Wednesday, August 23, 2023

McAllen Mayor Hosts Another Trade Confab, Mexico On His Mind...



McALLEN, Texas | Still at it, yes. McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos loves his neighbors (well, neighboring country). He hosted a few other Texans yesterday in a session that centered on trade with Mexico.

It's nothing new for Villalobos - shown second from left in photo above.

He's been traveling thataway, as they say in old western movies.

This from the mayor about the meetings: [ Protecting the interests of our border region is of the utmost importance. McAllen hosted TBAC to discuss and inform of trade from Mexico, the United States, and Canada. We were glad to have been joined by Mayors and other officials from border cities, our Texas Secretary of State, and General Consuls from Mexico and Canada. United we are stronger! ]

Indeed, we are.

This trade effort has become the mayor's chief effort to better the city's economy, although this economy is not all that bad. Central to the mayor's drive is a desire to better the entire region; that is, primarily, the Rio Grande Valley.

It's what should be making the news, and not solely that border mess created (exacerbated?) by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has yet to meet with Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Would be nice if Abbott met with AMLO to discuss and explain his bizarre buoy border wall and that ridiculously inhumane razor wire he purchased and placed along the Rio Grande.

But this is about trade, and Mexico remains our Number 1 partner in that world...



  1. Nothing wrong with what he's doing. Business is business. Hope he keeps doing it.

  2. Wholeheartedly agree. Mexico is doing very well these days. That bodes well for local businesses such as La Plaza Mall...

  3. Villalobos is getting the job done. I voted for him.

  4. He seems more active than other RGV mayors. Maybe he has other political ambitions. I think he does actually.


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