Sunday, January 21, 2024

BROWN LIKE ME:......Nikki And Vivek...What, Pray Tell, Are They Doing In The Racist Republican Party?...We Know MAGA Hates Brown...Vivek Is The Bigger Fool...



McALLEN, Texas |...They keep coming. Dark-skinned Americans fully believing the Republican Party welcomes them as equals to its ever-dominant white membership. This is the tradition of bygone White House hopefuls Alan Keyes, Herman Cain, Bobby Jindal, and Ben Carson as well as recent presidential candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley.

Talk about a pipedream.

None of those named above got anywhere near the GOP's presidential nomination, and, yes, Haley is still in it. But the odds of winning she faces are of astral proportions. Still, they go for it, arriving with their own endless stash of red, white and blue banners.

The Republican Party currently headed by oft-indicted Donald Trump is a White Peoples party. See it as anything else and, boys, you're only fooling yourself. Use of Browns and Blacks by the White Republican leadership always has been a game. They will smile you in the door, slap you on the back, say you're special and all that jazz before reality sets in and you find yourself being nothing more than a handy socio-political valet for their bigger dream.

A Brown or Black Republican president?

Not happening, Baby. Not in your lifetime. You're just dog food for the Real Republicans.

Candidate Ramaswamy ultimately learned that on the campaign trail. Weeks and months of lugging his thoughts across Iowa told him one thing: He wasn't needed or wanted. Vivek, shown in photo at right, dropped out and quickly endorsed the party's cultish kingpin Trump - endorsed him as if to not do it would be to be kicked out of the whiteboy party.

So, what keeps Blacks and Browns lapping up to people who really hate them?

It's a study in the making. Some will tell you they switched from the Democratic Party to the GOP after the Democratic Party "left them." Others will say their "conservative" values took them there, racism and bigotry aside. Racism and bigotry to be tolerated and endured.

It's a mirage, of course.

What Black or Brown holds high office in the Republican Party, at the state or national level? Can you name one? Two? Three? Walk to your washroom mirror and answer that to yourself.

Lately, I've noticed that the only anti-anti-racism, a pillar of right-wing politics, is often most voiced by people of color courting GOP voters. A sort of tradition in the GOP, it is, however, a good way to get attention. Not one of these candidates, meanwhile, has been able to go the distance and get that so-called prize at the end of the rainbow - the presidential nomination.

Why is that, Jose?

Why is that, Willie?

You know the answer to that question. I know you do...



  1. Nikki isnt Trump-Lite at all. She is a uniparty democrat parading as a republican. She won't even get close to Trumps numbers.

  2. Black Tim Scott’s Trump Endorsement is a disgrace to Black people in America, as every person in America Knows Donald Trump and his Father who owned and still owns apartment buildings in New York City Paid state and federal Fines for not renting to Black People, Just ask his niece Mary as she will tell you the truth which is not a thing Donald Trump Knows about, The word "Truth" !!!

    1. Black bootlicker Tim Scott even trotted out a white girlfriend when Republicans thought he might be Gay. And still he endorsed Trump!

  3. I thought about voting for Nikki Haley, but she says she would pardon Trump and the Jan. 6th insurrectionists, so I will vote for Biden.

  4. Trump can try damage control, but it isn't going to work, we're seeing his mental decline in real time now the more he's in the public.

  5. Trump claimed that if Democrat Joe Biden was elected that the stock market would completely crash.

    1. the US has the lowest inflation,
    2. lowest unemployment other than Japan,
    3. highest GDP growth rate,
    4. a record stock market,
    5. lowest energy costs among all the G7 countries.
    6. the S&P 500 has also gained 30%
    7. we are producing more oil domestically than we ever have in our history even over Trump's record.

    So tell me what's the Republicans plan to improve the economy?

  6. Please, do not vote for Trump, he has been terrible. I never thought any president could be worse than Nixon but Trump did it! Congrats on ruining America. It looks like that's what you Trump culters want to keep doing.

  7. What time's the Cowboy game? LOL!!!

    1. Game ended last weekend, but the Packers just scored again! Ha ha ha

  8. For L.A. Dodger Steve Garvey is running for Senate in California as a Republican — but don’t ask about Trump.

    Garvey says he would consider voting for a Democrat instead of Trump.

  9. We're dealing with a group of character's that makes us the laughingstock of the free world.

  10. No one has asked the one simple yet all important question to Trump or the MAGAites. That is, "What is your end game?" What does America look like when you have 'made it great again'? I propose that it (1) will have one political party which will be the MAGA/GOP; the Democratic party will be abolished and outlawed (2) that all media will be under govt control and scrutiny (3) the need for elections will go away as Trump accomplishes his often-expressed desire to be president for life. These are the three most desired situations for the end game of the MAGA/GOP. Right. Kind of like China already has.

  11. About Abbott's school vouchers: approximately 80% of the people who would receive those vouchers already attend private schools. In the thousands of small towns across Texas, there is no private school option, or private religious schools many parents would not send their children to. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's plan takes money away from schools that are already under-funded. This is just one more attempt to subsidize the wealthy.

    1. Abbott reported receiving a $6 million donation from a Pennsylvania millionaire/billionaire. The guy isn't looking for school vouchers in Pennsylvania, but he wants them for Texas. Abbott cannot be that blind. There was a time when Texas hated these eastern tinhorns...$6 million changes that?...

  12. Of course, my wallet is better under Biden than trump, but besides that I am determined to never vote for a candidate that wasn't pro-choice ever again. Even in the off-year election I researched every candidate's position on abortion including judges who we vote on in PA. Turns out, I ended up voting straight Democrat, something I rarely do. Yes, it is still an issue, when women don't have the rights to their own body good people stand up for them!

  13. News organizations that hold their reporters to strict rules ensuring that what they are reporting is true will suffer the consequences if they do not comply. Fox News not too long ago lost a nearly one-billion-dollar lawsuit because they told a falsehood about Dominion voting machines. Dominion before that suit was a small 80-million-dollar company. The damage may have been much greater had Fox News not made that offer to stop a much larger problem of having to explain other lies they continued to tell throughout the Trump administration. News organizations getting caught up in the Trump deception will sooner rather than later suffer consequences the next time around.

  14. Jose hates his Hispanidad and Willie is tired of being Black. Facts.

  15. Crazy how Haley even thinks she has a chance. She was done the moment she said that everyone online needs to be verified and use their real names when Nikki Haley isn’t even her real name

    1. Trump's last name is not real. Try "Drumph".

  16. Bless everyone seeking. Faith is knowing.

  17. MAGA Republicans worship a false prophet in Donald J Trump; an inhumane sinful grifter. Expect to lose bigly on 11/5/2024.

  18. What party is for better wages? In my opinion education is still the pathway to wealth. And I'm not referring to a worthless college degree that is going to put you in debt for decades. What I am talking about are meaningful degrees where a graduate can leave college and immediately make a decent wage. One set of occupations that really doesn't get the credit it deserves are the trades. We are always going to need plumbers, masons, electricians, and construction workers and these jobs tend to pay way above the median wage. However, I get this sense that the younger generation want jobs that are "fulfilling" and many times those jobs just don't pay enough to live life on your own.

  19. When MAGA says, "Just let him run and let democracy decide if he should be President". I say, um, how'd that work out last time? Y'all Republicans didn't accept his defeat. Y'all got violent and lost your minds. We can't risk that again and the Constitution says we don't have to risk it. The Constitution says just keep him off the ballot.

  20. If he's not convicted, I won't believe that he got away with all that! Outrageous!! That he's not in jail right now is mind blowing. If that's the case, then everyone can break the law with no consequences. 🤬🤬🤬

  21. Trump supporters ….. most are stupid and ignorant! Uneducated idiots that blindly support a narcissistic moron like Trump and believe anything he says. They don't even have a clue as to the history of their own country. If they pulled their head out of their ass, they might actually realize that the only person Trump cares about ultimately is himself. I'm not saying the rest of politicians are good people, but Trump is outright dangerous with his sense of self entitlement.

  22. Trump's supporters are more stupid as their master of disaster. 😂😂😂

    1. Trump is all about family?
      Hasn't he been married 3 times and had an affair while still married to his current wife, when she was pregnant? And didn't he pay $150,000 to keep the story of his affair from coming out?

  23. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ends presidential campaign. Endorses Trump. How lame.

    1. Drops out, endorsed guy who has zero respect for him.... yep... DeSantis is a loser.


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