Saturday, August 10, 2024

THE PLOT THICKENS:....Buoyed Democrats Have Seen Candidate Kamala Harris Rise In Popularity... This, While Republican Donald Trump Sinks In The Polls...Sounds Good, But Devious Republicans Have A Plan-B...And It's Both Scary And Dangerous...


McALLEN, Texas |...She's winning. National polls have Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris inching ahead of Republican Donald J. Trump. That's been the headline all week long. And, yes, there has been some concern expressed by a few Republican leaders, although the supportive MAGA crowd shows no sign of defeat.

But defeat is in the air for Trump.

Mostly, the reports say he may or may not agree with the results should he lose in the November 5th General Election.

So, the follow-up questions these same pundits are asking themselves is: What will Republicans do if their candidate loses?

They will take to Trump-friendly courts in an effort to overturn the election.

I know, no surprise there. 

In an article published by the conservative website The Bulwark on August 8, a writer warned that if Harris wins in November, an "entire army of Republicans" is "ready to block certification of the election at the local level."

And there was this in the same report: "Trump is no longer on track to win the election - which he has been for more than six straight months. Instead, the momentum, money, voter registration, volunteering, grassroots organizing, polling, and online engagement all favor the Democrats, and it looks now like Trump could easily lose. But that won’t happen, because Trump doesn't lose.…No need to worry about mayhem on January 6, 2025 when Congress meets in joint session; the election deniers plan to stop a result right away if it looks like Harris is winning."

Their mission is simple: "Refuse to certify anywhere - even a county that Trump won - and prevent certification in that state, which prevents certification of the presidential election. A Harris victory could become a nightmare."

In its latest edition, Rolling Stone magazine reported that "pro-Trump election conspiracists" in swing states like Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia are working as "county election officials" and plan to refuse to certify the election results if Harris wins.

Marc Elias, publisher of Democracy Docket, told the magazine, "I think we are going to see mass refusals to certify the election…. Everything we are seeing about this election is that the other side is more organized, more ruthless, and more prepared."

So, maybe that's why you've been seeing a lazier, unenergetic Trump lately.

He's banking on all the federal judges he appointed, including the three currently on the Supreme Court.

It's a serpentine plot we follow every presidential election.

This particular sub-plot sounds damned plausible...



  1. A generally busy day of news yesterday, capped off by rallies in Arizona and Montana by the Harris and Trump campaigns. It's heating up, boys. The election is almost upon us. BTW, the Cowboys open their pre-season schedule tomorrow against the Los Angeles Rams...

  2. here's the thing. America has moved on from Trump. Full Stop.
    Vote Blue!!!
    Win Big and no court can deny it!!!

    1. Trump is too lazy to campaign. He wants to do everything from home. While he was president, half his time was spent on the golf course. He never got to the office before 11 am and most of his time was unscheduled "executive time". He had no idea how the office of President functioned and he didn't care to learn. When he did show up for security briefings they had to limit it to his attention span which was one page with bullet points distilled from hundreds of pages. The only work he took home, he stole.

  3. We're all sick of Trump. Can't wait until he's gone.

    1. LULAC has endorsed Harris/Walz!!! That's big!!!!

  4. Trump and MAGASs have destroyed the Republican Party. RIP.

    1. Echo that. And my neighbor was a good Republican I respected. Not these dudes today!!!

  5. I will be so glad when I never hear TRUMPS name in the news, Social Media, TV, radio or in public

  6. If Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, are elected this fall, not only would a woman of color lead the country for the first time, but a Native woman would govern a state for the first time in U.S. history too.

    Peggy Flanagan, the lieutenant governor of Minnesota and a citizen of the White Earth Band of Ojibwe, is poised to serve as the state’s next governor should Walz step down to accept the role of vice president of the United States.

    1. I did not know that. Good, tho. Real good.

  7. I think the combo of neurological decline, drug use, and being a lifelong narcissist has created the perfect storm of mental crashes.

  8. I think he's gotten so full of himself since being president, saying what comes to mind and everyone cheers, that he doesn't know when to STFU anymore. More likely....very pronounced dementia: slurring, confusing facts with fantasy, and anger when asked questions that challenge his perception of reality. He is soooo much worse than 8 years ago.

  9. First convict ever to run for president...only in America

    1. He'll also be first convict to lose!!!

  10. On deportation, MAGA/GOP thinks they can just scoop up as many as 20 million people and just drop them over the border. The question is then how does that effect the GDP of the nation, and what happens to those jobs you can't pay American citizens to do? Another question is what about our demographics. We are in a good position there to expand our population to 390 million by 2100, while other countries especially China and Russia will be seeing demographic implosions which will cut their populations by 600 million and 75 million by 2100. This mass roundup will not be that simple, despite what MAGA says.

    1. Texas and Iowa, two red states, were unable to pass legislation just this year requiring employers to use E-Verify when hiring. Now why was that? Because the status quo is "talk tough, but do nothing except for show actions". Local businesses in industry after industry in both states count on illegal immigrants in their workforce, and you bet the lobbyists for business groups (not to mention CEOs) are in touch with the Republican legislators.

  11. Listen Republicans, those who want to vote for Trump should first go and live in Russia, North Korea or China for a while. Then you can experience for yourselves what it is like to live under a DICTATOR, without the freedom to speak and not being ALLOWED to vote. Living in poverty is also there! So, if I were you, I would think about it again and ask yourself if that is better than live in freedom, Vote Blue! Vote for Kamala Harris/Tim Walz

  12. I'm enjoying Trump's "gaunt petrified" look.

  13. Whining is Trump’s specialty. Unfortunately, nobody is listening anymore.

  14. Don’t be surprised if Florida turns blue. Also could vote Republican Rick Scott out of office.

  15. There is much talk of "mass deportations" but nobody discusses "to where". A country will not allow plane/ship loads of people to simply land/dock.

  16. My wife just registered to vote for the first time in her life. She is 63 years old. She and I will be voting for Kamala!!!

  17. The valley's going Blue big time! Harris/Walz 2024

  18. USA wins gold in men's basketball and women's soccer!!!

  19. trump's days in politics are numbered, we all know it... Make sure you vote.

  20. The press says Trump is increasingly frustrated now. The dude is ALWAYS frustrated. He just can't handle losing, and he is losing every poll. OH, WELL.

  21. People are sick of lying, elderly Donald Trump. We ain’t going back! No, sir!!!

  22. I don’t mind if Republicans and previous Trump supporters vote for RFK. That’s still taking away votes from Trump. LOL!!!

  23. A vote for Kamala is a vote not just against Trump, but also for America!


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