Monday, August 12, 2024

THERE SHE IS:.....No, Not Miss America.....Uh, J.D. Vance, The Current Republican Party's Nominee For Vice President...In Drag...Oh, Boy...What Will Donald J. Trump Think And Say About This?...It'll Be Good...


BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...Well, yeah, that's him in a blonde wig and cool summer women's outfit - your Republican vice president nominee J.D. Vance.

In drag.

And so goes this weird campaign, one wild development after another.

This one, however, hits close to the home known by liars and hypocrites the world over. Republicans running a dude in drag? Say it ain't so, Nancy Reagan.

My, my.

Just when it seems that Democrats had brought normalcy to the 2024 election. Along came the photo you see above all across the Internet. You say viral, we say SuperViral!!!

Hell-o, anti-depressants for Donald Trump.

He's got to be livid at this news. Vance is the 39-year-old graduate of prestigious Yale U., a candidate who had has ragged on some of our valued culture mores, dumped on childless women and called them cat ladies.

That guy in drag?

We'll await his explanation on this one...



  1. Well, we were hit with sporadic Internet outages all day yesterday. But we're nothing if not resilient here. Life goes on. No complaints on our Comments feature, although who knows how many readers tried to reach us. If you get a "Failed to publish" message when submitting your thought, just keep trying...

  2. Wow! No words for it. GOP deserves this mess.

    1. Thanks JD, the Blue Wave has never been bigger thanks to you.

    2. Kudos to the person who dug this photo up and released it to the press, or X or wherever!

    3. There's another one out there. Guy liked to shade his eyes with mascara.

    4. Walz read him right: He is weird.

    5. Is he a cross dresser? wears his wife's dresses, bras and panties?

  3. One of the funny things is how Trump has been his own worst enemy on most of their attacks. Like how he praised Walz over his handling of the Floyd protests. How he has donated thousands of dollars to get Harris elected in the past. How he was responsible for sabotaging the toughest bipartisan border bill in decades because he didn't want it done when he couldn't get the credit. How he attacks fellow Republicans because they aren't "loyal enough" to him. Calling Republicans RINOs if they aren't willing to sacrifice their conservative principles to be loyal to him instead of the Constitution or our nation. How he got overconfident and picked a VP that actually has negative ratings and is just bringing down the ticket. Him trying to back out from the ABC debate that he had agreed to because he would now face Harris instead of Biden. His attacks have just been the usual childish name calling that he has done every single election, never learning that America is just plain tired of it and wants a grown up in office.

    Now he has Vance in drag. LMAO!!!

  4. I'm into the hacking angle. That hacking of the Trump campaign story - whether true or false - is tainted by the classic Cry Wolf problem. My first gut reaction to the story was "Oh, really?"

    1. Just Trump trying to stay in the news. Fake claim.

  5. I have been saying since January, Trump's intent has been to humiliate the Republicans for the 2020 loss. At this moment he is literally lost it, or he is going full force to punish the Republican Party. He is crashing big time, as his lackeys look on in shock.

    1. Where's Mitch McConnell? Newt Gingrich? McCarthy? Why so silent?

  6. I think that republicans released the JD Vance dossier - they figure the more we know about him makes sense in republicans changing who their VP will be. I bet you though if trump decided to drop out, Vance would NOT be the replacement.

  7. It's about hypocrisy. It's about saying one thing and doing another. Often closeted gays who are public figures (not saying he is gay or that all public figure gays are like this) vote against gay rights and gay benefits because they are so busy trying to hide who they are, and they think voting against those things will make people not suspect them of being gay. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. I support gays 100% but I don't support hypocrites.

  8. Trump has no choice but to drop Queenie Vance as VP, as the MAGA crowd is not going to like this.

    1. USHA VANCE, the wife, must be in shock.

  9. What a surprise as I get to work. From what I've been listening to and reading no one has anything good to say about this Vance guy. After hearing him speak, I agree. What weirdo.

  10. I have no love for DT, but his children truly don't give a f*^k about their father. If my dad was posting dozens of conspiracy tweets starting at 2am and was completely unable to say anything resembling the truth I would take him to the doctor.

  11. I am very excited to see rump lose and I absolutely cannot wait
    To see him face his crimes and do jail time! He is less than a human!!!

  12. If Trump stopped lying, we’d never hear from him again!

  13. Harris/Walz putting Joy back in America. Vote Blue!!!

  14. Harris/Walz ticket is fresh/promising… Trump/Vance ticket is full of gloom and doom.. America is ready to move forward not backwards.

  15. "Clear momentum": New polling shows voters’ enthusiasm for Harris/Walz ticket.

  16. Like a breath of fresh air with Harris/Walz team! Together we can do this! No more evil, hatred, racism, fear and bigotry!

  17. Trump played the theme song from the Titanic at his rally in Montana. How appropriate!!!

  18. He's obese with a very ugly neck and a face that looks like a football; team walked all over it. But Donald always speaks bad about people’s physical appearance.

  19. She is smart and knowledgeable, and all that defines a good human being. Trump cannot put himself where Kamala stands. Period.

  20. Literally ALL of the GOP have to go. We can’t afford for ANY of them to hold office EVER!! They all support PROJECT 2025!!!

  21. ​​SO SICK OF THE TIRED OF THE TALKING HEADS. Too many of them, even a freakin psychic?

  22. Republicans need to acknowledge that old man Trump has been losing his mind, and now at an accelerated pace. Trump will be a basket case by election day.


  23. ​​Trump's crowds look sad and deflated

  24. It's fascinating watching Trump having a public political nervous breakdown.

  25. Those of us who actually have working minds find it incredibly hard to understand how so many people can be so blindly ignorant and stupid. I mean it’s really hard to comprehend how stupidity and ignorance are so prevalent in America. It will be America’s downfall not a foreign government or war but abject stupidity will destroy America.

  26. “A candidate under indictment has no business running. Further, it would be virtually impossible for a president under indictment to govern.” - Donald Trump, Nov. 2016

    1. If any Trump supporters want to change your mind and vote for Kamala, it’s not too late. Vote BLUE!

  27. Instead of embarrassing himself Trump can always drop out.

  28. JD and Trump, perfect, a 100% guaranteed loss.

  29. If any Republicans want to change their vote to Harris, there’s still time. Vote BLUE!

  30. We have made the final decision not to vote for Trump

  31. “Russia, if you're listening,”

  32. Karma just will not leave the dumpster alone. This time around he’s a felon. People chant "Lock him up" at opposition rallies. And now his emails are getting hacked. God works in mysterious ways.

  33. Trump's always been a loser, this November America will hand Trump his final devastating loss

  34. The Coach vs The Couch. The Prosecutor vs the Convict.
    No brainer.

  35. I firmly believe if Donald Trump could find another way of staying out of prison, he wouldn't be running for president at all.

  36. OK, we're deep into the election. But what else have MAGA Republicans got? What does Vance have?

  37. What was Usha Vance thinking?

  38. Kamala = Campaigns
    Trump = Complains


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