Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Ramaswamy Will Shine At GOP Debate...But...



McALLEN, Texas | Give him 24 hours. That's how long it'll be before Indian-American Republican Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy will dazzle debate watchers in that gathering up in Milwaukee, the one TV viewers are supposed to use as a gauge for the best GOP candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

The 38-year-old Ramaswamy is as smooth and glib as speaker as most of his opponents are not, including fat, heavy-tongued Donald J. Trump.

"Vivek," said a good friend of mine the other day, "...will remind Republicans of a guy who kicked their ass - Barack Obama."

I agree entirely.

This guy is ascending. His campaign began as a longshot of the First Order, rolled into relevancy as the weeks passed and is now poised to reap Big Time plusses at this first of several Republican National Committee debates. Trump has chosen not to be there, which is a colossal mistake, in my opinion. The optics he leaves are those of a coward unwilling to do battle with his challengers.

Not to praise Ramaswamy onto the victory circle. He does have some bad baggage.

The entrepreneur, who is smart as all get-out, as they say in historic Blanco, Texas, a Yale and Harvard graduate, believes the 9-11 attack on New York City in 2001 was "an inside job;" that is orchestrated by the U.S. Government (Republican George W. Bush was president). He also thinks the federal government was behind the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol (Republican Donald J. Trump was president).

And yesterday he said he thought the U.S. should let Russia win the war in Ukraine.

He's smart, he's dumb.

A perfect fit for the MAGA crowd. Wouldn't you think?

Ramaswamy will shine at today's debate. In the long run, however, it won't matter. Republicans will not (ever) elect a Republican Barack Obama.

Bet on it...



  1. He's a sharp dude but in the wrong party. Too dark.

  2. I'm afraid you're right. The thing is these young whippersnappers get immediate entry into any Republican Party contest. He'd have to pay his dues with the Democrats. Swamy is no Republican...


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