Thursday, October 19, 2023

HOUSE SPEAKER:...Trash Ohio Republican Jim Jordan Keeps Failing...He Won't Be Next Speaker...Trump Will Soon Drop Him...



McALLEN, Texas | So, he blew it? It's not happening for Jim Jordan? Appears not. The big mouth-no action Ohio Congressman since 2007 without a single successful piece of legislation is still hoping he'll be the next speaker of the House of Representatives.

But that's MAGA Republicans - obstructionist always in a hurry.

Jordan would be a horrible speaker.

This from a current report at [. . . . If Jordan were to be elected Speaker, it would signal that the Republican Party on Capitol Hill had formally accepted its role as a mere appendage to an insurrectionary right-wing movement led by a self-aggrandizing megalomaniac. Jordan was a key point man in the House for Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Since then, in his roles as head of the House Judiciary Committee and ga-ga chairman of the new House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, he has acted as a mouthpiece for the former President and his efforts to discredit his accusers. Earlier this year, Jordan called for defunding parts of the F.B.I. and the Justice Department. ]

But despite the rough-going that comes with losing two votes, there was some weird optimism in the Jordan Camp.

Jordan spokesperson Russell Dye said in a statement after the vote: "We're going to keep going."

Jordan himself told reporters that he was unsure when a third ballot would take place but vowed that "we'll keep talking to members, keep working on it."

Good luck with the loser hope.

There is no third vote scheduled as yet, but odds are good that 59-year-old Jordan will go for it before the weekend, like tomorrow and possibly on Saturday. It's been two weeks since his fellow MAGA Republicans ousted former Speaker Kevin McCarthy just because they could.

Stay tuned...the laughs will keep coming...



  1. Republicans have no one worth a damn. jmho

  2. You got that right 👍

  3. Looks like jordan's giving up. For now anyway.


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