Saturday, January 13, 2024

RINOS:....The Strange And Baffling Life Of A Stupefied Mob Buried Deep Inside The Party Of Hatred...What's The Point?...Why Be Such A Give-Up?...Dance Of The Lambs...



McALLEN, Texas |...Republicans-In-Name-Only. RINOs, yes. Often smart, thoughtful Americans, but at present Americans caught in a trap. They can't walk out, as Elvis would say about here. In a time of ragged national politics, RINOS are the big mystery.

In name only.

Well, how many of your neighbors are Christians in name only? How many? That many? It's a study waiting to happen. Something, we would think, has to give. Can you be a 2024 Republican and despise everything party leader Donald J. Trump says and stands for, like the racism and the hatred?

It would seem so.

These days, RINOS are, by nature, calm folks. Rarely do they storm out of the house to throw stuff at Democrats. Picture Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sitting in the backyard wooden deck of his old Kentucky home sipping lemonade or talking grandkids.

He's not screaming Democrat damnations or parroting the bigotry of Trump. He's wanting a return to Old School politics, to a time when Republicans and Democrats actually discussed issues and got things done in Congress.

No, what you normally hear from RINOS is something other than turgid criticism of Trump - the pseudo-politician currently strangling the Republican Party. Can you hear the frantic, life-grabbing gasping for air? I can't either.

INOS are taking it up the wazoo and not complaining.  

Even Chris Sununu, the Republican governor of New Hampshire who has been very critical of Trump, and endorsed Nikki Haley, tells Kaitlan Collins of, "Yes. I will support him even if he is a convicted felon".

Sununu would be considered a RINO in Florida and in Texas.

Locally, we do have a generous smattering of RINOS. Names are well-known. We won't splash them all here, although McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos comes to mind - as does former Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos - the ex-Texas Secretary of State under Not-RINO Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

There are plenty more hanging tight at home and not saying much. The silence is deafening. The optics are horrible.

Should they say something? Doesn't being a RINO offer you breathing space from the crazed maniacs currently steering your party?

One would think so.

But today's hard-edged politics demand a certain posture from all playing the game. Leaders of the fawning flock like to see their followers bent over...



  1. They should not be thinking, they should be doing. I will be voting for Haley in the primary and Biden in the general election. Primaries are for all registered voters. (Nevada and Michigan are holding closed party insider caucuses). Half the states have open or semi open primaries. The other half may require party "registration" which is meaningless other than as a form of voter suppression. Take action today to be ready to vote in your state's primary against Trump. In some states the window is closing. The sooner Trump is stopped the sooner we can live through his hissy fit at losing and we can move on as a country. We will have to outvote his cult.

  2. Not many are denying Trump will win the primary, however his win in the general election is questionable.

    1. No moral, ethical, or true patriot will ever forget what happened on Jan. 6th! No sane American will vote for the deranged orange wannabe dictator Trump, who led a violent, seditious, treasonous insurrection and failed coup. Biden over Trump all day every day! Save our Republic and keep Satan’s prophet (Trump) out of the people’s house.

  3. Americans divided on how SCOTUS should handle Trump ballot access

    I have an idea. Let's do what it says in the United States Constitution.

    1. And what does the Constitution say? In the list of those subject to section 3 it begins with Senator, Congressman, but nowhere does it say President or Vice President. So, should the Supreme Court add them to the list they were left off?

  4. Trump's behavior thumbing his nose at the law is no surprise. The Republican party has always been a strong supporter of decriminalization of all the large-scale criminal behavior of the rich, while also making sure to criminalize heavily the smaller scale infractions of the poor.

  5. And the DINOS, Mr. Editor?

    1. Yes, Democrats have their DINOS...But the difference is as big as the wide, open sky. As yet, no one has labeled the Democratic Party as being a cult. I do say that partisans should play the game honestly, though. Otherwise, all you are is a body to those orchestrating the mess...

    2. What Democrat compares to Lauren Boebert, or to Marjorie Taylor Greene, or to Matt Gaetz, or to Jim Jordan - all Republican clowns.

  6. Freezing temperatures...will make Iowa Evangelicals go blind!!

    Jeremiah 5:21 ... talks about "those who 'have eyes and see not' are not vision-impaired; they are unwilling to acknowledge the truths of the world, which leaves them ignorant and morally impaired.

    Who would of thought... Jeremiah 5:21... is really about the White Evangelicals in Iowa! Who would of thought!

    "There are none so blind as those who will not see"

    Majority of people (outside of Iowa) consider this "inability to see" as "willful ignorance" !!

    Yes... White Iowa Evangelicals.... "Willful Ignorance."

    You are unwilling to acknowledge the truths of the world, which leaves you ignorant and morally impaired

    so says Jeremiah 5:21

    1. If Trump could possibly provide proof of election fraud that would affect the 2020 election, Then I would consider him differently than I do right now! Same for Mike Lindell! But if he’s got no proof other than a GUT feeling, then he’s definitely not very smart and never deserved the presidency and is definitely going to PRISON for trying to invalidate 81 million votes!

    2. If DeSantis and others want what's best for this country and the party they will drop out, throw all their support to Haley, and smash Trump.

      It will be harder to scream fraud if he loses the primaries.

      And incredibly hard to claim fraud if Haley beats Biden.

      If that happens Trump may finally disappear into obscurity today and be largely forgotten by history. He will be remembered as 1 of the worst Presidents and a traitor.

  7. I imagine Trump will blame Iowa's bad weather on the Democrats. He should hold an emergency meeting with Ted Cruz in Cancun to figure out how to fix this.

  8. The Republican Party is not well. This country needs to rid itself of Donald Trump and get back to sanity. I never liked or respected Trump and I would certainly never vote for such a man. These Republicans need to think about what they are doing by supporting him. It's insane.

  9. It is time to end corporate welfare to farmers (Iowans too!), no more subsidies.

  10. Didn't folks learn anything from a Trump presidency followed by a Trump defeat followed by Trump lawsuits and indictments? At least run a Republican with a chance for victory.

  11. Answer this: Why Trump is being shown immense deference by the courts, more than a normal person would be shown.

  12. For Sale: One red MAGA Hat. Made in China. CHEAP

  13. The gloom and doom sentiment experienced by some citizens has been instigated 100% entirely by the former president.

    His inability to accept a legitimate defeat by voters, his disdain and disregard for the justice system and law enforcement officials in our country are the antithesis of American ideals.

    The undue negative influence peddled by one failed leader has unfortunately infected a segment of the public.

    Many of his hand picked, closest administration officials have turned against him.

    Today we have a successful leader at the helm.

    Biden has brought us out of the economic disaster which resulted from the pandemic and the prior administration's careless economic policies that favored just the top tier of the population.

    Every day brings improving economic news and positive future outlook.

    The international unrest originating from radical religious regimes in the middle east has plagued the world for centuries and is not attributable in any way to our current leadership.

    We must positively support our Biden leadership team.

    They are succeeding in overcoming the variety of difficult challenges we are faced with, despite those who wish otherwise.


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