Tuesday, August 20, 2024

THE POLLS:....Crunch Time....There's A New Voters Survey Almost Every Day Now...Who's Up And Who's Down...Whether To Believe Them...Apparently Good News For Hot Democrat Kamala Harris...Republicans Only Believe Polls That Have Them Winning...


McALLEN, Texas |...No one's dancing in the end zone yet. There are still two months to go before the election. But swing state news has it that Democrat Kamala Harris is slowly stretching her lead over fake Republican Donald J. Trump.

Daily polls at this point in the campaign are crucial for campaign managers and planners.

They will react, either favorably when the news is good and not so favorably when it is bad. It's to be expected when campaigns surge or fall. It happens.

But this is what former President George W. Bush strategist Matthew Dowd wrote via X: "Brand new ABC News poll out this AM has Harris up 6 over Trump among likely voters. Independents have moved from Trump up by 4 to now Harris up by 11! Harris favorability is 45/44, net +1. Trump favorability is 35/57, net -22! He is lower today than when he lost in 2020."

Time for an aspirin, Donald?

You could get him a whole bottle. It's bad news all around for the Mar-a-Lago dude.

Democrats are partying in Chicago through Thursday at their national convention. Candidate Harris will be crowned Thursday night. If Day One, yesterday, is any indication of what's coming, well, wave those towels in the stands and wait for that end zone touchdown dance.

President Joe Biden spoke last night, and it was a laudable send-off of the Harris/Walz 2024 ticket. No sign of anger, rancor or whatever anyone expected after his unexpected departure from the presidential race in mid-July.

Biden was gracious and well-spoken.

Republicans, meanwhile, were still pretty much mum on Trump's dizzied style of campaigning. It is a rather unorthodox approach in that all he does is repeat his same lines of attack without merging into policy or issues of the day.

Trump has made it a "personality" campaign, his popularity versus Harris's, his looks versus Harris's, his crowd sized versus Harris's.

It's not working, he is being told - to no avail.

The convention will deliver a certain bump for Harris/Walz 2024.

Next up down the road is that Sept. 10th debate between Harris and Trump.

Followed by the Sept. 18th sentencing of Trump in New York for the Hush Money Trial conviction...



  1. It's a still life watercolor. Oh, wait. That's from a Paul Simon song. But it could apply, yes. This 2024 presidential campaign is full of imagery. You can take one photo and say it sets the tone for the day, most every day. That's the beauty of following it, isn't it?...

  2. Nice write-up. I, myself, am delighted to see nutjob Trump in a tailspin, because I'm a patriot who believes in the Constitution. let's retire this clown once and for all!!!

  3. Trump CLAIMS Taylor Swift's Endorsement, BUT There's A PROBLEM....ha ha.

    1. Big problem. She DID NOT endorse Orange Blob.

    2. Taylor Swift will endorse Kamala Harris soon!!! Bank it.

  4. “I love my job, but I love my country more...” - President Biden at his DNC convention speech. Total class.

  5. DAY TWO of Democrats convention: The day’s theme will be "A Bold Vision for America's Future." Speakers will include former President Barack Obama, former first lady Michelle Obama, second gentleman Doug Emhoff, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and "The View" host Ana Navarro

    1. Ana Navarro will skewer Trump. She absolutely loathes him!!!

    2. Ana Navarro is a Republican from Florida.

  6. ..............Harris/Walz 2024!!...........

    ..............Make America SMILE Again!!..........

    --------- I Approve this Message---------

    1. Women are going to laugh and dance....and Lil MAGAs are going to cry me a river. LOL!!!

  7. Way to kick an own goal, Donald. Even if Taylor Swift was planning to stay silent, she can't now. She has no option but to come out publicly against Trump. He lied and said she endorsed him!

    Trump's stupidity knows no bounds.

    1. Hey, Trump, do you really think you are better looking than Ms. Harris?

    2. They're about equal on applying makeup.

  8. I'm 83, have followed politics and foreign affairs since my late teens, and have NEVER seen/heard a more clear-headed, grounded explainer than Pete Buttigieg. A Democratic Party treasure, a national resource, one of the smartest people. Thanks, Pete.

  9. I still say abortion is the issue this election. Republicans position on abortion is ludicrous. Clearly, the best position is that choice is with the individual. It's the most democratic and the least discriminatory. But God....

  10. This was my first time ever watching the DNC and I laughed, cried and cheered, it was the best and I can't wait for Night 2 of the DNC

    1. Joe Biden got a rousing ovation from Democrats as he gave Harris an enthusiastic endorsement. Love it!!!

  11. Wow!! Mexico and USA with women presidents - they'll fix the border shit on Day One.

    1. That will be a nice story as it unfolds - for both countries

  12. Old DJT will do a town hall on FOX News because he can rule the roost with them, he knows he can say anything he pleases even tell more lies, make up more trash calling and get away with it.............FOX and DJT are two of a kind, useless and meaningless.

  13. He calls American heroes "suckers and losers".
    He has no love of the US Constitution and only believes in himself.
    That's what goes for patriotism in today's GOP.

  14. Trump probably yelling at his TV. lol

    1. Uh, I thought I heard Mayra yelling at hers.

  15. When the pandemic hit, we needed leadership, but we were given almost nothing. It was a major betrayal to the country.

    I finally stepped outside the MAGA echo chamber, I stopped listening to what Trump said and looked around with my own eyes. And I realized that he had been lying about pretty much everything.

  16. Texas Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett didn't come to play. She took no prisoners at last night's DNC speech. She keeps it real all the way. Love her frankness!

    1. Her speech was dynamic and electric. Crockett is going places. She has a very good future.

  17. I’m a former MAGA member. I voted for Obama in 08 and 12 and voted for trump in 16. I will never in my life waste my vote on trash like that ever again.

  18. Anyone voting for Trump, after everything we know, has lost their way. It doesn’t matter what your political affiliation is. It’s a matter of decency, and if you still stand by Trump, you have NONE.

  19. This election is about the American people, not Donald Trump. Most of us are sick of Donald Trump and wish he would go away.

  20. We had an hour-long Internet service interruption, but we seem be back online now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  21. It's WAAAY past Trump's jail time! For the love of all we hold most dear as Americans, lock him up!

  22. If you believe either party, you've drank the Kool-Aid.

    1. Red, second thoughts on Trump? LOL!!!

    2. He was always the wuss around here. Probably applied for and got food stamps, so now he hates Trump.

    3. @12:28 You win the Internet!!!

    4. When exactly do Magas think America was great?

    5. History is not their strongpoint. They just know how to get to Walmart from the trailer park

    6. RED HAT is a give-up. Sort of knew it.

  23. Last night was the example of America that I know we are. It was awesome!! Thank you Joe for all you have done and will continue do for this country. We are definitely not going back!

  24. The Democratic National Convention features 3 former presidents, vice presidents, and candidates. Meanwhile the Trump National Convention features only 1 former president, himself, and no former vice presidents or nominees of his party. That should speak volumes.

  25. Trump's lead in Pennsylvania is gone. Vance's solution: Just don't believe it. No, really.

  26. Former Trump voter: Trump is "lying about pretty much everything"

  27. Hillary, so sorry about 2016. Had America chosen presidents by popular vote instead of electoral college you most definitely would have won. You deserved better. You warned America and they didn't listen hopefully 100million people will and they will reject Trump once again.

  28. Hey, Valley: ​​action-register one person, drive that person to a polling station, cover their shift so they can go vote, babysit their kids. Let's win!!!

  29. Kellyanne Conway’s Daughter Shows Up DNC - Jabs Mom and Trump

  30. Life without trump will be awesome!

  31. America, we have made the collective and final decision to vote Trump out

  32. It’s all the same bullshit. Just keep repeating the same lie over and over and over, then constantly declare victory, even when one loses.

    So tired of this childish bullshit. I don’t wish ill-will to anyone but the day the former guy leaves this mortal coil (because it’s inevitable), I’m raising a drink in toast.

  33. Florida is in a race to the bottom!

    Crazy people

    1. It’s just still insanity that DeSantis believed he could sail past Trump in the Primary - or dream of being his VP pick. Instead, he dragged his sorry ass back to Florida.

  34. North Brownsville backing Trump!!!

    1. Is there a difference between north and south Brownsville now? LOL!!!

    2. LOL!!! You'd never know it in that town.

  35. As a legal immigrant, I can tell you that my wife and I had no inclination of ever voting. We were happy being just permanent residents without voting rights. We went that way for over ten years. It wasn't until Bush came along with his band of crooks and bigots that we were finally pushed to the edge. We were inspired to become naturalized citizens and start putting the boot to Eh hole Republicans. We wanted to vote for Obama round 2. It took about a year and a bit to become naturalized citizens. Every day is just another fear mongering delusional nightmare scenario of what's wrong with America from present day Republicans.

  36. A Trump ad against Harris/Walz that is misleading?
    I'm shocked! SHOCKED!
    Well, not that shocked.

  37. Makes me sick hearing this pathetic lying convict already PUT IT IN JAIL ALREADY.

    1. "It" is right. Inhuman bastard.

  38. No one is talking about this Trumps deportation plan of 12 million immigrants. These people pay cities sales tax, rents that allow owner pay property tax, gasoline tax, state taxes. Where does this money go...to pay police, firefighters, teachers, Street repairs. ALSO, who is gonna plant, harvest, and process the food we eat. Think about it, Americans.

  39. But But.. I want to implement my evil Project 2025 so I can own you all and fleece our government.

  40. An unprecedented number of Republicans are set to take the Democratic National Convention stage this week, including former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Mesa (AZ) Mayor John Giles, former Trump admin staffer Stephanie Grisham and former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan. Can Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney be far behind? Wow!!!

  41. Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett is SUCH a damn icon man! She's hilarious, she's endlessly quotable, she's professional, she knows her stuff, and she isn't afraid to call out some BS when she sees it! She DESTROYED Trump with her DNC Speech last night!

  42. The end is near for this failed man.

  43. The former president and convicted felon’s cronies are making moves to undermine and even sabotage November’s election in Republicans’ favor. Several of them are working as election officials in key states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, and they’re looking to Trump and his campaign for direction. Supporters of democracy will have to be vigilant to ensure that the results are free and fair in less than three months.

  44. It blows my mind that Trump, who as a candidate for President in 2020 refused to accept the valid results of an election he lost, even stands a chance this time around, considering that a candidate's refusal to accept valid election results is one of the most common ways Democracies die. I suspect many of his supporters are simply unaware of that history.

  45. I am so excited for the direction our county is taking now that Kamala and Tim are in the race. We can survive this if we come together. It's time for change and I refuse to let the ex-president intrude in my life any longer. Donald Trump can keep his hate. I'm focusing on the good things, and they do exist despite all the hate. I happen to like it here in "our" America and I'm going to start acting like it. I kindly invite anyone to join me...it's not hard if you try. Joy beats hate every time. Vote for JOY, we "all" deserve it. Reject the hate.

  46. Trump sounds heavily sedated. But, hey, why are cops in uniform standing next to a 34-time convicted felon talking about law and order? Disgusting!!!

  47. Donald Trump's legacy has been cast in stone, not alongside the four presidents carved into Mount Rushmore, but through his inherent idiocy. Trump's legacy will be found among the back pages of America's history books and will be regarded as one of the worst mistakes that was ever made by the people looking to form a more perfect union.

  48. Whatever happened to RFK, Jr? talk about a quick fade.

  49. Trump is done. Unless he’s winning and being adored, he losses all interest.

    This is how a defeated child bully behaves!

  50. Thanks for reminding everybody of what is going on. People forget so fast.

  51. ​​I saw a short clip of Trump with the cops behind him, I was hoping for the handcuffs

  52. Took care of a parent with dementia the final years of their life. Trump sounds all too familiar. It's sad. But I still want him jailed for his crimes. The legal system, however, runs for the chicken switch over and over again.

    1. Just consider the source, he’s a no class, ignorant, arrogant child.

  53. When all that mindless adulation from the MAGA crowd goes silent, that freak of nature will wither away.

  54. I think Harris and Walz are more likely to ask for everything they want, but accept what they can get, especially if Congress turns out to be Republican this year. I’m looking for people who can truly govern, not just self-serving people who have ideological standards.


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