Monday, January 15, 2024

A DOG TOOK MY PLACE: ...No Future In Iowa...Trump Wins...Nikki Rocks A Thick Coat...Ron DeSantis Freezes To Death...Corn-Holed...



McALLEN, Texas |...Yeah, look for some corn-fattened Iowan to tell reporters he walked miles to get to his caucus and cast his vote for Donald J, Trump. I know. He'll say it even as we know these caucuses are largely neighborhood affairs.

Hey, we live in the Era of The Big Lie.

Suddenly, we are a video game being manipulated by some punk in the far outs of the dark universe.

But today is Red Monday, day of the Iowa Caucus - the day America begins its jellied rollout of the 2024 presidential election. Look out, Des Moines. Is photographer Robert Kincaid still messing with that farmer's bored wife over in bridge-happy Madison County?

That's what I want to know. Francesca had the nicest, roundest ass, yes.

Phase One, in which Ron DeSantis gets his ass kicked. The Republican Florida governor has under-performed and will under-achieve after the vote is counted. He's gone. That once-promising shot at The White House ended up being a lame-ass cannonball that rolled of the cannon and fell harmlessly to the ground. Ron, we hardly knew ye.

And that's a good thing, 'cause his high-necked wife, Casey, was too rural and uppity to be any sort of needed role model for American gals as First Lady. Flighty Casey has struck out.

Onward through the thick fog will go Ex-South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, there a few steps behind the aforementioned Trump. Both will head for New Hampshire, another mostly Whites state, for the second round of voting. Blacks and Browns are not in this game, not yet. Whites must get their duckies in order, in order to win the game in the end.

Let the Blacks and Browns in the voting booth already.

This voting thing is rigged (see sentence above).

But weep not for ever-annoying DeSantis. He came on as a Big Shit at 5'6" tall, got himself some boots with elevated heels and walked about campaign stages as if some Festus of the old Gunsmoke TV show. Ron, you were pathetic, dude. Casey's high heel shoes would have served you better, gotten you to 5'9" at least.

The weather is bad in Iowa. That's what the weatherboys and video and photos are telling us this fine, fine South Texas morning. Still, Iowans are again being labeled as tough-as-frozen-pig-shit Midwesterners used to the cold and the snow and the ice. And the fat gut & bad teeth, but that's a story for another day.

Trump will take the winner's blue ribbon today. He'll gush excitedly, tell Americans Americans are in for better days with better blood and then leave Iowa, never to fucking return. It's his style. Use and abuse, Baby.

Nikki Haley can only hope Fatboy Trump dies on the campaign trail.

Sort of like Ron DeSantis died...



  1. Iowa is a small rural state, where most of the population is mostly poorly educated, of course there's many fine people in Iowa.

  2. if Trump doesn't win the primary, he will take down whoever beats him, and the election will go to the democrats. If Trump does win the primary, the election will go to the democrats. The man is simply not wanted by the majority of the country.

  3. I watched a Trump speech the other day and turned around and wired a $1000 to the Biden campaign. I can see many others have done the same.

  4. If Republicans love this country, then do not vote for Trump. A dictator only benefits for himself personally. If majority only believes on this egomaniac, then you are being fooled and used. Surely there is someone more respectful and qualified and should step-up.

  5. Ron's dismissal of reality and the fact that he’s a mean kid and nobody wants to play with him is the big issue

  6. “Trump Makes Plea To 'Sick As A Dog' Voters In Iowa: 'Worth It' Even if You Die“

    So presidential of him. Well, only really sick people would vote for a dog like Trump. No offense to real dogs though.

  7. The Republican Party is never going to nominate a presidential candidate named Vivek. Period. Remember when they freaked out over Obama and his foreign sounding name? Vivek is too foreign and too not white for them. Similar reasoning they won’t choose Nicki Haley. Not because of any particular policy positions but because she’s not male. Which means she’s definitely not an alpha male so she’s a no go. Think I’m missing something or making this up? Listen to interviews of focus groups of Iowa Republican voters conducted by the Des Moines Register. Bunch of scared pathetic people who consume their news from Faux and Fiends. They want someone they believe is tough and strong that will stand up to all of the scary countries and darker people around the world who frighten them. One woman said that the only way Trump loses her support is if he is convicted of murder. Though she still sounded like she would probably be okay with that too if she thought it was justified. These people are afraid of everything and want their guns and a big tough bully to protect them from the scary diverse world around them. We’ve all had conversations with MAGA people by now. They always seem to get to a point where they say they are not racist and don’t want to sound racist right before they say something completely over the top racist that they believe and hold dear.

    1. Ramaswamy is an arrogant, offensive, annoying pest of a human being. It is time that he gets kicked to the curb. Plus, he's too dark to be accepted by all Republicans. They fear his darkness, I agree.

  8. I think it is less that they think Vivek Ramaswamy is a Muslim, and more that they can see he is not WHITE.

    The GOP is primarily a White Nationalist party.

  9. Weather's a bit nippy here this morning. 33 degrees and light rain in McAllen. Forecast is for 27 degrees tonight. Tomorrow's high is a windy 33 degrees again, with 29 at nighttime. This is our winter this far south in Texas. Stay warm...

    1. Stay warm, sir.

    2. Finally got to wear my black turtleneck!

  10. When it comes to childlike behavior Trump is at the head of his class. He is constantly overcompensating for the physical and emotional abuse he received while growing up. This inferiority has created a man disrespectful of women and promotes false bravery. Even before he was president he rarely went anywhere without personal guards. As much as he projects strength, he was raised in in a home that he was fearful of his siblings. He has never faced another man physically in his life. But yet he can easily physically assault women with no guilt.

  11. Sleet in Edinburg! Drive safely.

  12. What is concerning is that Trump has captured the evangelical voting block in Iowa and has an insurmountable lead based on the Des Moines Register poll. They make up about 2/3 of the electorate so they are the majority. It is mind-boggling how they can overwhelmingly support someone who goes against everything they preach and what they firmly believe in. Hypocrisy at the highest order! -AntonioG

    1. There simply is no rhyme or reason anymore for Trump's wild support. I tend to believe his backers are overwhelming White people. It's a story that hasn't been told, but one of our commenters wrote of fear within a segment (rurals, rednecks, the uneducated?) of that community. There are those who blame all of the country's troubles on non-Whites, as we know. Thanks for the comment...

  13. Decent Joe Biden believes in America. Why go with Trump, the one who doesn't?

  14. Hundreds of thousands trump supporters died from COVID following his bad advice. How many will die tonight caucusing for him in deadly weather?? One positive thing you can say about Trump. The death of all his supporters is raising the collective IQ of our country. In that way he is making America great again. Only in that way.

  15. I am so sick of Iowa, and New Hampshire, and all the other barely populated states that seem to make the decisions for the rest of the country.

  16. On Sunday, Ted Cruz, the smarmy Texas Republican, sent out a social media post telling his constituents to take steps to protect themselves in the midst of a massive cold wave blasting much of the country.

    “Texans, with the freeze coming, wrap your pipes, cover your plants, stay off icy roads & keep your family safe,” Cruz said, before adding this quip: “And, if it gets too damn cold, join me in Cancun!”


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