Thursday, October 19, 2023

SUN SPOTS:...Doing The Life Impulse...You Can Never Look Back...What Time Is It?...



McALLEN, Texas | You can chase down every memory in your head and find a few you can bring back as if they happened yesterday. Not many; just a few - the absolute beautiful ones. You have some, I have some.

We all store some of the strangest shit in our brains.

And we still do it, even as we age into oblivion. What was your first great memory, and which one will be your last one? But, really, do not spend much time looking back.

Life is about the moment, like this moment, not the last one or the next one - this one. Many of us get hopelessly lost on the ups and downs of daily life, on the crosstown errands, the numerous text messages, the cellphone calls, the meals, the deals, the bathing, the shaving and the sleeping.

All of that garbage is only maintenance.

Do something out of the ordinary every day. One thing, two if you're lucky. So, what time is it now? Time to go for breakfast...



  1. I hear you. Spent my entire life running around and now it's time to go. So many memories. None bigger than the other, tho.

  2. Everyone has memories. Hope most of them are good. It's all you can do after the fact. Thanks for the reminder.


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