Monday, August 19, 2024

OLD MAN, OLD TRICKS:...78-Year-Old Trump Has Nothing New...Fake Republican Grasping At Straws As Campaign Fizzles...Democrat Joe Biden Cut Him Down At The Knees...Rising Kamala Harris Shut Him Up...GOP Set To Lose Big Time...Mayra Flores Mum...


McALLEN, Texas |...They'd rather sink with racism and bigotry than tell their candidate to fuck off. As we like to say in Texas about losers, Republicans are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Cowardice on parade. Bang the drum slowly.

The Democratic National Convention begins today in Chicago. Four days of Harris/Walz pomp and circumstance. The party with the young candidates is riding a state of grace. Ever-cornered Republicans can do nothing but watch the fire burn down the house and barn.

It's a good time to be a Democrat in America.

The differences in our two major political party are as clear as a baby's eyes - Demos looking forward, Repubs looking backward. Yeah, what does Vegas say about the 2024 presidential election? Odds are quirky, but it's looking real good for the those looking to the future.

This nugget from a report at [ ". . .Trump's facing a problem he's never faced. In 2016, he was running against a very known quantity whom the right had been instructing Americans to hate for 25 years. In 2020, he was running against someone who'd been around for nearly 50 years. He's spent his time since losing that 2020 race sitting around thinking about his rematch with that opponent. And now, suddenly, he's running against someone else. And to his shock, the more America sees of her, so far, the more America kinda likes her."

Well, yeah. It more than seems so.

The election comes on November 5th and, yes, the word on the streets is that the mess after the election will be the biggest turn-off. Trump plans to contest the results if he loses (Republicans never bitch about election machinations when they win) and the word is that many of the federal judges he appointed may side with him, including the Republican-controlled U.S. Supreme Court.

We're up for that fight. It should make for some good newswriting, is what we've been telling friends and family.

Kamala Harris will win the election.

Donald Trump will cry like a baby.

And Donald Trump will fade from American politics like an old man beaten down by time and by what the French know as ennui.

He bored us to the end, yes...



  1. Good weekend after all. I'm off to meet my friends for breakfast at our favored restaurant. It's a good day for something or another, as I like to tell my galpal Laura. She knows. She winks. The DNC convention opens today in the Windy City. It should be a good day for news...

    1. Meanwhile over at the GOP HQ, falsified purchase orders for imaginary liquor at marked up prices skimmed by eight different campaign advisors and siphoned from donor funds into multiple Mar-a-Lago foreign bank accounts.

  2. Can't wait for the Silence of The Trumps.

    1. White trash good at grifting.

    2. Why is big mouth Marjorie Taylor Greene so quiet lately? Did the utility company turn off her power at the trailer park? LOL!!!

    3. I read somewhere she got a new boyfriend. Perhaps that's why she's on the down low. LMAO!!!

    4. I can picture her doing the down low, with vigor.

    5. She looks like a guy, sun-baked face of someone working a West Texas ranch. Not sexy at all.

    6. Stuff her big mouth with a beef injection!

  3. Joe Biden beat him four years ago. History tends to repeat itself if people don’t learn from it. Trump doing same old, same old. He'll lose again.

  4. The problem with Trump followers is they don’t have any concept of perspective. They go to a rally, with 2000 other drones. All drawn like moths to a flame. And think that is indicative of the greater population.

    They ignore the tens of thousands who don’t go.
    And aren’t inclined to go.
    And think it’s weird how people flock to hear Trump say the exact same thing for 2 hours.

  5. A couple more months and Trump will go away forever. VOTE Harris & Walz and keep America great!

  6. Donald Trump has actually helped the Democrats, simply by being so awful and alienating so many Americans.

    1. That's his act. Tiring, I know, but he knows nothing else.

  7. They say If you can’t say something good about a situation... then say nothing

    Trump is going to lose his ass.

    There. I said it. GOOD!

  8. Toxic Agent Orange and Slim Shady Vance and the entire GOP are ancient history. The republicans now have lots of time to rebuild and become relevant again, in 8 to 12 years or more.

    1. JD Vance still not defending his Indian wife from racist slop thrown at her by Right-wingers. Grow a pair, boy!!!

  9. Get this psychopath out of public life forever.

  10. It's the beginning of the end for Trump.

  11. When Donald Trump goes to jail, I will throw a Free Taco party at my house that will last for a week!!!

    1. it will be folks dancing in the street!

    2. El Valle going Big Blue!!!

    3. Are there enough tortillas in Brownsville for that?

    4. I'm good for a barrel of pico de gallo!!!

    5. Will it be two-tortilla tacos? That's the maker-breaker.

  12. And this year we have the Dobbs abortion decision that should bring a lot of women out and to our side and Project 2025 which should be scaring the daylights out of a lot of conservatives. We also have a joyful presidential candidate to help out. We need to put some resources into these less likely senate races in Montana and North Dakota since one or another of them might actually win.

  13. Republicans are asking their friendly Supreme Court to block 40,000 Arizonans from voting in November. Rethugs say these voters did not provide proof of citizenship. It's a weapon they intend to use everywhere now.

    1. Can't trust this activist supreme court.

    2. Another ploy to take away the right to vote for all Americans. People stay strong, and don't let these hateful people destroy our democracy. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does

  14. Trump’s got troubles. His campaign is careening, his poll numbers are slipping, and, after something of a summer lull, he is due for several confrontations in court. Sentencing Sept. 18th, for one.......

  15. Red States (Texas, are you listening?) should be called White States, 'cause that's what they're about, White Power.

  16. Shillbilly Vance is the best person to help sink trump's campaign. Keeping bringing up Jeffrey Epstein, JD! ha ha ha

  17. Vote Blue for Democracy, for America, for ourselves, for Justice. Blue Tide Wave.

  18. I’m no longer a Republican because of trump. Same with my entire family

    1. I (and family members) voted for Mayra Flores in the Dist. 34 race two years ago, but not this time. Sorry, Mayra. Your MAGA party is anti-America.

    2. Mayra who? I heard she went back to Mexico........

    3. Oh, next we'll hear that she's running for mayor of Los Indios, her hometown.

  19. Love the ENERGY of this party - tired of the lies and gaslighting that always comes from the Republican party.

  20. Daytime talk show host Phil Donahue dead at 88
    He reportedly died surrounded by loved ones, including his wife Marlo Thomas, Sunday night.

  21. Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the granddaughter of the legendary Cesar Chavez, who co-founded the United Farm Workers union, has been named campaign manager by Kamala Harris.

    Big plus for Hispanics


    1. Well, you're forgetting Republican loser Mayra Flores. ja ja ja ja

  23. Far-Right influencers are turning against Trump’s Campaign

    The Washington Post reports they want new leadership and harder-line policy positions. And they want Usha Vance off the ticket. She's from India and not exactly White Supremacy material.

  24. Once we get rid of trump, we have to get rid of FOX News or this will just keep happening over and over. Trump could not exist without Fox News.

    1. Keep the abortion issue on the front burner!!!

    2. Women will rock this vote coast to coast!!

  25. The Press has the Trump Campaign’s E-mails.

    Why haven’t we seen them?

    The media went berserk over Hillary Clinton’s leaked e-mails in 2016. But when Trump campaign messages leaked this year, standards changed. Why?

  26. Former Republican congressman George Santos expected to plead guilty to fraud

    Santos will be in court this afternoon. He has been charged with defrauding his campaign donors and lying to government agencies.

    1. Santos is a has-been. Grifter. Republican faker.

  27. Trump is losing in Florida polling? GREAT!! Does that mean we can lose Proud Boy DeSantis too? It appears the Sunshine State is tired of Trump's act. Expect Jeb Bush to announce for governor soon. LOL!!!

  28. The Democratic Party kicks off its convention today in Chicago with its candidate for President as the favorite to win in November. It’s a remarkable turnaround from when former President Donald Trump entered the Republican National Convention a month ago, with the betting odds in his favor and leading the polls by a comfortable margin.

    - TIME Magazine

  29. On Florida, where Trump was beating Biden decisively, a survey from USA Today and Suffolk University released this week shows Harris trailing the former president by 5 percentage points – a smaller margin than many previous polls, and one that fell within the survey’s margin of error. Another poll from Florida Atlantic University’s Political Communication and Public Opinion Research Lab showed Trump leading Harris by just 3 percentage points.

  30. If you listen to Trump, you would think the USA is the worst place in the world to live. There are those who are fighting to give ten-year-old kids free school lunches. And then there are those who are fighting to force ten-year-old kids to give birth.
    The choice is yours, dear US citizens. HARRIS/ WALZ 2024

  31. The Texas Public Policy Foundation, an American conservative think tank based in Austin, contributed to the content of Project 2025.

    1. Of course. We have our own clowns here, too.

    2. Did Guv. Abbott get over not being looked-at by Trump for VP? I mean he was totally ignored!!!

  32. In Hush Money trial news, prosecutors leave decision on delaying Trump’s sentencing up to Judge Juan Merchan.

    Lawyers for Donald J. Trump had asked to move the sentencing in his Manhattan criminal case to after the election. In a letter, prosecutors disputed many of their arguments. It's still scheduled for Sept. 18th.

  33. Can we count on Brownsville to VOTE BLUE?
    It's 94% Mexicans, but odd in politics.

    1. Republican Harlingen is the one to watch closely.

    2. I'd say McAllen is evenly split, 50-50, on this election, although I could be wrong. The city has attracted many, many professionals who may sway it to the Democrats.

    3. McAllen's mayor is a Republican.

    4. True on McAllen's mayor, but he's a RINO

  34. Trump is lying to the U.S. Military
    He demonstrates contempt for Americans in uniform while claiming to adore them - but wants service members to "revolt" for him at the ballot box.

    1. Vietvet here. No veteran I know is voting for dumbass Trump.

    2. Trump has a Black Heart and that's the medal he should get.

  35. Drumpf is yesterday's news. He needs to go.

  36. Russian pundit urges nuclear strikes on New York and London, says Newsweek Magazine

  37. If Taylor Swift performs at the DNC Trump will go out of his mind. I hope it happens.

    1. That would be soooooo-oh huge!!!

  38. Kamala is making one big strategic break from Hillary Clinton

    She’s not highlighting the historic nature of her candidacy.

  39. Someone call H-E-B. Kroger pledges to slash grocery prices by $1 billion

    Senators Elizabeth Warren and Robert P. Casey, Jr. worry grocery stores will "squeeze consumers to increase profits"

    1. GOOD luck with that. Grocery prices never come down.

    2. I saw one report where rents were also starting to come down. That would be big here in the Rio Grande Valley.

  40. You say momentum.
    I say Kamalamentum!!!

  41. How about Independents for Harris? Independent here voting to save our Democracy!

    1. Evangelicals coming around slowly but surely.

  42. A grown man running for president talking about who’s better looking, it’s a pathetic situation we are in

    1. It's Trump, still clowning around. He's just a tad better looking than dried-out dog shit

  43. My wife is now laughing like Kamala Harris. Love it!!!

    1. LMAO!!! Is this going to be a trend?

    2. Kamala Harris has a beautiful laugh. And Trump is jealous because Melania never laughs.

    3. Leave it to a moron to criticize a woman's laugh. Says all you need to know about this fool.

  44. Retired federal appeals court Judge J. Michael Luttig, a prominent conservative legal scholar put on the bench by Republican President George H.W. Bush, is endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Donald Trump, whose candidacy he describes as an existential threat to American democracy.

  45. I worry about the Supreme Court. The Republicans on this increasingly corrupt court will never turn their backs on their equally corrupt and traitorous benefactor.

  46. As I said to you at the restaurant this morning, anyone who is still Maga at this point is beyond help!!

    1. Poor people's pride, man. that's all it is.

  47. Once Trump tells everyone he wants to end Social Security it will be an easy win for Harris.

    1. True. But this should be talked about more. It may be being left behind as an issue.

  48. Sentencing in NY on Sept. 18th. It begins there.

  49. Donald Trump and his campaign are fishing for any angle of attack to slow the momentum that the Kamala Harris-Tim Walz ticket has gained in recent weeks, but that's easier said than done when you have someone as effective in his messaging as Tim Walz is.

  50. Since the only message Trump and Vance are putting forth is one of hatred and anti-American BS, and they since both are serial liars, neither of them will ever speak to small groups about anything that matters.

    1. I'd like to see them hold a rally at a low-rent Redneck trailer park. that would be hilarious!

  51. Even Democratic candidates in the toughest battleground turf are begging the Harris-Walz campaign to get them on the trail. Walz is already in discussions with multiple down-ballot candidates about setting up joint political events. One idea from the Minnesota governor and former football coach: attending a series of Friday night high school football games in key districts, according to two people familiar with the discussions.

  52. Trump talking policy? You have GOT to be fu*king joking.

    1. I wonder if he understands the irony of rambling about not rambling.

  53. Trump said to be prepping for Sept. 10th debate with Harris. The dude hasn’t successfully debated anyone or anything, even when his opponent was lost and bewildered. Trump suddenly having debate skills, or leadership skills, or presidential qualifications is never happening.

    1. The best offense against Trump in a debate is to just laugh at him. If he makes a ridiculous claim, laugh. If he tells a bold face lie, laugh. If he starts name calling, laugh. The biggest thing bullies hate is to be laughed at. Keep calling him weird too. His advisors and rehearsal people don’t have the nerve to laugh at him in practice debates. I predict a meltdown.

  54. President Biden will be remembered for beating Trump twice, once by running and again by bowing out. George Washington applauds you, Mr. President. What you did is impressive, and it took a man to do what you did for the country. Your opponent could never do it.

  55. The only Presidential debate I will have ever watched in 70 years will be this next one. Trump is going to be funnier than the Hawk Tuah girl and that break-dancing Olympian put together. Been anticipating him having a massive coronary event and that just may be the night. Definitely NOT going to miss it!

  56. Question here which Harris will be at the debate. The lawyer DA Harris who ruthless and knows how to bring down criminals and make them squirm or we going get the politician Harris who wants to project a more friendly version. Honestly if we get both she will destroy him. What Harris needs to do is be that DA hammering Trump and give a closing arguments every chance she gets but as she doing it be what we are seeing now an upbeat politician who believes in the country and want to keep it out of the hands of people behind the Project 2025, aka Trump! She needs to ensure that he is weird at every point. When he says her name wrong, she needs to say her name and tell him stop being weird about my name. If he brings up her race, she needs to tell him she is both and proud of her heritage and stop being weird that she proud to be both black and Indian. She calls him weird enough he's going flipped and lose it on live TV. Hillary Clinton was too kind and nice. She was being too much a politician of playing a fair game. Harris though I think will get under his skin and make him flip out. If Trump avoids the question and go on a rant when her turn just say, "Weird you could not answer the question, but I will." Just bringing up weird as much as possible but also sticking to answer the questions will destroy him for good!

    1. She’s convinced me over the last few weeks that she’ll make a great president!

  57. Trump posts fake photo of Kamala supposedly at a Communist party event, but, from the back, it looks more like Melania. Nothing going right for El Cheeto.

    1. that be Cheeto in the picture addressing the Communist party. he has already gotten millions from them and so has his family.

    2. He's lost it. So have the people who go to his rallies.

  58. No one hates America as much as Donald Trump

  59. WOW!
    Didn't know of Walz before this summer, but I like him.

  60. Former Republican Rep. Barbara Comstock (Va.) said Sunday that she will vote for Vice President Harris for president, marking the latest former GOP lawmaker to break from the party’s support of former President Trump.

    "After Jan. 6, after Donald Trump has refused for four years to acknowledge that he lost, and his threats against democracy, I think it’s important to turn the page," Comstock said during a CNN interview. "That’s why I will be voting for the vice president."

  61. We're determined to vote Trump out!

    Let’s end this nonsense. So tired of him. So tired of the hate and the lies and the name-calling.

  62. As a veteran, I'm only voting Blue. We veterans remember how republicans tried to deny us the Pact Act.

  63. Donald Trump falsely claims Taylor Swift’s endorsement with garbage AI-Generated posts. Is there anyone more stupid than this A-hole?

  64. What people don't understand is that Trump supporters don't want policy, solutions or a vision for America's future. They want to be ENTERTAINED. Concerts, theme parks, etc. cost money. Trump rallies are free. It's the only entertainment they can afford on their government checks.

  65. I predict after Harris/Trump debate Sept 10 then Walz/Vance debate Oct 1 Trump/Vance and MAGA will be crushed.

  66. If he's so smart, why doesn't he show it?

    1. He's not smart, but he does have a criminal mind.

    2. Where's Melania?

  67. Trump campaign has new strategy: misinformation. No surprise, but there it is. Like claiming that Taylor Swift had endorsed Donald.

  68. What a joke. He’s begging for cash all the time, at today's rally too. No shame.

  69. Trump in speech in York, PA. today. Very low energy. Compare the campaign speeches with Kamala's. He knows he's lost this race.

  70. Overweight Trump just rambling now. No sign of an executive edge. he's prettier than Kamala? Like we care, although he does wear more makeup than she does.

  71. Kamala: Young and vibrant

    Trump: Old and bitter

  72. Hey, MAGA, your Old Geezer is going down and going down hard and that's before he gets to prison.

  73. After all the viciousness, the vindictive name calling, the lies upon lies upon lies, the humongous ego, the convicted felon, convicted rapist, convicted fraudster and multiple bankrupts is FINALLY getting a taste of his own medicine. Well done, Lincoln Project. Trump is threatening a lawsuit after the most recent Lincoln Project Ad. Lincoln Project fires back: "We'll probably do an Ad after you die!" LMAO!!!


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