Sunday, August 11, 2024

THEY'LL BE BACK:...MAGA Americans Playing At Racists & Bigots...After This Next Election, They'll Wish All Is Forgotten...Go Ahead, Mavis And Hank, Be The Club...It Happened Once Before, In '92...


McALLEN, Texas |...You know them as your neighbors, perhaps your co-workers. They're MAGA Republicans, and that hasn't always been a bad thing, not in a country of 300 million where your choice is between two political parties. Democrat politicians are not the angry ones, not the boisterous ones, not the one who want to take American back to a place that never existed.

Who remembers the Reform Party of 1992 that attracted a load of Republicans in support of Dallas billionaire H. Ross Perot?


They said they were disenfranchised, left behind by George H.W. Bush's Republican Party. For months, the Reform Party newcomers roared mightily as Perot's presidential campaign surged. And then he dropped out, presumably because he got wind that some Republicans were about to release photos of his Gay daughter.

So, what happened to the masses that had gone to the Reform Party?

They went back to the Republican Party.

Count on this: the same thing will happen with MAGA Republicans. They will have nothing after Donald J. Trump loses the upcoming 2024 election. Will they be forgiven? More than likely, as no one is taking photos or names and making a list of these Americans.

MAGA will fade into the history books, leftover hats and T-shirts off to the flea market heaps.

Should other Americans call them out?

They will, but that, too, shall pass.

Americans are nothing if not faddish. MAGA served up a plate of something new in our national kitchen and there went the easily impressed and the genuine racists and bigots, the latter a bunch never as big in size as they claim.

So, bear with these errant neighbors.

They hitched their dreams to a flawed man, to a rudderless ship, to an aging, lame horse, to a broken-down Conestoga wagon of days gone by.

Welcome them back, for they have sinned against the family, much like all of those angry Americans who screamed for the Reform Party of '92.

Forgiveness too is an American character trait...



  1. Slow day yesterday on our Comments. Well, it was Saturday and much else was going on. Olympics, NFL pre-season football, boxing and, in general, too nice of a day to spend online. Today should be a carbon copy of yesterday. I'm on the road, but this Comments feature here is open 24 hours a day...

  2. So Trump almost went down in a helicopter crash, almost was hit by a bullet, almost won the 2020 election, almost was a billionaire...almost had a successful marriage. Have I left anything out?

    1. when you idolize a liar, must be one yourself.

  3. There’s only one poll that matters! Get out and vote in November!!!

  4. Yes, may we win with a tsunami blue wave of 10 to15 million votes! Keep the waves coming.

  5. Little Man/Boy is desperate and running scared of Harris; fear of losing to a woman!

    1. Wait until you see the FIT he's going to have in '24.

  6. Of course he will protest the election in November for whatever reason he can fine at the time. Put him in prison where he belongs. Enough of his fear and hate.

  7. Remember when Trump's ear got nicked? FOX News said, "They just gave him the presidency!"

    My, how things have changed. Maybe if lying Trump reapplies the band-aid to his ear he can turn things around lol

  8. MAGA is how white people riot. fact.

  9. shame on the media treating Trump like a king. It's sickening.

  10. republican propaganda is all about negativity.

    Vote Democrat save our country from the radical right fascist who continue to demonstrate a disregard for law and order, women's health rights and democracy

  11. If more Republicans could grow Spines & call Trump out, we'd finally be done with him.

    1. They are really responding to his hate, his easy way of bringing racism and bigotry. Many of these MAGAs have been racists all along. May God damn them!!!

  12. I applaud all efforts to keep the mean and immoral bully out of office.
    Saw a speech of John McCain conceding his loss against Obama recently, such decency and honor! I'm completely aghast at how low the Republicans have fallen to now for a third (!) time put Trump up as their standard-bearer.

  13. Every day, more and more voters switch from red to BLUE.

  14. Weird Donald Trump says his campaign was hacked by Iran. LOL!!! It was Russia, you fool. Putin hates your face!!!

  15. What ever happened to "Better Dead than Red?"

    1. Good question. The editor has it right with this story. these people are losers from way back. But they will crawl back with their tails between their legs asking to be allowed back into the mainstream. I wish we could whip a few of them in public. They are traitors to our Constitution and our way of life!!!

  16. This hacking crapola will just fall into a long line of excuses why they lost, and all the MAGA folks will believe every word.
    The wheels are falling off.
    It’s so refreshing to have candidates who stick to the topic, whether right or wrong, and not degrade others for nine minutes of a 10-minute speech. It’s so refreshing for it not to be chaotic and threatening. That’s the America I hope to continue living in.

  17. Walz is 100% honorable and I'll be voting for Harris/Walz in November! All the lies being spewed by his opponents won't change my viewpoint.

  18. He has plenty of supporters because, sadly, many people are just like him in their hearts. They aren't allowed to be insulting at work or in reasonable groups of people, so they live their lives vicariously through this guy.

    To show you how it works, if Trump says something one day, my obsessed relative says it the next day.

  19. Harris and Walz will continue to rise, and he knows that. I think he may drop out before the election rather than lose again. He can claim health reasons. He can plea bargain some of his cases and simply go away.

  20. Trump is weird. JD Vance is weirder. MAGA is weirdest. Thank you and I approve this message

  21. I just cannot understand how Trump still gets any reasonable military veteran to vote for him.

  22. Remember, to stop Project 2025, Vote Blue. To also keep the Senate, take back the House, and keep the White House!

  23. Trump will cut Medicare and Social Security! He is failing and America is beginning to see his falsehoods! Vote Blue 2024

    1. He is now saying photos showing the huge crowds at Harris's rallies are fake, A.I. stuff. Is he goofy, or what?

  24. You can dislike politicians all you like, but this is the system, this is the reality we inhabit. Until someone finds a way to change the system, choices have to be made. You may not fully like the choice, they may not excite you, but when the other side is terrifying, it is time to stand up straight, and defend democracy from authoritarian ass hats

  25. You can’t fix stupid, but the red hats make it easier to spot it.

  26. I am a single woman. I have no children. I have two cats. The GOP believes I am worthless. Why in the world would I vote red?

  27. Feeding children and supporting women. Joyful news indeed. Thank you.

  28. Trump loses it after DEVASTATING Polls go from BAD TO WORSE

    1. You’re all done, Donnie!
      Say, bye-bye now!
      Kamala, I’m 100% behind you, you got my vote!
      Vote Democrat, 2024

  29. Wild photo of JD Vance in long, blonde wig, women's necklace and dress (drag) from back in his college days. WOW!!!

    1. Trump told all the young girls he abused to wear a blonde wig to look more like Ivanka. How far back to Trump and JD go? LMAO!!!

  30. He’s so pathetic.

  31. As ridiculous as this may sound, I would like the media to start talking about what would happen if last minute Trump backed out of the running. Imagine the havoc and the disruption of our United States processes. I put nothing past Trump as a tactic to disrupt our country and our allies.

  32. Yep. Everything’s on the line. Freedom’s on the line.

  33. we can’t stop until that fool is gone, and until we vote every last one of these MAGA clown’s out of office. Stay vigilant!


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