Wednesday, August 7, 2024

THE RUNNING MATE:......Tim Walz Energizes The Democratic Party......He's Kamala Harris's Running Mate In The 2024 Presidential Election...Looks The Essence Of Calmness...But A Bulldog Rages On The Campaign Trail.....Republicans Are still Wondering About Their Own, One JD Vance...



HARLINGEN, Texas |...Tim Walz, says New York Magazine, is the "Super-Normie running mate." CNN called him the ". . .do-no-harm" candidate. Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris got on the telephone yesterday to offer him the vice-presidential slot in the party's 2024 ticket...and Walz wouldn't answer his cellphone.

He has no caller ID.

Walz is a bit different from the many bellicose national politicians currently on the scene.

As the magazine put it, the 60-year-old governor of Minnesota is "part of the 55+ demographic that learned not to pick up unknown calls for fear of scams."

Welcome to a real life "calming effect."

Tim Walz is a campaign tiger quite able to dish out the killer quotes. Only, the former schoolteacher has the face of that cool dude teaching social studies while also handling football coaching duties. Looks are good in politics. As they say, "It's not how you feel; it's how you look."

Last evening's rally in Philadelphia starring Harris & Walz gave America its first glimpse of the man who could become the next vice president on Election Day, November 5th.

The country has seen the Republican offering - Ohio Sen. JD Vance, a graduate of prestigious Yale and a candidate seemingly out to make a fool of himself and his family. Missteps have chased his candidacy since being selected by troubled Republican nominee Donald J. Trump last month.

Walz has no such clouds following him around.

He is a football-Sundays, Middle America sort of dude, a farmer, ex-National Guardsman, congressman and pro-enough social issues to be the perfect running mate at a time when the country is divided on such things as the easy availability of guns, abortion bans, immigration, wars in Ukraine and Palestine....and even labor union membership.

It's a wonderful time to be a political pundit.

Tim Walz plays the doting grandpa in this movie...



  1. Good discussion here yesterday. Perhaps the Valley is not as indifferent as we had been led to believe. We did have a few "Failed to publish" complaints from readers, but all in all, our Comments feature seems to work. We're almost there on this crucial election...

  2. Best campaign rally I've ever seen! The coming weeks are going to be awesome! HARRIS-WALZ 2024

    Tim Walz is the real deal!

  3. Kamala is very intelligent! She could not have made a better choice! The Rally was amazing! Filled with truth, hope and love for America instead of worshiping an empty-headed criminal!

  4. Replace our national fear and dread with the open contempt that blustering con men deserve. “Shrink” Trump down to size by doing the one thing he cannot stand - being laughed at without having any kind of response that scares people.

    I decided that I love that Walz went there. It’s not a time to be polite.

    1. There is something seriously wrong with Trump/Vance. I know this is the million-dollar question, but what is wrong with these people?

  5. Everything Walz has said is true, accurate, and strikes home. GOP policies are "weird" in the "creepy, yucky" sense of that word: Trumpian policies in particular are performative cruelty. They help no one at all and should be called out at every opportunity. Go Democrats!!!

  6. The couch joke may particularly gall J.D. Vance, given his disdain for tribal sovereignty, that when he loses to Tim Walz, a Native American will ascend to the governorship of Minnesota.

  7. All the usual lies from FOX News just don't hit the same anymore. Anyone else get this impression?

  8. Sorry for the Internet problem, but we were down for an hour between 8 and 9 this morning. Looks like all is Go now...

  9. Hey, Vance, I thought Yale taught you how to think. Apparently, it makes you dumber.

  10. A week ago I would’ve said "phooey" to any attempt to go after disillusioned GOP voters. I’d rather focus on firing up our base or getting traditional non-voters to engage. But after a week of couch fucking, insulting cat ladies, and Shitler meltdowns and even the 3rd party candidate having to deal with bear weirdness I think Harris/Walz have a chance to blow the last 40 years of political wisdom out of the water. This election a once-in-a-generation/lifetime event to reset the political landscape in America. Go big. Go 50 states. Win everywhere we can.

  11. America is finished with the drama, chaos, divisiveness and childishness. America is finished with Trump.

  12. Trump’s oath of denial

    He tried to overthrow an election once - why not expect him to do so again?

  13. This new Democratic ticket is rightfully positive about America and its future. Trump and MAGA offer nothing but relentless negativity.

  14. Tim Walz is a person who won’t be lectured on patriotism. He was a command sergeant major in the service.

  15. I notice this story is not getting attention - But, as the Voting Rights Act nears 60, Conservative Judges are gutting it from every angle

    Emboldened by the Supreme Court, Trump judges are trying to nullify the landmark Civil Rights law.

  16. Years ago, I proclaimed that trump will NEVER suffer any real consequences due to his actions and I'M STILL RIGHT! He is scheduled to be sentenced on Sept. 18th. Will he be?

  17. "We'll sleep when we’re dead." Coach Walz. I haven't cried while watching a political event since Nov 2008. This man is on fire. Electrifying. Joy is back in America. Harris/Walz 2024.

    Update: woke up this morning after the rally with an afterglow and a big smile on my face! Hello, America. It’s a new day. Let’s do this!! Joy, joy in my brown soul. How do you feel this morning, America? This is what great leaders are supposed to do.

  18. Tim Walz still has a youthful, witty, quick brain.

    1. Boebert: Worked at a Bar.
      Giuliani: Lives in a Bar.
      Trump: Should be behind Bars.

  19. Tim Walz comes across as a man of substance and integrity. Two qualities you will not find in any Republican. He`s gonna whip VP Vance`s ass gooooooood!

    1. You’ve given this country hope’re smart, positive, optimistic and tough… kick his ass, Kamala

  20. I have never heard Trump so panicked, as he was on FOX this morning. Honestly. He is literally going insane in front of the world not just name-calling, but I mean actual insanity.

  21. Listening to Vance arguing the case for Trump/Vance is a sleeper. I do not lie. He thinks he is before a court of appeals. It is mundane and boring. Absolutely no enthusiasm.

  22. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally...imprisonment. Those are Donald Trump's stages of grief over the death of his campaign. He'll never get to acceptance. It's simply not in his emotional repertoire.

  23. Replies
    1. Mr. Walz is a teacher that every kid would want

  24. MAGA meltdown in progress..........

  25. Hey Trump! Look who just did 2 rallies in one day!
    And both were at FULL capacity!
    You ain’t got a chance!!!

  26. Republicans soooo-oh want to ditch Trump. And now they will learn that he has no interest in stepping aside, ever.

    1. And Republicans are just now noticing their guy is sinking? 78-yr old man mocking others while making up cruel, juvenile nicknames for them is just WEIRD & CREEPY.

  27. Several online sites are playing a tape of a phone conversation between then-pres Trump and Gov. Walz in which Trump praises Walz for his handling of the George Floyd protests. It shows Trump is again a liar and a fake when he now criticizes Walz.

    1. Trump campaign is suffering from electile dysfunction

  28. Once and for all, just let Trump go his merry way out of the Republican party. He has no reciprocal loyalty to anyone and he's really just a malignant sore on the party. Give him a wristwatch and kick him out the door.

  29. Republicans complaining that Kamala Harris is antisemitic because she did not pick Josh Shapiro as her running mate is like me, a Jew, complaining that Trump is anti-chain migration (looking at you Melania).

  30. Just watching the rallies with Harris and Walz I can feel the energy all the way here in the valley!!

  31. How does it actually feel, FOX hosts, when you're on the side of the losing mentally ill convict and his weird side-couch and can't get away from it? Asking for a friend.

  32. I'm watching all of her rallies! I can't help it! Kamala Harris & Tim Walz are so inspiring! They got this!


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