Thursday, October 19, 2023

TRIALS:...A Trumper Pleads Guilty...Attorney Sidney Powell Goes Down...Gets Probation ...Will Testify Against Trump...



McALLEN, Texas | She'll talk. Or sing, if you're Italian and used to Mob Stories. That would be one Sidney Powell, shown in photo above. She's one of many Donald Trump lawyers who chased his effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election...and now will pay the price.

They let her off easy, it says, during her appearance in court today, where she was granted probation but will likely be forced to testify against Trump in the Georgia trial.

This from [ Former Donald Trump lawyer Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty in the Georgia election meddling case, one day before her trial was set to start. In exchange for her plea Powell will spend six years on probation and pay a $6,000 fine, along with a further $2,700 in restitution to the state of Georgia. ]

Powell is the birdbrain who offered up a number of possible avenues for Trump as he sought to overturn the victory by Democrat Joe Biden. Prosecutors say she was involved in several of the doomed actions, including the selection of fake electoral college voters, pushing allegations of voter fraud and of conspiring to commit intentional interference with the election. She pleaded guilty to six misdemeanors.

The 68-year-old is a native of North Carolina...



  1. Birdbrain is right! Idiot and dumbass, too.

  2. There are now 17 remaining defendants as two have agreed to plead guilty to reduced charges. I think many of them now need to give serious consideration to trying to get plea bargains as these will likely become harder to get the longer they wait.

  3. How do you give her probation? Yes, you need her firsthand testimony, but she is part of the same conspiracy you are hanging on Donald Trump. Probation for him, too?...

    1. I'm very disappointed she's not going to prison. She participated in breaching secure election systems which resulted in voter data being available to anyone with nefarious intent. She lied repeatedly and knowingly. 20 years would have been about right.

  4. She looks so smug. I would have sent her directly to jail. No fooling around. This was a coup de Etat.


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