Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Cascos:...We the Purple...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | It came in a conversation a few days ago. We heard him say it and we left it for another day. The topic then was the 2024 election and candidates for the 34th Congressional District seat held at present by Democrat Vicente Gonzalez.

Throwing out the characterization was well-known politician Carlos Cascos (shown in photo above).

It was his opinion that the district - and in particular Cameron County - was turning "purple;" that is neither red as in rabid Republican nor blue as in die-hard Democrat. Yes, purple is the color you get when you mix red & blue.

But is it so?

Is the belief grounded in anything substantive. We couldn't find it, other than in thinking it could be happening. And we base that on visible pro-Republican actions such as the Trump trains and the recent victories at the polls by Republican candidates. Yes, you had a few of those.

He's not a candidate yet, although Cascos admits he's considering a run against well-funded (and much youngerGonzalez.

Cascos has said he'll make an announcement on Labor Day, which comes around this year on Sept. 4th - in less than two weeks, btw.

It's likely true that there are more residents here who would label themselves Republicans. The recent Brownsville City Commission election had candidate Susan Rubalcava, a pro-Trump resident who made no bones about her allegiance to the indicted former president. She lost, but she made plenty of noise.

Is that what is buoying Cascos, a former Cameron County Judge and Texas Secretary of State? Does he feel it, it being a sense that he may actually have a shot in the heavily-Democrat district Gonzalez won last year by some 10,000 votes over beet-red candidate Mayra Flores (shown in photo above alongside Congressman Vicente Gonzalez)?

He's not saying.

What Cascos is doing is staying in the public eye, commenting often on local blogs as well as making appearances on podcasts, opining on their topics when not actually a guest.

Who knows about the "purple" assignation?

One thing is evident: more candidates flying the Republican banner are coming out of the tool shed woodwork, eternal hopefuls such as Brownsville's Laura E. Cisneros and Raymondville's Mauro Garza - both political greenhorns.

Still, what the ever-astute Cascos is saying may be true.

It also could be false...



  1. To clarify, purple area would suggest that more voters as compared to 20 years ago, may be looking at individual candidates, vs straight ticket voting. As I have suggested, at least for the Congressional seat, it will take more than God, Country & Family to win a general election.Those are fine benchmarks, but in the end, voters want platforms that resonate...public safety, education, infrastructure, health care, jobs & how does one accomplish those commitments. Border security, southbound surveillance (which I have been suggesting for almost a decade) is important. Child trafficking is a serious issue, but so are the thousands of children in our country that are abused, abandoned & go hungry daily. Drugs crossing our borders are a concern to all, but so should the demand for those drugs in this country. No demand, no supply. We have all but set aside working with Mexico, our largest trading partner in assisting us to address many issues. Declaring initiatives to fight the Mexican Cartels is wise, however, we should also be identifying & stopping the US Cartels, which are responsible for receiving & distributing drugs. I may be in the minority, but I believe building a border wall along Mexico's southern border will be less costly, more efficient & more effective, seeing that most of these migrants are crossing between Mexico & Guatemala. This will take diplomacy with not only Mexico but with Guatemala as well. There is much to do, but we must think outside that proverbial box.

  2. Points well-taken. I do know that you know that a Blue Wave would be your doom. It is the crossover vote that would give you a fighting chance, if you decide to run. The remainder of your comment goes to singling out important issues, yes. All of them merit voter consideration. I long-ago noted in writings that a Border Wall along Mexico's southern border would make more sense, even if we paid for it. Working with Mexico might aid Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott with his immigrant policy, which is, as is, wildly short-sighted and aimed solely at the Trump base, not even his! Unfortunately, you are in the minority within your party on all of this. Thanks for the thoughtful comment...

  3. He'll run for something or another. Has all the look of a politician again.

  4. Honestly I don't think any of the people being mentioned can beat Vicente Gonzalez. Not even Cascos.

    1. You may be right, commenter. But if any Republican candidate can give Vicente a run for his money, it's Cascos. Vicente's already whipped Mayra Flores and the other two - Laura E. Cisneros and Mauro Garza - are just bored kids goofin' off...

  5. I hear Cascos is really going for county judge. Not Congress.

  6. He's been county judge. I say climb the higher mountain; you've already won the valley...


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