Tuesday, January 16, 2024

IOWA:...Trump Wins Caucus Vote...Pig State's Whites Rally For Racism And Hate...Hitler Would Have Killed It In Iowa Yesterday...Achtung, Baby...



McALLEN, Texas |...One down and a string of them to go. Party primaries, we mean. Iowa was here yesterday, and the Republican vote went as expected for oft-indicted Donald J. Trump, who easily whipped candidates Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis in the state's caucuses.

Or, as one wag put it, Hitler would have won Iowa last night.

As many have said, the corn-fed Midwestern state is an unfair and unlikely maker/breaker for national candidates, if only because its population does not in any way mirror the rest of the country. You're White? Yeah, you want to compete in Iowa, a state where the Anglo population is not all that big (3 million, or so) and 90% of it is White.

Go ahead and throw the ethnic slurs and damn immigration from the south all you want. Cheers and votes are what you'll get.

Crazed Trump won the Iowa Caucus. DeSantis finished second and Haley a close third. That's the math, although numbers had Trump in the low-50s percentagewise, with DeSantis coming it at low 20%, Haley close behind him.

It's on to New Hampshire for the Lousy Three, this election cycle's version of the Clown Show.

America deserves a better kickoff election.

Iowa is not representative by a long shot. Plus, this is big: The winner of the Iowa Caucus rarely wins the General Election. Yes, it's part of what we here call the horse race journalism breeds and needs. The news media got blamed for calling last night's caucus race early for Trump.

Not a louder bitch about that came than that from DeSantis.

He trailed and railed, but few were listening. Reporters wrote that story, but it was one of hundreds written overnight. Early or not, DeSantis was toast.

Trump, meanwhile, is scheduled to attend his defamation trial in New York this week, the one brought on by the woman he raped (that was a court verdict) and who wants him to pay up. The court, as with his New York fraud trial, will decide how much he will have to pay.

But does he care? Likely not one whit.

Trump has his low-class supporters contributing weekly and doing it to pay his mountain of legal bills.

That, too, is America.

So, as the Aryan sweetheart asked: Would Hitler have won Iowa?

In a landslide, darlin'...



  1. Anything good that has happened in the last 100 years for the people in this country has come from the Democrats. Social Security, Medicare, and Equal Rights, They guided us through the Great Depression Recovery, through victory in World Wars 1 and 2, have handled the economy much better, and conducted international issues better. They support our Allies, and stand up to our adversaries. As you say, at least in the time of Nixon, most of the people in the country had values, and rejected him. Interesting that Trump's biggest support comes from the Bible Belt in the South and the Rust Belt in the Midwest, where people are supposed to exemplify American values. What has happened to many of those people with regard to Trump is hard to explain.

  2. Why does Iowa matter? I mean, no disrespect, but it doesn't represent the majority of the country. It's a farm state. I am sincere. Why does Iowa matter in this? I thought they were moving this to a more industrialized state.

  3. If the Republican Party goes forward with Trump, I'll have no choice but to vote for Biden.

  4. Meaningless vote. Trump going to prison.

  5. can't wait for all the fun in November.

  6. Added note:...Businessman and Indian kiss-ass Vivek Ramaswamy has dropped out of the Republican 2024 presidential nomination dance. He has, as expected, endorsed Trump...

  7. I can't believe that a r-apist just got nominated for the Iowa caucus. After this is all over, no Conservative better even attempt to try and talk to me about values and morality.

  8. The Republican Party is gone. It has been replaced by the Cult of Trump.

  9. Vote BLUE! President Biden 2024!

    1. Vote BLUE in the RGV. Keep Our Valley Ours!!!

  10. The Republicans want to nominate a twice impeached, criminally accused felon, civil sexual assaulter who spends his days giving his foes nicknames like 5th graders do on the playground. What an absolute joke.

  11. Asa Hutchinson also dropped out. He is a conservative with principles. This is so rare now in the age of Trump.

    1. He's also from Arkansas, where retards go to die.

  12. "Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."

    - Liz Cheney

    And this was before the powerful and damning indictment came out for the Mar-A-Lago stolen documents trove, the State and Federal charges stemming from his effort to overturn the election, him being found liable for Fraud in New York, and the sexual assault ruling in the E. Jean Carroll case.

  13. Germany not a fan of a second Trump presidency. United we stand, divided we fall. Cutting and running from supporting our allies will guarantee the US falls into irrelevance much faster than we are right now. Showing the world players the US is not interested in them will only draw them closer to China. Hitler was defeated because the world powers combined their resources and fought. America under Trump will cut and run, hide in the corner hoping the new world powers don't hurt us. We have become a pathetic excuse for a country.

  14. NY Attorney Joe Tacopino has left Trump's defense team. Attorneys usually withdraw for one of two reasons: 1. Non-payment. 2. Irreconcilable differences between the attorney and the client.

    My guess: Tacopino wasn't paid. I win!!!

  15. Hey, Trump didn't receive 52% of Iowa votes. There are over 2 million voters in the state. Only about 1/3 (718,00) are registered Republican. Only 110,000 people actually voted, and he received 52,000 of those votes. In reality, he only received 2.6% of the votes of all registered voters and 7.2% of Republican voters. That is not a landslide. It's actually pretty dismal and, hopefully, more indicative of reality. There is a small minority of people who think they are riding the coattails of someone who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

    1. That's true. The 51% used by the media went only to the percentage of the caucus vote...

  16. Who cares? Primary means nothing. Trump won Iowa's primary in 2020. But then guess what? He lost the election. Iowa decides nothing ever in elections in this Country.

  17. Trump didn't win Iowa in a landslide. He won the Republican caucus in Iowa, but you can hardly say it was a landslide. Reports of less than 10% voter turnout doesn't say landslide to me. It says indifference.

  18. The only way Haley wins New Hampshire will be if Democrats come out in large enough numbers to vote for her, short of that, President Trump will walk away with the victory.

  19. Reminder:...We publish NO PROFANITY. Today, we had four comments that carried a worthy angle to our commentary on politics, but they all arrived with language we find unnecessary and, really, useless. Resubmit them without the profane words and we'll reconsider...

  20. "Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth. " - George Orwell, 1984

  21. Iowans will likely defend their system, but a 15% voter primary turn out does not sound like a very good turn out to me.

  22. Has Nikki Haley lost her mind? You could make the argument that from a racial standpoint the US is a more enlightened society than 70 years ago, but to claim that "we've never been a racist country" flies in the face of all historical evidence. "Whites Only" water fountains?


Have your say, but refrain from personal attacks and profanity...