Friday, August 9, 2024

QUIET QUITTING:...Is Donald Trump Already Out Of The 2024 Race?...Pundits Chiming In With, Well, Looks Like It...Press Conference At Mar-a-Lago Yet Another Disaster...MAGA Republican Looks Bored & Whipped...Younger Democrats Harris/Walz Enjoying The Ride...His Next Rally In Bright-Red Montana?...


McALLEN, Texas |...He's looking caged, a man with soul so dead and a candidate who may have flamed out too soon. Republican Donald J. Trump is on the ropes. The fire seems gone. Less and less rallies in his campaign, the next one a questionable one in friendly, Red Montana.

Is he quiet quitting?

It would seem so.

Trump held a rare news conference yesterday at his Mar-a-Lago resort and again threw out his tired moaning and groaning. His words said he was wanting to fight, but his look was that of a very old 78+-year-old man.

The pundits were cruel and, well, dead-on. 

Watching the press conference, conservative political strategist Mary Anna Mancuso declared, "Trump is quiet quitting his own campaign."

Hours before Trump’s Thursday presser, she wrote: "Trump is panicking."

And during the news conference, she noted Trump was "spiraling."

And later, she concluded, "Trump is not ok..."

Interesting, eh? This new assessment comes after some rather obvious wheat-stalk lashings of the bellicose Fake Republican Trump by his beloved FOX News, the Red Outlet that is, little-by-little, distancing itself from the convicted felon.

Perhaps Trump has caught-on.

He's been losing poll votes steadily to the Democrat Harris/Walz ticket.

Never the one to see himself as a loser, Trump may be almost there, however. There's been fewer rah-rah peeps from his sons and daughter in recent days, and, well, that September 18th sentencing in New York on his Hush Money Trial conviction has to be weighing on him.

Will he quit ahead of the November 5th election?

Trump hates to lose...and maybe knowing he is losing has cracked his fragile ego.

Go before the blow, that sort of response...



  1. No Comments feature posting problems yesterday. Let's hope for a good Friday. The weekend's here and we can all use a strong drink. Let it out before the partying...

  2. This is the end.
    The irrelevance of Trump is near

    1. We can all smell defeat. Don-Old got old.

  3. Trump is going to jail

    They should ask him if he’s afraid of going to jail or if he plans on leaving.

  4. I actually watched that smarmy son of a bitch's press conference.

    What a fucking liar.

    What a fucking phony.

    What a fucking tick on the ass of America.

  5. Trump was ahead of Biden despite Dobbs and Project 2025. People seem to like Harris. It’s a fresh face and they find Walz ballsy and entertaining. Lucky for us both are good policy wonks, too.

  6. Trump is coming to the end, nothing can save him from the ravages of time. No reconciliation for this bum. Justice must prevail.

  7. Stop using his fake name. His real given name is Donald Drumpf and should be referred to as such.

  8. The Orange Blob is going down.

  9. FOX is starting to realize they are on the losing team. HARRIS/WALZ 2024 I knew it weeks ago, dudes!!!

  10. CAN YOU FATHOM - a man who has 34 felony convictions, four big legal cases to go, convicted of defamation TWICE, sexual assault conviction, scamming children's charities, a scam university, 3 marriages with 5 children while he pays hush money to porn stars, a draft dodger 5 times is going to say - "I'd look into the military career of Walz....he looks a little shady to me."

  11. He is getting his butt kicked by a smart beautiful intelligent strong and joyful woman, and he can't stand it. Love the sound of him squealing!!! VOTE BLUE

  12. The American press seems happy to give Trump a free pass on lying. I know it's about ratings and readers and all that, but come on!!! Reporting lies is not good!!!!

  13. His misery brings me joy. And helps me stay sober.

  14. Things keep getting better and better for Kamala and worse and worse for Trump!

  15. I hope Trump keeps giving press conferences like the one yesterday. It's a gift to Harris as it highlights just how out of it he is.

  16. The Swifties will not be voting for the grifties.

    1. Taylor and Beyonce will endorse Kamala/Walz!!!

  17. The DNC needs Republicans like Liz Cheney, George W Bush, Mike Pence to come out and support Harris at the convention. That would be historic and epic.

  18. It really is too bad that reasonable Republicans are being pushed out of the party if they aren't willing to abandon their principles to join the Trump cult.

    The only way they are going to get their party back is to make sure that Trump continues his losing streak until the rest of the party realizes it.

  19. Tim Walz retired after 24 years of military service to run for US Congress. Walz's honorable military service is more than the last 30 years of Republican presidential tickets combined.

    1. And Trump got 5 draft deferments during the Vietnam war, getting his personal doctor to write letters saying he had bone spurs in his feet, which he really did not.

  20. Trump first term as president

    My income taxes went up in 2017

    My consumer products went up 20% because of Trump's tariff on China (the tariff, btw, is not paid by China, but by importers - Americans!!!)

    My employer a small business was forced to shut down by Trump without any support

    He closed his company, and I lost my job

    President for the rich only

  21. President Biden's sacrifice will go down in history as a baton-passing moment. Harris and Walz have brought me so much hope and normalcy again. This is what democracy looks like!

    It shows HIS TRUE SELF...which is B A D

  23. When, WHEN are we going to be through with this f****r?

    1. Know this: it'll be a good Christmas this year.

  24. Trump is running for two reasons....1 to avoid going to jail . 2. And to see how much money he can scam from his supporters......

  25. I crashed in a helicopter with Trump and David Bowie once....

    1. Into a Brownsville resaca, right? We know you, dude.

  26. We all need to vote. Republicans have people at the voting booth willing to not certify the state races, so it is sent to the Supreme Court’s to put the Trump into the Presidency.

  27. Trump posted 72 times to his Truth social yesterday. 72 times!!! That says something. 72 times.

  28. Republicans talked about Biden's age and his failing memory, yet ignore Trump's.

  29. I am surprised Trump didn't also mention that when the Titanic went down, he also survived that. Given how old he is I would not be surprised.

    1. No surprise Trump says he is leading by a big margin - he’s a liar. The sad thing is, his MAGA followers believe EVERYTHING he says. They think any polls not showing Trump ahead are "rigged." Of course, this may be Trump prepping his followers for the next big lie - that the second election was also "stolen."

  30. We Democrats welcome all Sane Republicans, independent and voters of all parties with open arms, together we will see Kamala Harris become America's 47th President.

  31. They are gonna be so pissed for backing this Orange after they lose!! Vote Blue all the way down!!

  32. Now that Trump is falling behind in the polls, more and more Republicans are coming out against him. They (Republicans) feared the consequences if Trump won. Trump is vindictive. As the prospect of him losing is becoming a reality, you see, the shift to Harris increase.

    It is a spiral-down effect.

  33. It is looking like Trump Fever has broken. Americans are exhausted from the constant anger, buffoonery, puffery, and lies from the GOP.

    And they really ARE upset about Republicans' intense need to control what goes on in our bedrooms and our doctors' offices.

  34. Let’s leave Trump in 2024 with the prison guards.

    He just lost one of his hotels for no payment by the lender & is now in foreclosure another nail to the brain

  35. No one can stop the Harris/Walz Blue Wave!!! Not even MAGA.

    At the largest hacker conference in the world this week, some turned out for a rare overtly partisan event: a fundraiser for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

    Organizers said the “Hackers for Harris” event, held late Thursday afternoon in a convention center bar at DEF CON, brought in more than $150,000 in pledged donations - a small amount compared to Harris’ recent hauls, but the largest political fundraiser in the conference’s 31-year-history.

    1. Hilarious. Even Vegas hackers know they are not of the same feather and won't flock with a liar, cheetor, sexual molester and criminal. Birds of the same feather, flock together, MAGA/GOP. Serve and sacrifice for you leader, you fools!!!

    2. Hackers also monitor. No doubt, they will be keeping an eye on Republican efforts to mess with voting machines.....

  37. MAGA falling apart after white supremacist group goes against Trump. Same came from right-wing influencer Joe Rogan, who now hates Trump and endorses RFK, Jr.
    Trump is TANKING in the polls.
    Americans don’t vote for weirdos.

  38. Right-Wing media is now begging the mainstream media to go after Democrats Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. LMAO!!!
    I thought they hated the they want their help?
    Conservatives and their cognitive dissonance. SMH.

  39. The desperation. How can you be a veteran and MAGA?
    JD Vance is a cheap sell-out. Hillbillies do not vote, dude.

  40. Donald: No soul, no grace, no wisdom, no wit … that says it all

  41. At 1:46 PM on Sunday, July 21, after nearly a month of insisting he would stay in the race, Biden announced that he was standing down. Half an hour later, he endorsed his vice president as the Democratic nominee.

    By 9:00 that night, nearly $50 million in small-dollar donations had poured in. By Monday night, Kamala Harris had received enough pledges from Democratic National Convention delegates to effectively wrap up her nomination - a "coronation," grumbled a few critics, but there was no other pretender to the throne. Most remarkably, the party grassroots spontaneously expressed overwhelming support for Harris.

    There was an explosion of volunteering (in the battleground state of Michigan, the number of campaign volunteers more than doubled to three thousand within forty-eight hours of Biden’s statement, with 100,000 signing up nationwide), organizing (a Win with Black Women Zoom call attracted 44,000 participants), donating (the campaign raised $126 million in the first three days), and pro-Harris TikTok memes made and consumed by the demographic that had eluded Biden - young people.

    It was truly extraordinary: a nomination by acclamation.

  42. everybody knows and understands that Trump will not accept his defeat and we might as well get ready for his stupidity. He will want to tie-up his defeat in court for months.
    Americans will not stand for that in very serious ways....

  43. Let the GOP try and replace Trump. His ego would burn the party to the ground.

  44. Playing at Kamala/Walz rally in Arizona: "Whoomp, there it is!!!..." Love it.

  45. 88 days, baby!!! Let's Go!!!

  46. So happy LULAC endorsed Kamala today! first time in its 95-year existence! Vamos Kamala! Voto Azul! Vote Blue!!!!

  47. Republican sex freak JD Vance is the reason our Grandparents put plastic on their couches

  48. As Vice President, Kamala will count the Electoral ballots and announce she is President. LOL!!!

  49. I hope they try to replace Trump and can’t. They’re stuck with him.


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