Thursday, August 15, 2024

THE WHISPERS:....Republicans Are Worried....They May Lose White House, Senate And House Of Reps... Talk Behind The Scenes, Some Griping Now Out In The Open...Walls Are Closing In On Trump...Can He Re-Boot His Awful Campaign?...Shoulder Pads?...



McALLEN, Texas |...Talk Show maven Newt Gingrich hasn't said a word in weeks. Mitch McConnell likely never will, not when it comes to Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. Where are the GOP's Big Boys these days? Have they resigned themselves to seeing Trump's campaign fold like a cheap suit?

That would appear to be the case.

Things are shaking out on the campaign trail - but mostly for Democrat Kamala Harris. She's hot, on a roll and not even looking back. Critics say her camp is being led by Barack Obama, the former president, as if that's such a bad thing. He's a leader in the party.

Her excitable VEEP nominee Tim Walz has far eclipsed expectations as a running mate. Talk about a clear difference between him and ditzy J.D. Vance, his Republican counterpart. Walz is winning over voters, Vance is fending-off photos of himself in drag.

You can spin it all day, but Republicans are in a big hurt.

Take the following, for example: Mesa, Arizona Republican mayor John Giles last week emerged into the media spotlight when he appeared on stage at 2024 Democratic nominee President Kamala Harris' and vice presidential nominee Tim Walz's rally in The Grand Canyon State.

"As you may know, I'm a lifelong Republican ... I have to tell you, I do not recognize my party," the longtime Republican told Harris-Walz supporters. ". . . .I have something to say to those of us who are in the political middle: You don’t owe a damn thing to that political party. In particular, you don’t owe anything to a party that is out of touch and hell-bent on taking us backward. And by all means, you owe no loyalty to a candidate who is morally and ethically bankrupt."

That's what, realistically, four criminal cases, a conviction on 34 felony charges and a load of bad moves will bring you.

Trump thought he could wash away his legal problems, but it's not happening.

Not even his South African apartheid pal Elon Musk could help him this week.

Both flailed away at a "conversation" billed as an interview that was roundly panned.

Trump is not well.

He's losing with every voter poll that pops up. Even his other friend, right-wing media mogul Rupert Murdoch, has abandoned him. FOX News now throws shit at him without flinching. Its viewers likely feel the same way. Stalwarts are fading fast.

Trump looks tired, distanced and, well, disinterested.

Yesterday, he was being ragged for supposedly weraring shoulder pads to make hinself look more fit than he really is. Even a fashion guide damned him for wearing the wrong ones, citing Trunp's square shoulders and growing belly as reasons he looks like a stand-up rectangle.


And we used to think it was his weird hairdo that needed attention.

We'll go ahead and ask about the wife: Where's Melania?...



  1. No complaints from readers yesterday on our Comments feature. Some had been getting "Failed to publish" messages when submitting their thoughts on our stories. Perhaps the mess has been resolved. Who ever knows about electronics?...

  2. One of the things he feared most is a strong woman and black and in authority over him.
    The chickens have come to roost.
    Thank you, Kamala and Tim.

  3. Giggling Elon and slurring Donald, showering each other with compliments. "If we don't win, I feel so sorry for everybody". Trump said. ...he means, sorry for himself, as he'll have to face off with Prosecutor Jack Smith, Judge Tanya Chutkin and Prosecutor Fani Willis.

  4. Prison is getting closer every day. A loving Trump family? Where? I don’t think so.

    1. Melania's absence is glaring! What a cold wife!!!

    2. She's such an aloof woman. Posed nude but looks like a real fish. Where's the sexiness?

  5. Trump RAGES as Nikki Haley STABS HIM In the BACK at WORST Time! She goes on FOX News and knocks his "failing" campaign.

    1. You can tell she never liked him.

  6. I read somewhere that although people sometimes vote with their hearts, they almost always place bets using their heads. Maybe voters are coming around to the realization that even though the cult of chaos has its appeal (to some), the country really is better off when someone who actually wants to govern is at the helm.

  7. Republicans hate America and they just want to make others miserable, as miserable as they are. Fact.

  8. And lots of cash coming in for Kamala, much of it from first time contributors! Everything is chugging along really well. Now we just need a really good Democratic Convention and then to enjoy Sentencing Month as justice finally gets meted out to the felon. Stock up on popcorn! (off to work I go)

  9. So good to see Fox News panicked. They're dogpaddling now, not knowing what to say against the Harris/Walz surging campaign. It would be so good to see FOX go out of business. They're not for America.

    1. Friends held a poll asking whose face would you like to kick-in and Sean Hannity won. Whomp!!!

    2. Rudy Giuliani #3

  10. Trump better be calling his dictator buddies and asking for asylum. Crunch time is here!!!

  11. All women are pissed. We will stand in line in any weather under any circumstances and we will vote for anyone but that clown!!!

  12. Never thought I'd see the day that any American would bow down to a Russian dictator and tell him he can invade any of our European ally countries and say he doesn't care.

  13. Sorry, Trump, just can’t trust a felon.

  14. When he loses, MAGA Republicans will take Trump out of the memory care unit of the nursing home and try again in 2028! Vote Blue!

  15. Missouri and Arizona are the latest in a growing number of states to greenlight abortion rights ballot initiatives in the November election.

    Both Arizona and Missouri’s measures would protect the right to receive abortion care up until fetal viability (usually around 24 weeks of pregnancy) and would prohibit the government from limiting access to it.

    Voters in six other states - Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Nevada, New York and South Dakota - will decide this November whether to expand abortion rights. Montana and Arkansas are also considering ballot measures.

    1. In my opinion, I want ALL government out of the abortion decision, no laws banning, no laws pushing, government must be kept out of the personal business of the parents and the doctor. I am pro-life, I want that baby to live, but what I want is irrelevant because it's not my child or family.

    2. Similar propositions passed in conservative (RED) Kansas, Kentucky and Ohio. It’ll happen again.

  16. The Trump family grift of the American people needs to end in November!!

  17. Trump campaign now saying that if Kamala Harris win in November, that hordes of "Blacks and immigrants" will move into nice suburban neighborhoods.

  18. trump's brain acts like it took a bullet and not the tip of his ear LOL!!!

  19. The Republican Party has always been about being WHITE!!!!
    I can’t understand how Black or Brown people can belong to the Republican Party!!! Like Mayra Flores and Monica De la Cruz.

    1. Mayra and Monica went Republican cause the Democratic Party rejected them (amateurs). Both are Fake As Hell Republicans!!!

    2. Two lost Chicanas.

  20. Donald filing motions again. He is definitely going to prison for his 34 counts of felony, he keeps repeating himself. He has to learn one way or another. the jury has spoken, and you are GUILTY of 34 counts of FELONY.

    1. He only ran to avoid jail. If he loses, he can't make it go away.

  21. On a downward spiral, Trump loses again in his effort to disqualify AND MINDLESSLY ATTACK the VERY same NY criminal judge that holds Trump’s "liberty" in his hands and is about to 1.) rule on whether SCOTUS’ "immunity" decision should vacate Trump’s 34 felony convictions and 2.) SENTENCE Trump in mid-September.

  22. The economy is doing great! Inflation is back down. Interest rates are coming down. Time to get our country back to normal. You can disagree with your neighbor but not storm the capital because you disagree.

  23. Trump saying he cast his vote early in West Palm Beach, Florida today. How did he vote? He's a literal convicted felon. So sick of the insane special treatment he gets.

    1. He voted for Kamala Harris!!!

    2. Disinformation does not help. You can certainly google the issue, but you do not want to. The order of conviction comes at sentencing. Also, your post makes it appears he voted early in the general election. No, it was for the House and Senate Primary. While I am solid Harris/Walz, I see Trump winning in November. Too many of the Trump haters are not interested in the polls. One poll showing Harris still tied could be bad. But it is poll after poll. Trumps favorability rating is at 44% which is higher than 2016 and 2020. Harris needs to work a lot harder. A lot.

  24. First! Trump is all done! Vote Blue down the ballot!

  25. The only thing Donald Trump is worried about is Donald Trump!

    1. Republicans are the biggest chumps. They believe Trump is for them, and for their issues. he could not care less.

  26. Republicans hate it that we're happy. Why does that make me happier for some reason......

    1. Most of these MAGA types will deny they were ever in MAGA after the election. You watch!!!

    2. Cancel Social Security checks for one month and see pretty much all of these MAGAs go nuts. LOL!!!

    3. Outlaw trailer parks and see the same reaction.

  27. I thought convicted felons couldn't vote in Florida. Or does that only apply to the black and brown population?

  28. He's beginning to realize that if he loses in November, he will be going to jail. He will be like a trapped rat.

  29. You know MAGA's got nothing when they start screaming nonsensically about socialism. They forget that government bailouts of Boeing, the banks and car manufacturers is SOCIALISM!!! LOL!!!

  30. The Trump Show is over, ratings are dead. Soooooo-oh yesterday!!!

  31. The next thing the Republican-controlled House of Representatives will bring to a vote is a bill against laughing. 1st abortion, then laughter.

  32. We’ll take the Coach. Vance, you get the Couch
    VOTE Harris/Walz 2024

  33. It's taken several years, but Trump is finally falling out of favor and it's wonderful to watch.
    Patriots vote Blue!

  34. Trump is experiencing his worst nightmare... losing to a woman. And I'm here for it.

  35. The only question worth answering to oneself is why keep voting for politicians whose policies keep making your lives worse and worse

  36. Joe Biden did the right thing. He should be appreciated. Now if only a certain 78 year old would do the same.

  37. We had trouble with our Internet service this morning and were unable to post a new story. Technicians tell us all is well again. We'll see about that...

  38. I tried posting earlier but couldn't get through. My thoughts today: In Red Texas, I never got to vote on our Abortion ban… so sick of: "the people on the state level will decide" BS.

  39. Same here. I just logged on again. glad to see the Blog is back in working order!!! VOTE BLUE.......

  40. The more miserable he is, the happier I am

  41. All convicted felons in Florida should be able to vote since Donald Trump was able to vote this week!!!

  42. Trump is getting desperate because he can’t cope with not being in the spotlight every minute of every day and the focus of adoring crowds. His fans are realizing just how much of a fool and a charlatan he is.

  43. America saying no to Heritage interference no to Project 2025 no to Trump no to Supreme court no to Roe v Wade no to MAGA yes to Kamala yes to Walz.

  44. President Biden and VP Harris will deliver remarks on reducing costs for the American people. They will do it.

  45. When Trump is unhappy, sane Americans are happy

  46. Is Trump’s Mar-a-Lago about to be shut down by the Town of Palm Beach? Reports say the Mayor of Palm Beach is opening an investigation as to whether Mar a Lago should be CLOSED. It's a resort and not a residence, say city officials. YIKES!!!

    1. I do hope they go through with it. Bro's violated the local occupancy terms of that "resort" by making it is home.

  47. September 18th for orange face's trial sentence, be there it will be square

    1. I really hope they go through with it and not postpone again, as his lawyers want

  48. It isn't the only way for him to stay out of jail. Fleeing the country works as well.

  49. Do your Civic Duty to Protect our Democracy: Do NOT give this crook and creep your vote. This is not a game. Vote for Freedom, not Fascism in the USA

  50. Judge Merchan is going to send him to prison! For society! And I hope Palm beach kicks him out of Mar-a-Lago!!! Trump is the cancer in our society.

  51. People are getting tired of him, as they should be.

    1. He's out of gas. Has nothing left. Same Old, same old.

  52. Weirdo Trump says he's entitled to make attacks on Harris. Says she does not respect him. No kidding, Don-Old!!!

    1. Politics really shouldn't be about personal attacks, but here we are. Can't wait to see how this one plays out.

  53. And where’s Melania's manner of Citizenship and entry into the US that’s never been seen yet? How did she get special treatment. Tell the story.

  54. This one caught my eye today - Evangelicals are finally turning on Trump as his hypocrisy and moral failures push them to rally behind Kamala Harris. Stay tuned...........

  55. I hate hearing anyone call him "Mr. President." He’s a coward and a loser.

  56. My beef is with JD Vance. As a former Marine sergeant (and a former Republican), I would posit that Vance (much like right-wing hero Ollie North) was not well liked by his fellow Marines.

    1. BREAKING: CBS rejects Shady Pant’s request to debate Tim Walz from a couch.

  57. Please, please, shut him up. He's a hot mess. He's proven over and over again, that he's incompetent. Vote Blue. That will stop him forever. We've had enough of Trump.

  58. He needs to be called out live to his face interrupting his lies. He needs to be told that if he continues lying his "press conference" will be cut short. All media that lets him ramble lies are traitors because they enable the traitor in his lies.

    1. Yes, and the first 5 questioners who gave him set up questions to continue his rambling. I had to move on after that.

  59. Trump seems pitiful at this point. Totally drained.

  60. Far-Right Wingers now going against Trump. When fascists fight each other, everyone wins.


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