Wednesday, August 21, 2024

THE LAST ROUND:...Most Of Hell About To Break Out...Crazed Republicans Have Burned The House Down...Creeps And Weirdos Have Killed The Grand Old Party...Sale Of Blue Suits & Red Ties Plunging... Down Ballot Republicans Like Mayra Flores Now Resigned To Defeat...


McALLEN, Texas |...The ending will be a noisy affair. Stories of long-term fights, as in wars and adultery, bring us the great conclusions. I did enjoy Hitler's last moments as much as I got a kick out of reading about Stormy Daniels and her account of that "quickie" with very-married Donald J. Trump.   

Republicans are good at whining, and, boys, look for them to elevate it to full-out disgust after the November election.

It's their badge of discourage.

Democrats are partying in Chicago this week. Their four-day national convention is going great guns. Just ask Steve Kerr, the head coach of the Golden State Warriors and our recent gold medal-winning Paris Olympics basketball squad. He was there to speak for Democrats, to energize the crowd. So was former president Barack Obama last night. He threw out a rousing a speech, one Coach Kerr might have labeled an emphatic poster dunk.

It's onto November 5th!

And Democrat Kamala Harris has the cash. Since President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid last month, Harris' campaign has raised $500 million, according to CNBC News.

The news outlet reports, Harris' "political operation raised $310 million in July alone, with more than $200 million of that sum coming in after Biden’s withdrawal."

The campaign expects to see the cash haul reach a whopping $600 million by next month.

It's big money.

Most of it will go for advertising, which is why greedy newspapers and broadcast outlets play both sides of the fence in national elections.

What we're seeing and reading of late tells us Donald Trump is in trouble. Polls have saddled him with a new perception, of him struggling to stay up with the more-energetic Harris/Walz ticket. Will he keep spinning to the ground? Who knows? Maybe reclusive Melania Trump will deliver the next Big Story. He's kept her under wraps, or will it be something else - like his sentencing on Sept. 18th in that Hush Money Trial conviction?

The dogs are barking louder at Mar-a-Lago.

Yeah, they're the ones in the blue suits and red ties...



  1. To paraphrase a memorable movie line, "I love the smell of defeat in morning." I dunno, I dunno. It just looks bad for Republicans. Part of it is the wild ascent by the Democrats in this presidential race. And part of it is because of the clear fall of one Donald J. Trump and his lackluster running mate...It can't be just me seeing that...

  2. Whenever Trump says: "The world is laughing at us", they're actually laughing at HIM!

  3. "Donald Trump the provocateur, the showman, will not win this election." - Republican sen. Lindsey Graham

    1. Trump is rapidly destroying the GOP! I am long term conservative. I want no part of the current craziness.

  4. Are down ballot Republicans hurting for cash? The Republican National Committee not only allowed, but they applauded Trump when he installed his own daughter in law to run the RNC. The very first thing she said was that every penny of the RNC war chest was going straight to Donald Trump - for paying his debts in his numerous PERSONAL legal cases.

  5. Any Republican who votes in 2024 is conceding that 2020 was a free and fair election. Otherwise, why vote, right? LOL!!!

  6. Obama gave a great speech last night. Love this man, and so does America. We had 8 years, elected his VP, and now it's time to elect his VP's VP. It has never happened before. What a legacy!

  7. Trump now blaming Mexico for his shooting.

    1. is Mexico paying for the shooting? ja ja ja

    2. Isn't Republican Mayra Flores from Mexico? Guess she'll be paying for it.

    3. @8:21 What is she doing lately? Mayra is so quiet. Is she out of cash? Too bad. Vicente will win District 34 by a wide margin!!!

  8. It's over for Donald, he has no idea how hard he is going to lose this time around, he has insulted to many and is not a solution.

  9. America will be better off with a president focused on the people instead of their mirror.

    1. Don-Old saying he is more attractive than Kamala is so Gay. What other man would say that? He's at the age when all men go GAY.

  10. And one of the things I liked a great deal about President Obama’s speech was that he kept it on topic. He didn’t let the "Yes we can" and other nostalgia overtake his message for the night. He alluded to the "fired up and ready to go", but then moved on. He brings the political knockout punches with a velvet covered fist. Nobody does it better (still)!

  11. I had some wonderful teachers in McAllen but, wow, I wish I’d had even ONE with Tim Walz’s enthusiasm!

  12. Congratulations to Republicans who have escaped the MAGA cult. That took honesty, intelligence and bravery. Kudos!

    1. My mom and dad are back with the Democrats. And there are NO yard signs for Trump in the neighborhood this time.

  13. President Obama eviscerated Trump as "a 78-year-old billionaire who hasn’t stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago."

    1. Total class. Michelle Obama also spoke. What a couple!!!

  14. FOX NEWS is desperate! Maga fools don't like them because they are not crazy enough and everyone else knows that FOX is propaganda and lies

  15. I am so sick of these GOP idiots telling us we didn't hear what we heard. Vote Blue!!!

    1. Trump is too old. Women won't go for a throwback candidate. Not today.

    2. Abortion is the issue that will sink Trump. Keep women's rights alive!!!

  16. C’mon man, everyone knows getting a medal for donating money to Trump is far more honorable than dying or doing something heroic for your Country.

    1. Hat, you're back with the GOP, I see. Wishy-washy, as always. Get a spine, dude!!!

    2. Hat is a pretender. Hot air is his bag.

    3. Everyone is a Big Dog at the keyboard, vato. Right?

  17. Republicans see their job as to tear govt down. But they are the first ones on the phone when they need something (hurricane, tornado, flood damage) and the first to blame govt when things go wrong.

  18. Republican Mesa, Arizona Mayor John Giles should be admired for his courage and bravery.
    Thank you, Mayor Giles. Your speech at the DNC was fantastic!
    I hope you inspire other Republicans to be as courageous.

  19. Can you imagine Trump and Melania sitting together watching the DNC convention? Ketchup would be flying all over the walls.

    1. It looks like she does not like being anywhere near him. Something about how he smells.

  20. Bernie Sanders is an American first, and politician second. He gave a great speech!!!

  21. Hillary was bloody electric!!!!

  22. It is very telling that some of the Fox news talking heads such as Hannity and Waters are now saying that the polls are not honest when they show Harris leading Trump. Mind you, these are the same polls that these "news entertainers" were proud of when those same polls showed Trump leading Biden five and six weeks ago.

  23. I'm wondering what right-wing media has to say about all the GOP speakers at the DNC. Are they all now RINOs?

  24. The most ironic thing is FOX really wants the Democrats to win as they can only exist to their viewership in context of constant conflict.

  25. Trump should campaign on:

    Trump for prison 2024

    Might go much better for him.

  26. The problem is there is no message. He would have to refute all that he claims he stands for, call out House Republicans for holding the US Government hostage since he lost in 2020. I see no way that Trump will do any of these things and his chances of winning are rapidly diminishing.

  27. There are about 200 or so articles about Republican leaders and congressman saying Trump needs to be more disciplined? Really? Trump didn't change at all, the situation has changed away from his favor and now they're trying to teach their crazy attack dog discipline! Without Hillary Clinton's baggage or President Biden obvious decline, they are stuck with Trump's same tired song and dance. So, if they lose the House and the Senate, it serves them right for aligning themselves with that whole MAGA cult

  28. Yo, this DNC was lit! I know I'm a millennial and haven't seen many, but it felt like a party with powerful people having a good time while getting our message across loud and clear. On the other hand, the RNC looked like a funeral. Vote blue, man! Harris and Walz all the way! We got this, America!

  29. We have a great nation. I am proud to live here, and proud of our country. Any politician claiming we are a third world country has no place here period.

  30. He's just trying to stay out of prison. Poor dude is panicked.

  31. Trump is so old and foolish it's embarrassing and WEIRD. Trump should have stepped down putting what's best for the country over his selfishness for power.

    Trump said many weird and stupid things that MAGAs had to explain what Trump meant. Problem is what we are told what Trump meant isn't what Trump said. This is the state of the MAGA world.

  32. He claimed Taylor Swift endorsed him? LIE!!! What a loser!!!

  33. When Obama took that stage, he seemed presidential. Maybe it was because he didn't talk about windmills, sharks or the "Late Great Hannibal Lecter". Maybe it's because he didn't lie about his crowd size or pretend that Taylor Swift loves him. Classy and adult-like.

  34. Donald Trump, trying to get a war started in the United States against the United States. He's the cancer!!!

  35. Mr. Editor, I've got to know.....Where you got the notion. Rock the boat!!!

  36. After last night's DNC speeches, who wouldn’t back the Democratic Party of positivity and hope. The republicans are just too darn negative and boring.

  37. Love Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett. She's smart and sassy, not shallow and uneducated like some GOP women we know.

  38. Michelle Obama was of the classiest First Ladies ever. Melania was the polar opposite.

  39. I find it interesting that in my case, I have never ever seen or thought of trump as a viable candidate for president. In 2016 when he was elected, I took the high road and told myself that as a fair person I had to give him a chance, so I did for about a week when it became clear there was no way he was fit for the office. The next four years proved my hunch to be true. And I was a 40-year Republican at the time. Not any more for sure.

  40. I for one can say that we all want Michael Cohen to speak at the DNC. I wish you could!

  41. ALL of Trump’s cabinet members need to be coming out and exposing Trumps lies and deception.

  42. What grown man says that they are better looking than a woman?

  43. The Democrat national convention featured the Obamas.
    The Republican national convention featured Hulk Hogan.
    Need I say more…

  44. Trump mocks everyone and gets offended when someone lashes back he cries. He is so boring. Stale. Fizzles. Just sad. Plain sad

    1. He sure likes to dish it, but he sure can't take it. What a wimp.

  45. So tired of hearing about Trump. He talks to himself all the time. Let him sit in a prison and talk to himself 24/7.

  46. We would have had a better chance if Trump didn't pick JD Vance who is a total dork. Now we are going to get 4 years of democrats

  47. Do not feel sorry for Donald Trump no matter how severe his mental decline becomes, he's more than earned everything negative happening in his life

  48. As a 66-year-old lifelong conservative/ ex- REPUBLICAN PARTY SUPPORTED AND!!!, 23 YEARS VETERAN I am taking my old ass to vote for madam president Kamala Harris. I couldn't never vote for a convicted criminal who insults military honors. Donald Trump and his MAGA CULT POLITICAL APPARATUS are going to be a dark historical footnote.

  49. RGV Women Vets for Kamala/Walz 2024!!!

  50. We do owe VP Mike Pence for doing his job on Jan. 6, 1021 & standing up against dictator Trump!!


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