Sunday, January 14, 2024

SEXTING LADY LIBERTY:... Republicans Out To Burn The House Down...It's Trump Or No One, They Say...Really...It's Out There...Fuck!...



McALLEN, Texas |...There is no longer the time or inclination to believe this is all a bad dream, a ridiculous idea or a plot to kill Democracy. It is being butchered right before your eyes, America. Lady Liberty has been ordered to her knees and Republicans have reached angrily for her hair.

This will not end nicely.

News reports and political pundits have been busy writing-up the continuing mess that is the Donald J. Trump presidential campaign, this multi-screen drama featuring torrid lingo and court action no American will say is normal.

No one's openly putting an end to it. And Trump, his "people" and his party are hellbent on keeping to the plan that has him promising a strongman dictatorship and more, as McDonald's might say. Little is up for analysis or discussion anymore. Trump is playing the worst cards at his disposal, from racism to seeing the U.S. Army on American streets.

These, we should add, are the so-called MAGA Republicans, the fighting arm of the Grand Old Party. Traditional Republicans, however, are staying silent and out of the political fray. They have been neutered by Trump and his followers. Few say anything.

Fear is palpable. Fear is eating at your air-conditioned skin, America.

And there, there, boys, is Lady Liberty, your once-protected, once-hallowed schoolmarm now the porn-postured sexual attraction for MAGA Republicans who want her all to themselves. Blacks don't deserve her. Neither do Browns. Lady Liberty is for White people.

Let the unrest begin. There is only fear to fear. 

For until it starts, it cannot be dealt with or resolved. Bring it.

It begins tomorrow, a frozen Monday, with the Iowa Caucus, regional voting preferences eventually dealing the angst's meaningful blows. Vote as if your wife's life depended on it, boys. Sparks always come in small sizes, yet they, like Yuppies of old, are upwardly mobile. Boom-shaka-laka! Boom!!!

Yeah, bang the drum more time...



  1. Baby Trumps, Independents and Frustrated Democrats voting for Trump are missing the point. We can be a country of Chaos, Hate and the belief in being victims with low moral...character standards, or we will be a Respected and Respectful Nation that embraces all its citizen as one.

    1. We have decided on chaos & hate.

  2. So here's how the caucuses really work: Trump tells you what to think - Check! Trump tells you what to do - Check! Trump tells you what to believe - Check!

  3. Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler says we need 'many illegal immigrants' in the country to pick fruits and vegetables. Stuff is rotting in the fields.

    1. It's safe to say that MAGA types would rather see the crops rot than let in migrant workers to gather them. We're the losers at the dinner table, but that's who we are at the moment. The price of grapes at the grocery store is outtasite!...wait on tomatoes and on lettuce, Baby...

  4. Watching the Sunday shows and there seems to be an interest in who Christie will back. He can't back Trump after his vicious campaign against him. He can't support Haley after his hot mic moment saying she can't handle this and she's gonna get smoked. That leaves Desantis and Ramaswamy. That means it is meaningless who Christie ends up supporting.

    1. Christie had his chance. No one wanted him. Next.

  5. A woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande, near Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar said in a post on X, formerly Twitter. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has no conscience. Devoid of feelings for human life.

  6. The primary driving force for Trump and his "people": it's their fear of being overrun by people of color. Trump has no problem with large numbers of White European immigrants entering the United States. Both of his parents and two of his wives were White and born in Europe. In contrast, he and members of his cult don't want Black and Hispanic immigrants entering the United States. They see a Black POTUS (Obama) and a Black VP (Harris) as threats to their privileged status. They reject democracy and favor White authoritarian rule because they concluded they might not win a fair battle in an election. Sadly, these far-right White members of the 'Trump Lost Cause' can't get past the color of a person's skin in terms of judging one's merits and value. DeSantis plays on that same racial fear by his far-right White base. However, he went too far among Republicans nationwide in that he also played on the fear of heterosexuals being overrun by gays, lesbians, and transgender people.

  7. Trump may do well before the Caucasians in Iowa though let's see how he does in the rest of the country.

    1. You might say Whites are on a rampage, but it's only the dumbass, uneducated whites.

  8. It has always amazed me how the party of free speech, small government, less government interference, and less regulation, is against a woman's right to choose, and other choices on how to live and who to love. I didn’t leave the Republican Party, it left me when it chose to move to the extreme far right. Do I think Biden is the answer? No, but he is the clear choice for 2024.

  9. I have read that the military will not follow orders that go against the Constitution, no matter who gives them. And it is not in a US president's "job description" to reverse an election result. You think differently, find the clause in the Constitution that states it is, and post it. Til then, I'm pulling for Am. 14, Sec. 3, to keep the US safe from a dictator (namely, Schlump).

  10. I am NOT going to vote FOR anybody...

    I am going to vote AGAINST Donald "Don't luv America" Trump!

    and many many people are going to do the same...

    NOT voting FOR

    but ARE voting AGAINST!

    AGAINST Donald "Don't luv America" Trump!

    And that's no dirty little secret!

  11. If any young person thinks Trump will work tirelessly to protect the planet they and their children need to live on, they are sadly mistaken. This and democracy are the two top issues they need to rally around and vote for. Not voting is throwing away their future. Not voting for Biden and getting distracted by some shiny 3rd party hack is helping put Trump back in the White House and the last nail in our democracy and our planet!

  12. Poll: Nearly half of Nikki Haley’s Iowa backers say they’d vote for Biden over Trump

  13. There's not enough Republican voters in America that's why they cheat.

    1. Personally, I'd walk a mile in deep snow, not to vote for Donald Trump...

  14. People have to understand the GOP primaries are not just for hard core GOP voters. I will be voting for Haley in the primary and Biden in the general election. Primaries are for all registered voters. (Nevada and Michigan are holding closed party insider caucuses). Half the states have open or semi open primaries. The other half may require party "registration" which is meaningless other than as a form of voter suppression. Take action today to be ready to vote in your state's primary against Trump. In some states the window is closing. The sooner Trump is stopped the sooner we can live through his hissy fit at losing and we can move on as a country. We will have to outvote his cult.


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