Sunday, August 18, 2024

REPUBLICANS FEAR LOSING IT ALL:...Control Of The House Of Reps In Play......Kamala Harris's Rise Has GOP Spooked...Speaker Mike Johnson Says Signs Are "Ominous"......What's That About?......Abandoned Down-Ballot Republicans, Like Local Mayra Flores, Are Not Getting Financial Help...


McALLEN, Texas |...Democrats are preparing a monster advertising blitz ahead of the November 5th election, beginning a whopping $370 million media outlay on Labor Day. It eclipses previous spending by any party in any political campaign.

Presidential nominee Kamala Harris and her VEEP running mate Tim Walz open the party's national convention Monday in Chicago, buoyed by recent showings in national polls that have her ahead of troubled Republican Donald J. Trump.

And Republicans are worried. Openly.   

The energy Harris evident since President Joe Biden dropped out last month is spreading to down-ballot races.

The news website Politico reported Saturday that Democrats in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are feeling especially bullish about their chances in November thanks to the momentum Harris has been providing with her ascendancy.

While House Democrats in battleground districts were hesitant about tying their brands to Biden, they're now reportedly vying to have the opportunity to stump with her as they hit the home stretch of their own respective campaigns.

Republican Speaker of The House Mike Johnson labeled it an "ominous" development.

It's been a steady rise for the Harris/Walz ticket, while Republicans see their candidates - Trump and Ohio Junior Senator J.D. Vance - stuck as if in mud. They can't get any sort of edge on Harris/Walz lately.

It's still a dogfight, but it says something when Republicans admit a dramatic change for the worse in their Election Day fortunes.

President Joe Biden is the keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention tomorrow night. The four-day gathering will also feature speeches by stalwarts such as former President Barack Obama and both Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The continuing Harris/Walz surge is also expected to see a positive bump in the polls coming after the convention.

Harris/Walz listed ahead in polls taken in crucial states Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona.

In a shocker, Democrats in Florida insist their state is in play...



  1. We're dragging this weekend. Some changes in our working environment that were needed, but it took some time off this effort. Things are getting back to normal, however, so...As for the "Failed to publish" messages some readers report getting when submitting to our Comments feature, well, that seems to also be working itself out...

  2. Ha ha ha. At his rally in Pennsylvania, Trump said he was more attractive than Kamala Harris. This is who the Republican party has chosen to represent them. What the Hell is he talking about? Nothing of importance. This man has lost it for real. Vote Blue, America

  3. He does NOT CARE about Veterans. Listen up, Americans.

    1. Draft dodger. 5 deferments during Vietnam

  4. It's always good news when he starts to freak out, that's when you know you're getting under his skin

  5. He's doing less rallies cause he knows his smaller crowd size in the same venue/city will be compared to Kamala's larger crowds.

  6. Does Trump even have any mental strength left to have another collapse? And yeah, him claiming to be better looking than Kamala was just plain weird.

    1. He does know about orange makeup

  7. protect families by rejecting MAGA

  8. I'm Sick of trump!!
    I'm sure I'm not the only one who is sick of him.
    Trump is unhinged. Who says he is "prettier" than VP. Harris. He is awful person.

  9. Trump writing beautiful "love letters" to a dictator in North Korea while failing to get along with Canada and Germany is definitely kinda weird.

  10. Trump is okay with white Medicare and food stamps. Others not so much.

    1. Hispanic-surnamed recipients of Social Security to be axed, too? YIKES!!!

    2. I can see him doing that. Absolutely.

    3. You wouldn’t need to cut ANYTHING if you taxed millionaires/billionaires their fair share of taxes!!!!!!

  11. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!!! The American people love Lincoln Project. They tell the Truth about Frump

  12. Donald needs to throw in the towel, he is out of his mind and needs professional help.

    1. I've been saying that for years, since 2016! You been locked up or what?

    2. It bears repeating, El.

  13. Democrat Tim Walz has respect for everyone, women included. Trump has no respect for anyone.

    1. Not even for wife Melania. Ask Stormy Daniels.

  14. Trump's minions are gutless. At least acknowledge you hear what he says and you don't give a darn about what he says when it comes to race and racism. Own it rather than pretend you refuse to see and hear racist evils from Trump.

  15. From the time Trump downplayed the heroic actions of John McCain being captured and surviving the North Vietnamese POW camp for five years stating the John McCain was not a war hero: heroes don't get captured, he lost my vote. I proudly served my country as well as my father and grandfather and I cannot imagine any POW not being a hero.

    To me, him elevating the Medal of Freedom to a higher honor that the Medal of Honor is a blatant slap in the face to 3517 Medal of Honor Winners of which 618 were awarded posthumously.

    The freedoms we have would not be so without the sacrifices of the millions of men and women who served and are serving this great country. I for one cannot understand how any veteran could support Trump after degrading military veterans time after time.

    1. The Medal of Honor is incomparable. The Presidential Medal of Freedom could be an honor if the criteria for its award is followed, but too often it's just a political thank you. That definitely was the case for casino wife Miriam Adelson and radio blowhard Rush Limbaugh. Those awards cheapen the worth of the Medal of Freedom to zero.

  16. Donald Trump spokesperson Caroline Sunshine insulted teachers and veterans, too. Said teachers are not in full-time jobs.

  17. If a candidate (other than Trump) was a convicted felon, spewed nonstop hate & rambled on with senseless stories, his career would have ended in the primaries. Yet Trump has lowered the bar to the gutter with his repetitive childish vocabulary, which for some reason gets him a pass. These Republicans are not real Republicans; they are racist white supremacists!!!

  18. If the Trump's minions do not scare you, you better take a better look. The shifts in the polls are miniscule. Today one Trumper said " he is not my Valentine, but I am voting for him anyway. " A few weeks past one said, "Trump is an as.hole, but he is my as.hole" Do you get it? This level of hate is dangerous. For his supporters to see him for who he is, and will still vote for him, they must really hate everything Democrats stand for. They are expecting definitive action if he wins. I truly fear them, and the more Trump pushes his hate the more determined his supporters will be.

    1. Polls are not absolutes. You can't trust them either way, up or down for your candidate. Fact.

    2. Yes, polls are not absolute and can be very wrong. But they are consistent with the Trump base digging in. The Harris/Walt team needs to proceed with fear of these people who hate them so much. When Harris wins, they will need to put a wall around her, because Trump's supporters have no limits to what they will do. On Friday, Senate Majority Leader McConnell put before the Court of Appeals the argument Congress has absolute power to control the manage Congress. Will that include the House refusing to confirm the election of Harris?

  19. I enjoy your content VOTING AALLLL BLUE

  20. America is tired of Dump/MAGA and their nonsense! VOTE BLUE!!!

  21. Is JD Vance competing with Trump on how many lies he can spit out? Every time Vance opens his mouth, he sinks Donald Trump's imaginary ship.

  22. the American people are done with trump.

  23. Donald Trump has no idea what has hit him, and it’s a joy to watch. He’s had yet another horrible week. Old tricks aren’t working. Kamala does not fear him. It’s showing in the numbers.

  24. the latest Washington Post/ABC poll that shows a 60-point swing for Harris. Voters say Trump too old,

  25. Wait! What???? He literally said the reason for the stock market going up is because people believe he’s going to win???

    In his dreams!!!


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