Wednesday, January 17, 2024

DEAD:...The Grand Old Party Has Died...MAGA Republicans Want Their America...Trump Killed A Political Party...Will It Happen In 2024?...



McALLEN, Texas |...The Republican Party is no more. It has been butchered, disemboweled by the man seen in photo above. His is a well-known name. Members of his party likely know him as some sort of savior; the rest of the country sees him as a murderer, of sorts.

We are more than tempted to use a line from that Sir Walter Scott poem..."Breathes there a man with soul so dead". The words fit, is what we would say. Donald J. Trump has killed the Republican Party. It is now his own, property to be used and abused, as is his usual wont.

And, sadly, there is no funeral dirge to play about here.

But, boys, the Grand Olde Party is dead. What you see now from those Americans is a Hell's Angels gang of societal miscreants out to destroyer the country. There will be no more ifs, and or buts. The plan is being executed.

Multiple legal problems that include four criminal cases has not - and did not - stop Trump's march to the sea. Coast-to-coast terror, some of it arriving in calm ways and means (school vouchers), is at play, and no one seems to want to stand in the way. Republicans, we mean.

Well, those Republicans who are not quite onboard with Trump's MAGA are folks without a party. They are the kids in high school who bowed to the popular jocks and brainiacs. They have been spayed. Don't look for them at Trump rallies, but also do not look for them blocking his path.

Non-MAGA Republicans are taking the year off.

Do not bother them with press interviews or seek them out in the Letters-To-The-Editor section of your hometown newspaper. They are willfully standing down. They are not even lashing out at the liberal press to say, "Show me the evidence!"

They, too, have seen the evidence of hate, of unrest and of total manifest destruction. Republicans with any sort of power aren't even bothering with their non-MAGA brethren. Every team has its second-string scrubs, its practice squad. This game is not for the weak who won't speak.

Political parties have died in this country. That, too, is our history. Who remembers the Whigs, and, more-recently, the Reform Party of the early 1990s? It happens. People get scared and they act on their fears. Poisoning of the country's citizen blood is only the latest reason for today's Trump Republicans.

Our immigrant country's blood was "poisoned' a long, long time ago. But it's an excitable buzzword quickly latched on by those seeking any reason to raise Hell. Earlier, it had been fear of placing young White students with Blacks and Browns. That came and went, however, the courts ruling there was such a thing as equal citizenship for all. Anger was simply pocketed away for the next fight.

Ethnicity is Prime Time stuff with the MAGA Republicans.

That is a story that has seen the light in brief snippets buried in larger-issue news reports. But it's central to the rage & ruin playing across the country these days. The banning of books to limit readings on slavery, for example. A major presidential candidate (MAGA Republican Nikki Haley) believing you can ever distance yourself from that horrible time in America. The frontrunner for the 2024 nomination (Trump) demonizing immigration if it's not from Norway.

We could go on.

It's safe to say, however, that the United States is no longer united. It's Red States versus Blue States now. I'm with these guys; you're with them. Only, it is not a game. It is dead-serious stuff for the MAGA crowd, their allegiance openly going to Trump and not to the country.

They could not care less about unity. Not these days. MAGA Republicans fully believe God is on their side and that Trump is the fabled "Chosen One". 

Democrats and the rest of the population are to be damned. God is not with Democrats, say, no, scream, these Republicans. Damnations flow daily, against societal norms and against opposing politicians. America is on the rag.

Bang the drum more time...



  1. I think he killed it. They had a chance to dump him and they didn’t. And now they’re gonna pay a hefty price for it because they will lose in November.

  2. GOP is severely underestimating the amount of Republican voters who will refuse to vote for Trump. They just won't do it. 50% of them didn't in Iowa even when being convinced to by other Republicans.

    1. People need to rethink the Trump idea. If he continues the US is more likely to face a threat of civil war or civil unrest because of him. There are two good choices other than him. Trump is not a choice.

  3. The public setting of a caucus is not the same as the privacy of a voting booth.

  4. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz endorsed Donald Trump for president Tuesday night and called for the country to unify behind the Republican front-runner.

    1. Did he say that while on his way to Cancun?

  5. he easiest way to understand how our once GOP has been transformed into a party of uncompromising extremism is to become familiar with their media. The most easily accessible and comprehensive way to accomplish that is to listen to conservative radio, in your car, at home, whenever you can. Liberals are disparaged, denigrated, and demonized with a constant stream of negative stereotypes. Their themes and messaging are in line with conservative tv and social media. The news media is fake and conservative media is the only source of truth, hateful and divisive as it may be. Take the right-wing radio test, then you will understand what has become of our once GOP.

    1. Trump can't win over people who are constructive, compassionate, intelligent, meaningful, and with ideas for the future and to make things better, it's all just hate, hate, hate, and Prejudice. It's such a winning formula for him, but he's no genius for doing that, anybody could have run on those things, he was just the first one to do it.

  6. Trump has been losing general elections for Republicans since 2020. There is no reason that this trend will not continue. Thankfully. Let's hope he becomes the Republican nominee.

  7. Simple equation from my view, if Haley wins the Republican nomination, it's a landslide win over Biden. If Trump wins, another 4 years of Joe. MAGA folks won't unite the party, they will tear it down. Trump lost by 7MM votes in last general election, it will be even more, and will bring out even more conspiracy theorists. As a right leaning independent, I simply am not going to vote for him or anyone else if the ticket remains the same from 2020. I'm certain I'm not the only one who feels that way.

  8. Trump's a criminal. End of story.

  9. Trump's attempted theft of highly classified documents alone should make every American consider him completely unfit for office.

    Trump didn't just accidentally have some docs mixed in with those he is allowed to take, as other presidents/VPs have found (and they then cooperated and gave them back).

    No. Trump, after having multiple opportunities to give back docs, finally was issued a subpoena. Then Trump actively hid some of those documents from the FBI in an attempt to steal them.

  10. Get out and vote Trump out. Our country depends on it.

  11. Democrats and Republicans have one thing in common:

    Very few of you actually know what Presidents can and cannot do, what powers are vested in them, and the effect they have or don't have on the economy.

    We deserve our current representation. A completely foolish society fighting over crumbs thrown at them by their corporate oligarchs.

    Keep fighting over things you don't understand, people.

  12. Churches are rising for Trump. Churches are already functioning as political organizations, tax them as such! You gotta pay to play!

  13. Trump talking trash at his defamation trial today. Duct tape this lying, griftingconpieceofshit's mouth shut.

    1. Last legal gasps from a desperate man, and a worse 'legal team' - Trump's already been found guilty, they are just determining the 2nd financial penalty against Trump. Sad little man, he'll probably do it again as he leaves the trial.

    2. Every time I open the news I look to see if the fat Orange liar's diet has finally caught up with him. It will, sooner or later. And that seems like the only way the world will rid itself of this blight.

    3. Ol' Donald repeatedly complains that he is being treated 'unfairly.' Yet I do not know of anyone else in this country who would behave as he has behaved and honestly, feel the courts have failed to enforce the rules, decorum, and respect for the court. Anyone other than Ol' Donald would have found his bum in a cold and dirty jail cell long ago. Such a sad story for America.

    4. If Trump was found guilty, why isn’t he being treated like a sex offender?

    5. The Orange Stain will lose the General Election and restart his fake steal narrative despite it being the most closely observed election in our Republic's history.

  14. Republican politicians come off as demons who feed on fear, misery and chaos which explains why its only fear being fed to America not solutions.

    1. I do wonder about this: Would these miscreants be seen differently if they took their rightful name of MAGA Party and not the Republican Party. Traditional Republicans should have fought for their name, their beliefs and their standing. Instead, they folded. Odd surrender, I'd say...

  15. Republicans disregard for our legal system is more apparent every day. So much for the party of law and order.

  16. When Trump* said this after the Iowa win, who was he talking about? "This is really time for our country to come together." He must be joking if he thinks he'll get the support of those voters whose votes he wanted to overturn. He may have conned many Americans, but he hasn't conned all of us.


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