Tour Mexican Border For Useless Photo OP...



McALLEN, Texas |...Well, hey, he said it. We speak this cold Saturday morning of U.S. Rep. Chip Roy and his stance on the mess that is the current Mexican Border. Roy is U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz's former chief-of-staff and an outspoken dude. He represents the 21st Congressional District, land that includes most of San Antonio and a chunk of Austin.

Earlier this year, when House Speaker Mike Johnson flew into Texas to tour the Mexican Border (Eagle Pass) with a handful of publicity-hungry Congressional Republicans, Roy opted out.

The 51-year-old native of Maryland said he wasn't going to waste his time with a useless political stunt.

This from [ An ultra-conservative member of the House Republican majority is laying blame for the surge of immigrants at the Southern border not at the feet of President Joe Biden, but on his fellow Republicans - namely, former President Donald Trump.

During a recent interview with Fox Business News, Roy, who sits on the far-right House Freedom Caucus, took his party to task for failing to take decisive action on the border while they were in power.

"I would acknowledge President Trump failed along with Republicans Paul Ryan and the guys, they failed in 2018 to actually move a border security bill to tighten this so we aren't dealing with this crisis right now," Roy said. ]

Yes, I know. This is the part of the story where I write the Mexican border is no different today than it was 10 years ago. Twenty years ago. Seemingly even longer than that. The U.S., as we keep saying, is an immigrant country that draws immigrants - not always in a legal manner, but it draws them.

Lately, it has been thousands, according to news reports. Most are coming from Honduras and South America - all claiming asylum for Hell-like existences back home. You offer Disneyworld to the world, and the world will come.

Roy's outburst is certainly a rare one inside Republican circles.

He's unique in that he's taking the "real" position, however, and not simply going through the road-tired motions of coming to the border, exclaiming wild observations of lawlessness and disgust and then going back home.

It is, as they say about Sprite in the middle of summer, refreshing...



  1. Half of Iowa Republicans voted against trump. And that's in a deep Trump state. Its going to be fun watching him lose again.

    1. MAGA can spin it anyway they want to, but 50,000 out of 110,000 in Iowa didn't want Trump.

  2. Neither side wants to solve the border problem. That is now clear to me.

  3. Trumpies stating Biden should close the border....But they can't explain how doing so, will stop illegals from crossing through Republican Donald Trump's failed Wall...

  4. Experts alarmed after Trump demands immunity to do “infinite crimes” in 2 am Truth Social rant.

    1. If Trump gets immunity so does Joe Biden, who should then jail the Orange Man.

  5. No other president in the over 200 year history has needed, asked for, wanted or had immunity, especially full a total immunity. They have all done their jobs just fine. (Except Nixon), but even he knew he did NOT have immunity.

    Trump wants immunity because it makes it easier to completely trash and ignore the constitution and every other law this country has.

    With immunity, Trump could literally walk into Congress and shoot every single democrat and walk away freely. Worse yet, he could walk into an elementary school and wipe out of every child with a smile and walk out a free man.

  6. All speak of illegals crossing into the US, fentenyl & other drugs crossing into US, cartel influence & Mexican corruption. Why does no one address the illegal guns crossing into Mexico, cartel cash crossing into Mexico, increased demand for drugs in this country continues to grow & lets not ignore the US cartels helping the Mexican cartels with distribution here? We do need to secure our border, however, we must secure both north bound & south bound crossings...however shutting down the border completely is not the answer.

    1. You're on-point again. Thing is guns and that cartel cash is not on the Republican table at the moment. A visible campaign on those two fronts alone would help greatly. It's just not on the minds of our ...politicians, who must demonize at will. Southbound stuff is not a problem for them...

  7. Republicans courting Blacks and Hispanics now. I don't think the best way to persuade them is racism.

  8. Former Florida GOP state chair gets a break on rape allegations. Christian Ziegler is his name. By the way... The Ziegler's are "close personal friends" of Florida's Governor Ronny DeSantass (or DeSatan as we know him). That includes whatever perks it involves. In Florida we suspect the relationship is reciprocal and quite complicated in nature. If you catch my drift.

    He wasn't "Cleared" very misleading headlines. The guys in charge bailed on supporting the woman he attacked- as usual.

  9. The border is the border. I agree. Not being invaded. I don't see it or feel it.

    1. Under his “Operation Lone Star” initiative, Republican gov. Greg Abbott has unabashedly declared that the state will undertake wide-ranging efforts to prevent immigrants from crossing into Texas from Mexico and send them back if they do enter. He insists that “Texas has the sovereign authority to defend our borders.”

      One small problem: It doesn’t. The Constitution unambiguously assigns regulation of immigration to the federal government. Federal law preempts state laws that purport to exercise immigration authority, and there is no serious argument to the contrary.

    2. This has been written about hundreds of times in the last two years. Texas does have the right to protect itself, but the border belongs to the federal government. Texas Gov. Abbott really hasn't even tried to work with the federal government; he's merely raised partisan political Hell and...that's it. Work toward a solution. Unless you don't really want one...

  10. The media's coverage of Mr. 5'8" 408 is the problem. The media already know El Gordo's game plan and still follow him around with microphones and cameras like a herd of sheep in heat. Stop it. already.

  11. Vivek Ramaswamy anyone? LOL.

  12. what!!! Japan is the latest country to land on the moon.

  13. A fraction of Republicans voting in Iowa and NH doesn't mean much. We already know how much the media wants Trump to be the nominee because Trump has a zero chance in November.

    1. Why are these people willing to look ridiculous for Trump? His father had Alzheimer's and he's clearly exhibiting characteristics of the disease. If Republicans would just be honest about Trump, they could probably take back the White House, senate and house. But lying for him and debasing themselves on his behalf isn't a winning ticket. Just look what lying did for them in 2018, 2020 and 2022. Keep it up and it will look worse for them in November.

  14. If you turn on 90%of the media in this country you are listening to and getting the talking points of the crazies. These are the people that show you cities literally burning and being occupied by militant leftists and telling you they are mostly peaceful protests. They use language as a weapon, they create new terms like “experiencing homeless” and then label you the problem when you genuinely are just trying to understand what they are saying.

    Then you turn on the other 10% and you get people talking a out mass ballot stuffing schemes and voting machines from venezuela changing all the votes.

    These people are the crazies, and the normals have no chance because we don’t get a voice.

  15. Texas state senator Paul Bettencourt is challenging the constitutionality of a guaranteed basic income program.

    Harris County, which includes Houston, plans to give qualifying residents $500 a month.

    The congressman asked the state attorney general to issue a legal opinion on the program.

    The senator says a Houston-area program to give people $ is unconstitutional.

  16. Go Houston Texans!!!

  17. One of my best friends unknowingly took fentanyl in Dallas, he died one year ago yesterday. It’s a huge problem where I live too, it’s everywhere and it’s incredibly deadly.

  18. “Failure is not the opposite of success. It’s part of it.”

  19. Trump has done nothing to try and unite this country. His anti-left rhetoric and name calling results in encouraging more hatred by his MAGA cult members. We will not be reunited until he is out of politics.


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