Saturday, August 17, 2024

THE CADENCE OF POLITICS:...Democrat Kamala Harris Riding The Blue Wave's Crest...Presidential Campaign Reaping Huge Contributions...Troubled Republican Donald J. Trump Has No Answer...For Him, Debate Sept. 10th, Sentencing Sept. 18th...


McALLEN, Texas |...They're talking nonsense now, but maybe it isn't really. Joe Biden up and resigning the presidency before the November election, allowing Democrat Kamala Harris to ascend to the office. It's just talk, yes, although the way things have been going all through this campaign, well...

It could happen.

And then what?

Then you would have Harris with all the trappings of the presidency, something that would never, ever sit well with Republicans or with their flawed-to-the-bone candidate, one Donald J. Trump. Look for the unexpected, the so-called "October Surprise" we have come to know in these campaigns.

Not that Trump is helping himself lately. He seems out of synch, has no real message for voters and is now even angering one of his biggest financial backers, the Las Vegas billionaire Miriam Adelson. Good luck with that, buddy.

But before that comes the first debate on Sept. 10th between Harris and Trump, followed, to his chagrin, by that sentencing of Trump in his Hush Money Trial conviction on Sept. 18th.

As pundit Al Sharpton put it on a Cable-TV talk show yesterday, "People don't understand that not only has he naturally lost it. The man is looking at a sentencing date."

That analysis of Trump's campaign is rampant out there. That he's lost the message is clear. Reports have it that he's not offered anything new and continues to play the racist/bigot part as if that could ever get him votes outside his rabid MAGA supporters.

Polls show it hasn't.

It could all change. That's where we are here two and a half months before the Nov. 5th vote, awaiting the vote but also the next silliness.

We hold our breath, momentarily but we hold it...



  1. Good news on the Internet access problem. It's been solved, according to the Spectrum technician who arrived to save the day yesterday. Who knows about our blog's Comments feature, however. Readers still complain of getting "Failed to publish" messages upon submitting, but, well, that too, seems to resolve itself throughout the day. Keep trying...

  2. Trump Family STRICKEN WITH FEAR over Campaign CRASHING. Oh, BABY.....

  3. He needs to just go away. At this point, he is of no use to the American people

  4. 78-year-old Donald Trump is not the Donald Trump of 2016, he seems slowed down, he seems meandering, he seems low energy and he really is struggling to make a point. He is somebody who is not performing at the caliber he once was and that might have worked when he was up against Joe Biden - the contrast did make him appear at times stronger and more vibrant. It’s not working against Kamala Harris who is the younger candidate by 20 years and the one with more energy

  5. The Republican Party is hollow if this man is their best and they are afraid of him. Harris/Walz 2024

    1. Get rid of the OLD geezer and install youth, energy, compassion and joy for the future in the USA

    2. Where's Mayra?

    3. Mayra be crying cause she be losing. ja ja ja ja

  6. Harris and Governor Walz are bringing a positive energy and optimism and a message of freedom in opportunity not oppression. Donald Trump is dirty.

  7. Any veteran who supports him is embarrassment to their uniform

  8. I am filled with revulsion every time I hear his voice. I hate the sound of his nasty voice. But he's history, soon to be in prison.

    1. Who are the people who want to abolish the Department of Education? Vote Blue for our children's future

    2. Thank you Republicans for supporting Harris!

  9. The people who were undecided have all collapsed towards Harris. The people who were weak Trump have all collapsed towards undecided. It's a broad shift.

  10. The American people had two people they didn’t want. Republicans were okay being stuck with Trump. Democrats were willing to live with Biden. Independents didn’t want either one. Biden dropping out gave right leaning independents a lot better choice than Trump.

  11. This is very telling. This is something Democrats will never understand. Listening to a black woman explain why Kamala is not a black person shows an anger towards people who are not U.S. Black trying to pretend they are. I will always be never Trump, but we only win by accepting the truth about how all voters vote.

  12. Thank you, Republicans, for supporting Harris/Walz 2024!

  13. NO Dictators. NO Kings. NO Traitors. NO Project 2025. Who's with me?

  14. Donald Trump lauded a wealthy donor on whom he bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom as having gotten the "better" award compared to the top military honor, the Medal of Honor, because those recipients are often deceased or injured. (Yeah, asswipe, they took a bullet for you, you draft dodger!!!)

    1. That it is purely a military award is why Trump has a problem with it - it only goes to people who took actual risks on behalf of the country. And in Trump’s mind (what little he has), people who do that are suckers and losers.

      Again, his comment just shows us again what contempt he has for those who put their lives on the line for the United States.

  15. It appears that migrant apprehensions plunged by more than two-thirds in July from a year ago, to the lowest level of the Biden era, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics. Thank you, Joe Biden.

    1. Trump not talking about the border so much now. HA AHA HA

  16. He is SOOO unbelievably DISRESPECTFUL and IGNORANT!!!!

  17. I personally would like to see Trump in a uniform...prison garb picking up debris with a chain gang....

  18. And point out how a man who dodged the draft by faking bone spurs has zero concept of sacrificing for one’s nation.

    I mean seriously, how the FUCK does any veteran support this piece of shit? HOW?

    1. Even more disgusting is when Trump bestowed Medal of Freedom to of all people Rush Limbaugh. Yuck

    2. Well, it just may be that we have some veterans who are racists and bigots.

  19. He's just such a despicable thing, so disgusting. My great uncle died at 22 for this country, this makes me furious.

  20. Trump has just been forced to disclose in a new federal filing that his financials are in shambles, including having to pump up his income by listing that he earned $300k in Bible sales, owns crypto, lives off his Apprentice and Home Alone acting pension, and had to sell phony trading cards of himself just to make a living. Trump once again fraudulently failed to report the more than a BILLION in liabilities he owes, against a fraction of that in generated income.

  21. The fact that nobody in Trump's inner circle is conducting an intervention on his behalf is very sad.

    1. They may just be on the side of seeing him gone. You think? ha ha, ho ho and hee hee

  22. Trump and Vance are broken men, the damage is expressed in every interview. Vote Blue Harris/Walz 2024

  23. Trump will lose big time in November. Very Nice

  24. just because you vote for Harris in 2024 doesn’t make you a Democrat; it makes you a patriot.

  25. Donny Dementia is looking old. That will show at the Sept. 10 debate with Kamala Harris. He's 78+, balding and overweight!!!

  26. He is disgusting, disrespectful and just gross. Voting Blue from Cameron County.

  27. Her name will be President Harris in November!!!!!
    Let's do this y'all!!!

  28. I was a Republican for over 30 years. I'm voting for Harris/Walz and Blue all the way down the ballot. The Republican party no longer exists; it is now the putrid orange stench party.

  29. An Evangelical with some gravity to her name, the granddaughter of Billy Graham, finally voices what the rest of us have been thinking. How far are we going to let Trump wander from the teachings of Jesus before we say you have gone too far?

    It is time to cast him out and shun him as the unrepentant charlatan that he is.

    1. Evangelicals have thrown their weight around long enough.

  30. How can this man despise the people who swear their lives to protect the same country he’s running to represent?

    If he doesn’t get why people join the military, then he has no business running this country.

    Make it make sense.

  31. So, people are just now realizing Trump's a deeply unlikeable (and weird) person? It's been almost a decade already.......

  32. I see where it's all downhill for trump lately. Good!!!

  33. Very cool to see Bernie Sanders give Kamala her credit. Respect

  34. The Orange Toddler is doing himself in with his BIG MOUTH but nothing new for the sack of mule dumphas. I am sure the GOP has its regrets about endorsing this Bozo.

  35. Trump is a Russian asset

  36. Vance is BLOWING IT, but it's TRUMP's FAULT for picking him!!


  38. Vote out of office every politician who supports this criminal.

  39. Trump's public meltdown is better for my mood than anything produced by BigPharma!

  40. The fact that trump can even run for the presidency is beyond ridiculous, how much are trumps constant appeals costing the American people?! He’s disgusting.

  41. Donald rehires old campaign loser Cory Lewandowski to puff up his dying campaign. The same Lewandowski who had a year-long affair with the infamous Kristi Noem while they were both married.

    1. She's the one who shot her puppy, btw.

  42. my ONLY "BROWN JOB" is to vote BLUE in NOV

  43. Valley Mexicans for Harris/Walz!!!

  44. As a Republican, I will not vote for anyone who supports the new MAGA party. Count on it!!!

  45. It doesn't matter what state you live in or what the polls say: make sure you're voting for democracy in every single county in the country.

  46. Democrats open their 4-day convention on Monday. President Joe Biden will speak that same evening. LET'S GO!!!


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