Thursday, August 8, 2024

NEWS FATIGUE:...An Expected Result Of Our 24-Hour Info Cycle.....Americans Have Been All-In On Hot National Politics.....First, Biden/Trump...Then, Harris/Trump...Are You Tired Of It All?...Many Of Your Fellow Voters Are...Political Games Don't Help...


McALLEN, Texas |...So, is your candidate winning? Have you stayed up with the desperate daily grind of one news cycle after another? Are you confident going into the election's stretch run? Can you debate the issues with friends and neighbors? While we're at it, do you know as much about abortion, immigration, Social Security, the long wars in Ukraine and Palestine as any TV talk show pundit?

Well, if you do, you may be a good candidate for political burnout.

So say a few polls.

One commissioned by the respected Medill School at Northwestern University (conducted just this May) measured news fatigue among American adults. In response to the statement ". .I’m tired of receiving and processing news about the 2024 presidential election," 48.8% of those surveyed agreed or strongly agreed while 21.8% disagreed or strongly disagreed, and 28.2% responded "Neither."

That's just about half of the respondents saying they've heard too much.

We often say that the Nation is in the woes of Trump fatigue, but we would also agree that the news business has been, well, all over the place, there & back, here to stay, not going anywhere anytime soon and all that noisy rot.

I know I could use a break.

And apparently, it is the "older" Americans who seem to have tired of it all, according to the same poll. Perhaps because retirees are home all day and have news up the wazoo the entire day.

Still, there are almost three months to go and nothing about the news coverage will change.

The dollars are simply too big for these ratings-conscious broadcasters and influential newspapers with millions-reader websites, especially those with an access paywall, like The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post.

Is anyone watching the Olympics?




  1. No reader complaints yesterday on our Comments feature. Lately, we have had some commenters received "Failed to publish" messages when submitting their thoughts. The issue is a mystery to us, but it tends to resolve itself, so we go along with the game...Drop your comment and get on with your day...

  2. Vance should just sip his mountain dew on his couch and give it a rest. He criticizes Tim Walz's service while ignoring Donald Trump's 5 military deferments! Ha ha ha

  3. Not the time for fatigue. There's too much going on and too much at stake.

  4. Harris/Walz should win, based on polling and the current electoral college picture. We MUST get out and vote, though. Remember that MAGAs will resort to all forms of voter intimidation, including violence. Force is all they know. Make a plan to vote. In many districts, MAGAs will do anything possible to keep marginalized people from the polls.

    Another word of caution. Trump wasn't kidding when he said there would be a blood bath if he loses. Well, he's gonna lose. I have faith in the FBI that they are keeping tabs on these lunatics but be careful out there. If you are person of color, LGBTQIA+ or some other group they hate, you could be in danger.

    1. Republicans are living the past and struggling to adapt to the new norms. They're scared, frustrated, and angry and their flailing behavior reflect their fear of the future.

    2. Trump cheated on his wife with a pornstar, stole national documents and lied about it, and called for a terrorist attack on our nation on Jan 6th while trying to steal the election and subvert democracy.

      No patriotic American will vote for fraud and cheat donnie,

      Kamala/Walz 2024!

  5. The ride is still ongoing. Pretty clear that Trump is going to lose. He has yet to win anything at all in politics. Anyone with a pulse can beat him. Kamala is a lot more than a pulse. It's going to be fun watching the trump4ards suffer.

  6. Trump and Vance look American. kamala does not.

    1. What a bitter piece of shit you must be, dude.

    2. Appears Red Hat was born anally.

    3. TOP HAT sounds like just another keyboard thug. In real life, he's a pu**y, and he knows it. Bet on it.

  7. As an American, I'm personally tired of hearing how bad America is, and the false claims/personal attacks on other people, especially coming from someone who stole money from a charity for kids with cancer, was found liable for sexual abuse, and tax fraud, and is now convicted felon. Why anyone would vote for a man that has broken the law numerous times, and tried to overthrow the Government so he could remain in power is beyond my comprehension...I'm an American who believes if you commit a crime, you should do the time, regardless of who you are! (off to work, no fatigue here)

  8. And when Trump does what he promises and adds a 10% Tariff to all imports and deports 3-30 million immigrants? Just how will those little ditties affect the economy? Look what happened to orange juice when Florida's DeSantis did minor actions against the number of immigrants in his state. Then start to add in all the others - lettuce, apples, strawberries, etc., etc...Think groceries are high now? Just wait for the dictator to blow it again.

  9. There is such a glaring difference between the tickets. Trump/Vance will never turn it around. Both are grifting liars who lack discipline and messaging. We are tired of Trump trashing our country, trashing people and trashing the media. We are better than this! Vote BLUE. Let's go!

  10. The media is both stupid and complicit. Yes, playing both sides for ratings.

    1. I’m guessing that there are still certain factions of the media that continue to believe Trump will become a normal LOL!!!

    2. hey, don't forget radio. Media also includes radio.

  11. Trump now saying Gov. Walz let Minneapolis burn to the ground during George Floyd protests. Wow, Minneapolis was burned to the ground? Do the people who live there know that? There's an audio of a phone call from then Pres. trump to Gov. Walz praising him for his beautiful response!!! Dummies.

    1. This tape will surely be a campaign ad, Trump endorsing Walz, perfect.

  12. Veterans shouldn't be attacking each other's service, but if we're going to lay out facts, Gov. Tim Walz retired with honor after a 25-year career. JD Vance left the military after 4 years and his 180-day deployment was in an air-conditioned office writing press releases.

    1. Call me when Vance attacks Donald's military service. LOL!!!

  13. If the media did their job with dignity and fidelity to the facts, and if candidates stuck to their policies instead of name-calling, voters would have a much clearer decision-making process. To all the voters: be your own reporter.

    1. I like that analysis.

    2. (The Associated Press, not owned by billionaires)

  14. I wouldn't mind seeing a few random citizens run for office, it just hasn't happened in well over 240 years.

  15. America is a GREAT COUNTRY!
    We're not going back to the dark old days of Trump.
    Let's fight for a better and brighter future.

  16. America is SO sick of trump.

  17. Every Republican accusation is a confession

  18. Trump has exhausted followers with his BS. Same old whining and making excuses. He is also too old to keep the fast pace needed to campaign. (at lunch, btw)

    1. We are sick of him! His name! His Voice! His lies! Everything about him!

  19. I've always said, "If you don't like abortion, then don't get an abortion", or "If you don't like gay marriage, then don't get gay married," but Tim Walz sums it up perfectly by saying, "Mind your own damn business!"

  20. I'm not pro-Palestinian, I'm anti-war crime. I can condemn Israeli PM Netanyahu and not be antisemitic.

    1. Genocide. Israel should be condemned and so should the U.S. for paying for this war. It's our bombs falling on Gaza women and children. Enough.

  21. JD Vance was corporal in the Marines (E-4). Tim Walz was a Sergeant Major in the National Guard, (E-9)...anymore questions?

  22. America is smiling. Trump in full panic. It's happening.

  23. Drumpf is "Old And In The Way!" He wants to go BACKWARDS - Let's move FORWARD!!!! Donald, you're too old!!!

  24. Republicans calling us radicals. What does being radical mean? Helping people? Accepting them for who they are? Seeing to it that children are fed? If that’s being radical, sign me up! I am voting BLUE!!!

  25. Trump at his press conference this afternoon. He looks old and tired. Saying nothing new. He is old, folks. 78+ now

    1. Someone offer him a no-jail deal on his criminal conviction and trials. That would get him gone.

  26. I'm not going to start counting chickens while the eggs are in the incubator, but wow, what a turnaround! Kamala/Walz are hot. Age and energy are on their side.

  27. From what I'm seeing Trump has pretty much lost the election.
    People are sick of Trump.

  28. Had two opportunities to impeach and convict, GOP had its chance to wash their hands of Trump. Now they want the Democrats to do it for them.

  29. Replace Trump at this point? There are no “likeable” Republican candidates...especially when they open their lying mouths.

  30. At today's news conference, Trump says, "I think my base is 75% of the country." No, it's not. Not even close.

    1. To me, he sounded cornered.

    2. The guy who wanted to suspend the Constitution now cherishes the Constitution. He's panicking big time.

    3. Anytime Sleepy Don is confronted with a question that he's afraid, or can't answer, he attacks the person asking the question. When he's answering a question from his base, or a group like Newsmax or FOX, he just rambles about anything, since he knows they will cut and paste his words to make him sound somewhat coherent, and not like he's falling further into dementia by the day.

  31. Prison looks more and more real every day to Trump

  32. Mark Cuban called trump a "snake oil salesman"......Mark is correct

  33. A "self-announced" news conference? Donald Trump hates the coverage Harris is getting & thinks only he can fix it.

    1. Jealousy can destroy an individual. That could be what we're seeing.

  34. He has become old news, and the public is tired of him. There's no going back to the spotlight for him.

  35. All are welcome to come to the other side for the sake of this great country. If we stand strong and defend her against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic, we will survive. Go Dems!!!!

  36. How I see it: If Harris/Walz can come out of the convention with a clear lead, not margin of error, then Harris needs to begin to offer main street Republicans an offer to work with them to find good bipartisan policy agreements. We are so close on so many issues. If Moderate Republicans see an end to Trump, they will get on board with putting Trump out to pasture and rebuilding a more traditional Republican Party.

    1. Excellent observation. And I say all it will take is for one or two prominent Republicans, like McConnell or Gingrich, to start the ball rolling against Trump.

    2. Harris & Walz should invite Romney and Liz Cheney and Kinzinger to their rallies. That would send Trump into instant delirium. And if they could get W. Bush, that would be the end of Trump...........

  37. I listened to a brief report about it on NPR. The reporter who was on the scene described Trump and angry, hostile, dishonest and rambling. She said that people who were just tuning in to the race now might very well change their vote, and turn against him in view of how chaotic and unhinged he was.

  38. Did anyone see evidence of a gunshot wound on his right ear? The ear was quite visible throughout the press conference, and it looked as normal as his left ear. WHAT A HOAX!!!

    1. A few days ago, there was a poll showing the majority of Americans doubt Trump's story on the shooting. Today Trump himself said it hit his ear lobe. That is the bottom of the ear. Look at the pictures with his bandage at the convention, and later with the smaller bandage. In both the ear lope is in clear view.

    2. Maybe he was shot-at, but that was no AR-15 bullet wound. Who knows? Perhaps the "assassination" angle was too good to pass up. Trump and Republicans certainly milked it for days. Still would like to see the hospital's treatment report, tho.

    3. We cannot deny there was an assassination attempt, but it is Trump saying it hit his ear lope. Just look at the pictures.

  39. In a sane America Trump would lose all 50 states

  40. I loved Tim Walz the first time I saw him. I am so glad he was chosen. Vote blue!

    1. He is so dynamic. It has been years since anyone has been so dynamic.

  41. Where are the "Mind your own damn business" t-shirts? I'll take 2 XXL in blue and white, thanks.

  42. DJT's inner dialogue during the entire press conference: "I can't go to jail - I can't go to jail - I can't go to jail - I can't go to jail - I can't go to jail - I can't go to jail - I can't go to jail - I can't go to jail."

  43. As long as Harris’ campaign stays the course and keeps their noses clean, Trump will continue to be reduced to a pathetic, tired old man screaming into the ether. I’m here for every second of it. A Trump loss in November will be extremely cathartic for our country.

  44. It was way more than rage he was showing at the press Big Zero conference. Even worse was the dark and foreboding picture he paints of the US right now and the insane predictions he makes of more carnage with no evidence.

    Compared to the joy and uplifting message of Democrats Harris/Walz, he is looking more and more pathetic every day

  45. When he is gone, what we will remember most are those who encouraged, supported and enabled him. They will forever reek of his stench!!!

    Sick and tired of "Don the Con" and his cult!!!


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