Tuesday, August 13, 2024

CALLED OUT:......Conservative Wall Street Journal Calls Donald Trump A Loser...Bad Reviews Chasing Republican Candidate...A Lunatic, They Added For Effect...He's Not Doing Well On The Campaign Trail...


McALLEN, Texas |...Nobody likes a loser. The rolling press needs one in every political horse race, and it seems even the Right-Wing news media has now hung the Loser Label on Republican Donald J. Trump. The conservative Wall Street Journal has joined the beatings.

The WSJ, btw, is owned by Rupert Murdoch's family, owner of once-Trump stooge FOX News

As you may know, it's been a brutal last few weeks for Trump and running mate J.D. Vance.

To add to the list of bummers suffered by the Trump camp, Wall Street Journal editorial page editor Gerard Baker yesterday delivered a cold and mineral assessment of Trump's recent performances on the campaign trail headlined, "Trump is looking like a loser again."

Baker did give Trump some credit for doing a press conference last week at Mar-a-Lago while also slamming Vice President Kamala Harris for avoiding such interactions with the media. Baker, however, dove into the substance of Trump's remarks - and determined it was not good.

"By my calculation, about one-third of Mr. Trump’s remarks fell into three categories: false, obtuse or lunatic," Baker wrote. "I’m not even talking here about the usual grotesque hyperbolic assertions or baffling verbal manufactures, the finest of which last week was surely the description of 'people dying financially because they can’t buy bacon.' "

It's just the latest.

Numerous publications and cable-TV broadcast talk shows have been questioning 78-year-old Trump's low energy, his slurring speech and his decision to lay low and not hit the campaign trail.

His much-younger VEEP choice, 39-year-old Vance, has been branded a woeful amateur, his alleged strange dealings with couches and weird photos from his college days at the forefront of his coverage.

We'll see what today brings, but good news is something the Trump Campaign just can't buy these days...



  1. The long, hot summer, usually a time for slow news days, is alive and kicking this time around. Politics is the story nationally, and it's only going to get busier and wilder...I appreciate the smart commentary here, btw...

  2. He's got nobody to blame but himself......even though he will blame everybody BUT himself.

  3. After last night's "conversation" with Elon Musk, however, it’s going to be impossible for the media to ignore Trump's mental decline. It wasn’t just his inability to have a straight conversation with Musk. We know Trump is no longer capable of expressing a coherent thought. It was worse than that. He needs help.

    1. Many Democrats are now demanding that Trump stay in the race.

    2. Did Trump really say it’s “shuch a shad shituation”?

    3. he sounded very much like Elmer Fudd

  4. trump is suggesting that blue states are the ones with worse education systems, when it’s the red states that do.

    1. hell-o, Texas!!! The Voucher State.

  5. More than one reason they are called "Red" states.

    We don’t hold it against them that they are running in the red. Just wish they would take the money and stop biting the blue hands that are feeding them.

    It’s obvious why they support the self-proclaimed, "King of Bankruptcy". They project their failings on others to assuage their feelings of guilt and insecurities, just like Convicted Criminal Trump.

  6. Vance has a date tonight with a drop dead gorgeous sofa.

  7. On the slurred speech, his ear healed so quickly, it caused his tongue to swell.

    1. Ear was NEVER, EVER hit by an AR-15 bullet. They should say it!!!

  8. The 2 wishes I have for this year, 1 is Trump loses the election, 2 is he's sent to prison, along with his minions, for at least 10 years.

    1. 3 we never heard from him again.

  9. Trump is scared, he's anxious as hell. Slurring words and it sounds like he was spitting all over the place. Trump is a danger to our children's future. Please, please let's Vote Blue!!!

  10. HARRIS/Watson is the only option. But this morning favorability poll has trump doing better on this date than 2016 and 2020. It seems the more trump sounds unhinged he does fine. The democrats must stop thinking trump is unhinged and ask themselves why are so many sticking with him. Anyone who thinks Harris has this may wake up the day after the election asking how?

  11. Scaramucci PREDICTS Trump May DROP OUT…but he wants a deal with Dept. of Justice. Will they offer?

    1. I sincerely hope they do NOT!!!

  12. CNN treating drumpf like he's a viable option. That's crazy.


  14. MAGA blaming Democrats for Trump's disastrous Musk interview/ We didn't make him sound like an old man with dementia. we had nothing to do with it.

  15. Now all hardcore MAGAs will be slurring their speech in solidarity.

    1. I'm sure Trump's dementia will look wonderful to his cult members. Let us know. ha ha ha

  16. If you want to know how to destroy the value of a company, Trump and Musk are the experts.

  17. I will vote for the one that already HAS a high-level security clearance, NOT the loser awaiting trial for stealing national secrets. I am not alone in that thinking.

  18. Trump now suing the federal govt. for the raid on his Mar-a-Lago compound. I mean, he stole classified documents, hence the raid. Let him spend his money on attorneys. Use his tactics against him. Delay the actual trial for years.

  19. VONSHITZINPANTS needs to put his Dentures back in.

  20. When Judge Juan Merchan passes sentence for Trump's 34 felonies on Sept. 18th, the judge should make sure that while Trump's in jail, he gets a thorough mental evaluation. Trump's family does nothing, even as they see him deteriorate.

  21. Tim Walz, a candidate who’s been married for 30 years to the same woman, is very unusual for Republicans! They are criticizing him for it!!! Melania is wife #3 for Donald!!!

  22. WHY DO MUSK INTERVIEW? Trump just tanked his own Truth Social stock by returning to Elon Musk and "X" undermined the sole asset his media company had: Trump’s exclusivity.

  23. Trump says he will flee to Venezuela if he loses the election, according to The Independent

  24. As an immigrant who recently became American, I had to register to vote - it is not as easy as trump thinks. I had to prove I was American. His claim that loads of illegals are voting is complete and utter rubbish - he needs to show examples.

  25. Why did his ear get better so fast. He wants people to feel sorry for him. I wonder if he really was shot? He wants people to feel sorry for him. He loves attention.

  26. Justice will be served once we hear the judge say, "Donald Trump, you will now be remanded to the Department of Corrections to begin your sentence."

  27. Trump also actually compared Kamala's beauty to that of Melania during his backrub with Elon Musk. Is that a loser move or what? yes.

    1. If anyone should not comment on looks it’s DonOLD.

    2. His face looks like an old, dried-out orange gourd.

  28. Who wouldn't pay Trump's airfare to Venezuela?

    1. Venezuela is the Russia of South America.

  29. He is a flight risk, we going to take his passport??? And where is his probation officer. How is Trump able to travel freely. You mean, all his trips to out-of-state rallies are approved? WTF!!!

    1. Good question on the probation angle.

  30. Not going to lie, I initially wanted Josh Shapiro as her VP pick, mainly because Pennsylvania is such a key swing state. But now, I'm 100% convinced that Tim Walz was the right choice! HARRIS/WALZ 2024

  31. I hope trump stays in the race so we can get rid of him permanently.

  32. Trump's "path to jail" is all I care about.

  33. The reason he doesn't want to do more rallies is he knows the crowd size will be compared to Kamala Harris rallies and his will once again have far fewer people than hers and he can't handle that. He is only running for president to stay out of jail, and he is seeing the writing on the wall and he is terrified. His PTSD isn't from the assassination attempt but from knowing he is going to lose again.

  34. He says Kamala's crowds are fake.
    We, the people, are not fake.
    Harris/Walz 2024

  35. The more he speaks, the worse he makes himself look. Why would we stop him from speaking?


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